Facing Consequences

"But...but I failed you." she said in a quiet voice.

"Yes, yes you did." Harry nodded. "Now, you have a choice, learn from this failure and get stronger for me or don't. There's an important word you need to remember, it's called consistency. You failed now, do your best to not do it next time."

"T...thank you, Harry." She said, breathing heavily, a teary smile on her face.

"You might be my vassal, but I do care for you, and I don't intend to abandon you." Harry said in a firm voice.

"Thank you," Angela said once again, she stared at him for several seconds before she spoke again. "I suppose I must thank you." She said in a quiet voice.

"Huh?" Harry blinked. "What are you talking about? You already did thank..." Harry found himself cut off as Angela grabbed him by the collar before she pulled him in close and pressed her lips against his. Harry's eyes widened as he felt Angela kiss him, it was an odd experience, feeling her lips against his, but not an unenjoyable one. A few seconds later she released him. She didn't see her mother smirking from behind her and she ignored the gaping from everyone else and instead looked at the shocked face of Harry. "W...what?"

"That was my proper 'thank you'." Angela smiled brightly at him. Harry shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind, he was about to respond when he heard the sound of clapping. Harry looked at the hospital wing and saw Ted, Andromeda and Tonks standing in the doorway. The former two looking relieved while the latter was the one responsible for the clapping.

"Older girl Harry!" Tonks cheered. "Well done." She said before she suddenly rushed over and pulled him out of his chair and pulled him into a hug. "I was so worried about you!" She said before she suddenly frowned and let go.

"Tonks, I...Ow!" Harry blurted out when she punched him hard in the arm. "What was that for?"

"That's for worrying me!" Tonks hissed at him, her hair briefly turning red. Harry was about to say something when Tonks had another personality shift and quickly pulled him into a hug again. "Never do anything like that again!" She said as she hugged him tightly.

"For the record, don't really plan to." Harry said as he hugged her back.

"We were really worried about you, Harry." Ted said as he and Andromeda walked over, Ted had barely pulled him into a hug just before Andromeda ripped him out of Ted's grip and pulled him into a tighter hug.

"What the devil were you thinking?!" Andromeda hissed once she let go of him.

"Depends on when you mean, because if it was during then mostly my thoughts were somewhat along the lines of 'die motherfucker, die motherfucker, die'." Harry admitted while rubbing the back of his head.

"Harry." Andromeda said in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay." Harry said before he sat down. Ted waved his wand and created a chair for each family member to sit in. "Alright, it started with a first year Slytherin girl coming over to me." Harry said as he began explaining what had happened.

"You fought a fucking basilisk?!" Tonks blurted out once he was done.

"I killed one, yes." Harry nodded as if it was a common thing to do at his age.

"He did it to help me." Flora said as she walked over, she looked at Andromeda and Ted. "I begged him to help, and I wouldn't wait for him to get a teacher. Please don't be mad at him." She said in a quiet voice. Andromeda and Ted looked between Harry and the other girls that he had rescued.

"I..." Andromeda paused and let out a large sigh as she looked at Harry. "...am not happy at all that you ran into the chamber of secrets but I understand, Merlin help me but I understand. With that being said you are still in trouble, but...I will be lenient."

"Thank god." Harry said under his breath.

The next day the Wizengamot was gathered, the modern Wizengamot functioned as a combination of court and parliament, today they were acting more as a court. Today was the trial of Gilderoy Lockhart AKA as 'dumbass' in Jet's case. A great many people, including a lot of reporters, had shown up so they could witness the trial of Gilderoy Lockhart, the man who was quite famous for the 'heroic deeds' he had performed. It was pretty much a given that this was not something that you would miss if you could help it.

In the room today were the Wizengamot members, which included many noble house, also attending was Cornelius Fudge the Minister of Magic, and with him was Dolores Umbridge, undersecretary to the Minister. Umbridge glared at him, clearly remembering the last time they had met.

The other most noticeable attendant was Albus Dumbledore who would be doing his duty as Chief Warlock. Funnily enough Lucius Malfoy did not attend, Harry couldn't possibly imagine why. Though the smirk on his face said otherwise.

Harry was here with Andromeda today for two main reasons, one of which being the fact that he was involved in the incident. Harry thought that his current look was quite impressive, he was wearing expensive looking robes that were black with the Potter crest on the right side of his chest. That plus the fact that Harry had Jet on his shoulders made a big impression. Harry would like to take his place here but unfortunately he had to wait until he was of age.

Harry glanced to his left and saw Angela sat with her mum.

"The Wizengamot is now in session," Dumbledore said as he banged his gavel on the desk. "before we begin, is there any business that needs to be addressed?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, there is." Andromeda said as she stood up. "I have been appointed as regent for the Potter house." She said, that being the second reason Harry was here today. He couldn't become a member yet but he could appoint a regent, and Andromeda was the best choice he could think of thanks to her being a pureblood (which would please the darker families) and as a Black she was knowledgeable on these type of things, and the fact that her husband was a lawyer certainly helped.

Her words may as well have been gunfire as many began shouting and protesting.

"Order! Order!" Dumbledore shouted as he slammed his gavel down repeatedly.

"Chief Warlock, there must be a mistake of some kind." Augustus Longbottom protested, she thought it was bad enough that Harry Potter had been sent to live with the sister of Bellatrix Lestrange, but now she had become his regent. She obviously must have forced him. "There is no way Mr Potter would make her his regent."

"Mr Potter?" Dumbledore asked as he looked at Harry who stood up.


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