Loyalty Tested

"Oh, hi Draco." Harry said as he walked back to the hospital wing, spotting Draco along with Crabbe and Goyle on the way.

"Potter," Draco nodded in greeting. "have you seen my father?" Draco asked. "I had heard he was in school."

"Oh, me and him talked for a bit." Harry said with a smile. "He left a few minutes ago." Harry added just before walking past them. Eventually Harry reached the hospital wing where he saw everyone was still where Harry had left them, with the exception of Dumbledore who had left.

"Mr Potter," Mr Weasley said upon seeing him. "pardon me but may I ask what you were talking with Mr Malfoy about?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eye. Harry quickly realized that the red head was hoping for something that he could use against Lucius.

"I apologize but that, Mr Weasley, is between Mr Malfoy and myself." Harry said before he walked past everyone, he glanced at Angela, who was still asleep, before he stopped at Roman's bed where he was lying down. Roman gulped upon seeing Harry stand in front of him.

"Y...yes?" Roman asked in a worried voice as he sat up.

"I...am rather proud of you." Harry admitted.

"I...wait what?" Roman blinked, not sure if he heard right. "You...you're proud of me?"

"Of course," Harry nodded. "you did get possessed but you also fought off a very powerful dark wizard for the better part of a year. You did good, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"You can't be serious!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed.

"Mum!" Ginny protested.

"He attacked everyone!" Mrs Weasley said, ignoring her daughter for the moment.

"And he was possessed by a dark artifact," Harry calmly pointed out. "if you believe it is such an easy thing to overcome then I am sure Professor Dumbledore can recreate or have someone else recreate the object so we can attempt to see how well you can resist it." Harry offered. Mrs Weasley blanched at the idea. "I assumed not." Harry added. "Now, Mrs Weasley, your daughter has been in a terrible situation. Might I suggest focusing on her." Harry said before he walked over to the Carrow twins, Hestia was still in bed while Flora was sat next to her. Harry waved his wand once he was close enough.

"What was that?" Hestia asked.

"Just a spell so we can talk without the red banshee overhearing us." Harry explained as he sat on the bed, next to Hestia's feet. "Now, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Hmm," Hestia hummed. "I think so."

"Good," Harry nodded. "I'd like to ask you two girls to do me a favour and please don't do anything to Roman."

"Why?" Flora asked.

"Flora!" Hestia hissed.

"I'm not saying that we were planning to!" Flora said in a defensive voice. "And for the record I don't intend to do anything to him, but I just want to know why?"

"Roman is in unique situation," Harry began explaining. "three quarters of the school hate him because of his house and parents while the last quarter hates him because he is a halfblood. Now, I managed to avoid most of these problems by being the parslemouth boy-who-lived and being able to wrap the public around my finger with a few words. Roman is not quite so lucky, do you understand?"

"I think so." Flora nodded after a moment.

"Good, you two don't have to be friends with him but at least don't go and make the kids life worse." Harry said before he cancelled the privacy charm. He stood up and gave Ginny a small nod, he'd speak to her another time when her parents weren't around to interrupt. Harry walked back to Angela's bed, he pulled up a chair and sat on the opposite side of Mrs Zabini who was holding Angela's hand in one of her own while gently stroking her hair with her other hand.

"My daughter has told me about you," Mrs Zabini commented. "she's told me a lot about you."

"Good things, I hope." Harry replied.

"Very good," Mrs Zabini nodded. "I will admit that at first I was worried about my daughter becoming a vassal, but when she gets a 'good idea' in her head it is hard to convince her to change my mind. For the first time, I find myself happy that she chose you. You are a good man, Harry Potter, and I hope that you continue to care for my daughter." She said, her eyes locking onto his.

"Always." Harry said without hesitation.

"That's good to know." A sleepy voice said, Harry and Mrs Zabini's heads snapped towards the direction of Angela who slowly sat up and began rubbing her eyes.

"Are you okay, baby?" Mrs Zabini asked in a concerned voice.

"What happened?" Angela asked in a tired voice. "I...I don't remember what happened...I was called into Lockhart's office and then...everything went black." She frowned and looked between Harry and her mother.

"It is a bit of a long story." Harry sighed before he began spending several minutes explaining everything from Flora finding him to arriving back in the hospital wing. Angela looked horrified when she learned about what Lockhart was doing to her, she and Harry missed the brief look in Mrs Zabini's eyes. As Harry continued Angela felt a swarm of different emotions such as fear for Harry, worry and concern and disappointment.

"I...I am so sorry," Angela said in a low voice as she looked down. "it...it's my job to assist you, to serve you...I...I have failed you." She said as tears dripped down her face. "If...if you wish to be rid of me then I will understand." She gulped as she looked at him. Harry stared back at her for several seconds, he was unblinking and unmoving, Angela shifted under her gaze. Eventually Harry raised his right hand and brought it in front of her face before he flicked her forehead, hard. "Ow." She naturally blurted out before she registered what had happened. "What was that for?" She asked as she rubbed her forehead, Harry thought it looked quite cute but didn't voice that opinion.

"I am not getting rid of you." Harry said as he used his hands to wipe her tears away. "Your skills and abilities are important but so is your loyalty, I'd rather have a loyal muggle than an un-loyal witch. Lockhart took you by surprise, it happens, he will suffer and we will both use this as a lesson. Despite how powerful and skilled we are, the next time we will not underestimate anyone."


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