Harry's Ultimatum

"I hate you!" Lucius fumed, knowing that Potter was right. If he accused Potter of attacking him then he'd be a laughing stock, his name would be associated with getting beat up by a twelve year old.

"Besides, you want to make accusations, I can do the same with you and this Slytherin monster bullshit."

"You have no proof!"

"I don't need proof." Harry laughed as if there was a simple joke that Lucius didn't understand. "You're so simple, Lucius. I don't need proof when my mere name attracts the public like moths to flames. Now, I've got at least ninety percent of the school wishing to make amends and/or gain my favour. I wonder how well that will translate over to their parents? It would just take me a few words, Lucius, to have a great amount of people looking in your direction.

Think about it, you were accused of being a death eater years ago. Now imagine what would happen if Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived and savior of Hogwarts, claimed that you were the one responsible for releasing Slytherin's monster. I might not be able to nail you with something but do not for a moment think that I can't make your life difficult." Harry said in a low and threatening voice.

Lucius stared into the cold green eyes of Harry Potter and he could not help but be reminded of another, he could not help but be reminded of the dark lord. He, much like Potter was doing now, could command silence and respect through power and mere words.

"Tell me, did you even know what the diary would do?" Harry asked suddenly, Lucius blinked in surprise, not entirely sure what Harry was talking about. "It unleashed Slytherin's monster, do you know what that monster was?"

"I'm sure that you will enlighten me." Lucius said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I will. But first..." Harry paused and punched Lucius in the face. "that's for being a smartass." Harry smirked briefly before he continued. "Slytherin's monster was a basilisk." Harry calmly stated, Lucius paled drastically at that. "It bit me."

"That's impossible! You couldn't survive that!"

"Ah, I see you know what they are." Harry said before he rolled up his sleeve to show Lucius the scar. Lucius looked at Harry like he wasn't human, if the boy could survive killing curses and basilisk bites then what could kill him? Harry pulled his sleeve back before he continued speaking. "That's good, saves me an explanation."

"Now, Lucius, imagine something for me. A young little Voldemort going around, happily possessing whoever he likes, he sets his basilisk on all the muggleborn and halfbloods. It's a blast, everyone's having a good time. But then...one night, the basilisk is out, Slithering around the school. It spots two people, one of which is a muggleborn according to Voldemort."

"It goes after the muggleborn, but unfortunately young Draco is in the general area, he takes one glance in the wrong direction and the next thing we know his father in paying for a funeral. Plenty of people of various different blood types could have died, your son could have died, Lucius. And your wife is a Black, I wonder what she would say or do if she found out that you could have her son killed."

Harry looked at Lucius who was somehow able to become even more pale, Harry was actually rather amazed by how pale the man was becoming.

"You're going to make up for this, Lucius." Harry said, and it wasn't a question.


"I am the last of the Potter's and I am a grandson of a Black, that's two families you do not fuck with, Lucius. And because of you I nearly died today, because of you I had to face off against a basilisk. One way or another, you are going to pay. I would kill you but I am friends with your son and that is a lot of effort. Flipsy." Harry called, a second later the elf popped in and looked at Harry, waiting for orders. "Go and get me a quill and one of those Gringotts money transfer forms." Harry ordered, Flipsy nodded and popped away.

"What?!" Lucius blurted out just before Flipsy reappeared a few seconds later.

"Here it be, Master." Flipsy said as he handed Harry the form, ignoring Lucius and Dobby as if it was a common sight to see a stunned house elf and helpless man in a room with his master.

"Thank you, now slap Lucius twice on the face then spit on him and go." Harry ordered. Flipsy nodded before walking over to Lucius.

"Elf! Don't you dare..." Lucius was interrupted by a dope slap across one cheek and a backhand across the other cheek. Lucius was about to give the elf a piece of his mind but he unfortunately opened his mouth at the same time as when Flipsy chose to spit on him. Lucius began coughing violently when the spit went into his mouth just before Flipsy popped away.

"Don't worry, I got you!" Harry said dramatically before he aimed his wand at Lucius and cast a spell that created the affect of washing your mouth out with soap, Lucius began coughing out soap bubbles. "Now, Lucius...I...I..." Harry couldn't stop the laugh that followed, not that he tried to hard. "I'm sorry but in your mouth?! I didn't even plan that." Harry chuckled.

"Screw you!" Lucius shouted before he began coughing up more bubbles.

"Such appalling behavior," Harry tutted before he hit Lucius between the eyes with a stinging hex. "now Lucius, you're going to have to suffer for what you have done. I want two things from you, the first is that you 'donate' half of your fortune to me." Harry smiled as if he gave Lucius a brilliant and genius idea.

"What?!" Lucius demanded as he looked at Harry with disbelief. "Why on Earth would I do that?!"

"Oh, I can think of a few reason, here's one." Harry grinned before he flicked his wand and summoned a king cobra, Harry hissed at it. The cobra nodded before before it slithered towards Lucius's legs, Harry made sure he was out of the way so Lucius could see exactly what was happening. The cobra slithered up Lucius's trouser leg.

"No! No!" Lucius cried out as the snake disappeared from view before he could feel it climbing up his leg. He could feel the snakes head stopping somewhere where he -or any other man - doesn't want a snakes head near. Harry hissed again and the snake stopped moving. "You...you won't get away with this!" Lucius cried out fearfully. "I...I will tell people!"

"Of course you will tell people, providing you survive long enough," Harry nodded as if it was obvious. "but who is to say I haven't planned for that? Plus, even if you do tell someone and even if things go wrong for me, I want to point out that I won't be the one with holes in my balls and/or gentlemen's sausage.

By the way, did you know a single drop of venom from a king cobra can kill an elephant? I mean, it's not like getting bit in the arm by a basilisk..." Harry paused and punched Lucius in the face then the ribs. "...thanks for that by the way." Harry said before he continued speaking. "Now, I'm going to ask you a question that should be pretty easily answered, providing you are actually a man and not an ugly woman. Now, your money or your balls?" Harry calmly asked.


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