Vassals and Valor

"I, of free mind and without coercion, name Andromeda Tonks as the regent to the Potter family, until I am able to take my position as Lord Potter." Harry stated without hesitation before he nodded to Dumbledore and sat back down. Many people complained under their breaths but knew they couldn't do anything to prevent it.

"Very well, Andromeda Tonks, do you accept the position of regent to House Potter?" Dumbledore asked "Do you swear to act in the houses best interest and in the best interest of the future Lord Potter?"

"I do." Andromeda nodded.

"You are now the regent for House Potter," Dumbledore stated with a slam of his gavel, Andromeda nodded before she sat down. "now, is there any other business we need to discuss?" When nobody answered after several moments Dumbledore took it as his signal to continue. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot, today we will deal with a very serious problem. With us today is a man, a well known man, who is being charged with the attempted rape of an underage Hogwarts student." Many people didn't even bother to hide their disgust at that. "Bring him in." Dumbledore ordered, a few seconds later Gilderoy Lockhart was dragged into the court room.

A few people gasped as they saw him, he was dressed in his gold trousers and shoes from before but the upper half of his clothes had been burnt and were thrown away. And he couldn't wear any normal clothes on the upper half of his body due to the burns he had suffered so therefore who was in charge of dressing him had simply waved a wand and covered the non-burnt parts of his upper body up in bandages. Many people felt sick as they saw the burns that started from his hand and ended at the side of his face. Gilderoy was placed in a chair in the middle of the courtroom.

"Sir," One of the aurors who brought him in spoke. "I feel like you should be aware that the healers have numbed everything that has been burnt so he won't feel any pain. He might have difficulty speaking but should be understandable."

"Thank you," Dumbledore nodded before he looked at Lockhart, there wasn't even a hint of a twinkle in the headmaster's eyes. "Madam Bones, if you please." Dumbledore said to Amelia Bones, the head of law enforcement.

"Gilderoy Lockhart," Amelia said as she stood up. "you have been accused of the attempted rape of Angelina Zabini, a fourth year student, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty!" Lockhart screamed, though the affect was slightly ruined by the lazy right side of his mouth. "They are crazy, they attacked me!"

"So noted." Dumbledore said. "Madam Bones, you may continue." Amelia nodded to him before doing just that.

It was half an hour later when Angela had finished making her statement, she told everyone how she was summoned to Lockhart's office, and entered only to be blinded by a bright light before she found herself waking up in the hospital wing. Then it was Harry's turn to come to the witness stand.

"Mr Potter," Amelia Bones said. "in your own words, what happened?"

"I was with a younger student who needed help with a personal problem, Chief Warlock Dumbledore knows which students and which problem." Harry began, everyone looked at Dumbledore who nodded to say that Harry was right. "I told her she needed to go to a teacher and she went to Lockhart's office. When I entered I found Angela unconscious on his desk while Lockhart was trying to unbutton her shirt. I was considering listening to his side when he pulled his wand out, so I took him out."

"Ahem." A girly voice interrupted with a cough. Harry could see Dumbledore looked as calm as always, though Harry suspected the man was resisting the urge to slam his head down instead of the gavel.

"So anyway," Harry continued as if he had heard nothing. "once I had dealt with him, Angela was then..."

"Ahem." The same voice with the same cough interrupted again, just a slightly bit louder.

"Taken to the hospital wing," Harry continued. "and that's about it, really."

"Mr Potter," Dolores Umbridge said in an annoyed voice. "you have no right to ignore me."

"Oh, my apologies, I did not intend to ignore you. I was under the impression that you merely needed a cough drop." Harry said with false sincerity, a few people chuckled at that, causing Umbridge's face to go slightly red. "Perhaps it might just be different life experiences and teachings but I was always told that if someone wished to speak then they would politely raise their hand and/or stand up and/or speak. But if coughing is your preferred method of communicating then I will try to remember that for the future." Harry said with a small smile.

"Mr Potter," Umbridge continued in the overly sweet voice of hers, looking like she was resisting the urge to growl. "you mentioned how you 'dealt with' Mr Lockhart. So silly of me, but it sounds to me like you are claiming that you beat a powerful wizard such as Lockhart."

"That is indeed silly of you." Harry agreed with a small nod.

"Mr Potter..." Umbridge paused and took a deep breath. "I am trying to ask you how you supposedly beat Lockhart when as we all know he is a great wizard, far beyond the abilities of a twelve year old." Harry couldn't help it, he snorted out loud.

"Mr Potter, you disagree?" Amelia Bones asked.

"I do," Harry nodded. "Lockhart's lessons mostly consisted of him trying to advertise his books to us. I spent most of the year self studying, as did many others. In fact in Lockhart's first lesson he ended up letting a swarm of pixies loose in the class before running away and leaving us to deal with it."

"It is true," Dumbledore stated. "there have been many complaints throughout the year about Mr Lockhart's teaching."

"They're just jealous of me!" Lockhart shouted.

"Chief Warlock," Amelia Bones spoke, ignoring Lockhart. "if Lockhart is so incompetent then why was he made a teacher? Why was he kept as a teacher?"

"For several reasons," Dumbledore sighed. "firstly due to a lack of people applying, I did have one candidate in mind but he was out of the country and was unable to attend this year. The board of governors, especially Mr Malfoy, also insisted that Lockhart remain as they thought it would be better for the school to have someone with his reputation." Many members nodded since they were also on the board, and those that had argued for Lockhart to stay now felt sickened.

"It does bring up an interesting question though," Harry spoke up. "is Lockhart a fraud? Because all of the things he claimed to do seem far beyond someone with his abilities."

"You believe that he has been taking credit for other people's work." Amelia Bones noted. "Hmm, that will be investigated once we are done with the attempted rape allegation. Now, Mr Potter, how did you deal with Lockhart?" She asked.

"He drew his wand and I responded with a fire blast, though I was rather angry so it was a bit more powerful than I intended." Harry admitted. "I then kicked him in-between his legs and stunned him, I then stomped on his groin twice." Harry added. Many members gave Harry appraising and impressed looks, though of course there was one member that had to speak her mind.

"Mr Potter, a stunner is far too advanced for someone of your age." Umbridge commented.

"I am advanced for my age, if you wish then I can demonstrate." Harry offered. The 'on you' part was left unsaid.

"Mr Potter is indeed very advanced for his age," Dumbledore said before Umbridge could reply. "several teachers have told me how he has been preforming spells from higher years even during his first year at school."

"Well IF that is true then that means that unjustly attacked Mr Lockhart." Umbridge replied, Fudge winced as several people began screaming at his undersecretary.

"Unjustly?!" One woman shouted. "He tried to rape a child!"

"Madam," Harry spoke once the noise eventually died down. "I was well within my right to attack Lockhart. He pulled his wand out on me."

"But the amount of violence you used was far more than needed." She argued.

"I am well within my right to inflict pain on anyone who dares to attack my vassal." Harry glared at her.

"Your vassal?" Amelia Bones asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Miss Zabini is a vassal, she serves me. It's her duty to serve me just as it is my duty to protect her." Harry replied. The room went silent before several people began whispering to each other.

" long is this shit going to last?" Jet asked in a bored voice.

The answer was half an hour, after a large amount of questioning and some truth serum it was reveled that Angela had just dodged being Lockhart's fifth victim of the year, Lockhart had done the same thing to four other girls before wiping their memories. It had also been reveled that he had wiped the memories of other people before taking credit for their work in his stories. Lockhart was sentenced to life in Azkaban, unfortunately for him a certain woman decided that wasn't enough. Oh no, Lockhart's suffering was far from over.


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