Whispers of Affection

Harry currently found himself in his room, he was laid back on his bed, Jet resting on his chest and the two were enjoying the comfortable silence. Harry planned to later go to the owlery and spend some time with Hedwig, the snowy white owl was a major part of his life, just like Jet or Daphne or Angela. Harry always took time out from his week to visit her, daily if he was not busy and could get away with it.

Harry, at the moment, was thinking about his summer. The school year would be over soon, he would be returning for another enjoyable summer with Tonks and the family, that thought alone brought a smile to his face. But he also could not help but think about everything that had happened this past year. For Merlin's sake, he bloody killed a basilisk!

He wanted to brag about that, he so wanted to brag about that, he wanted to tell people just to shove it in the face of those who had accused him throughout the year. He wanted to use it to prove that he was a great wizard, but at the same time he also did not want to. Partly because he didn't yet want anyone to know about the chamber or the bracelet until he had ample time to look at both, another reason was the fact that Roman, Ginny and the Carrow twins were involved and they didn't need the attention.

And when Harry really thought about it he realized he didn't care for the attention, if he did get positive attention then so be it, but that was not his goal. He did not need to be someone like that blonde peacock Lockhart, no he did not need fame, he just wanted to be great. And he was already on his way to that, if not already there.

Harry's right hand absently went over and began petting Jet on the head, Harry could not help but wonder what - if anything - could happen to Jet since the lovable snake had shoved his fangs into Harry's arm right when he was full of basilisk venom. Harry had had Madam Pomfrey, Ted, Andromeda, Tonks and even Dumbledore himself inspect Jet and they all said that Jet appeared to be in perfect health. Jet himself had said that he felt normal and not the slightest bit different.

"Harry," A voice called. Harry looked up and saw Angela waiting at his doorway, Harry shifted Jet into his lap and sat up. "are you busy?" She asked.

"Um...no, not really." Harry said with a shake of his head. "Just thinking about this summer."

"Ah, do you mind if I talk to you for a bit?" She asked as she stepped into the room.

"Not at all." Harry said.

"Thank you, but this is something I'd like to discuss with you...alone." She said as she glanced at Jet.

"You do realize that he cannot tell anyone anything he hears between us?" Harry asked slowly while raising an eyebrow.

"Perhaps not, but he shows more intelligence than half the people in our house and this is something I don't really want anyone, snake or otherwise, to overhear. Besides, you'll likely fill him in on it later." Angelina shrugged.

"At least she realizes how intelligent I am, better than most of these other humans." Jet hissed. Harry frowned and looked back and forth between Angela and Jet for a few moments.

"Fine," Harry said to Angela before turning to Jet. "hey buddy, do you mind if we have a few moments alone?" Harry asked.

"Fine," Jet hissed as he crawled off of Harry and down onto the floor. "I'm going to go and play with my pet." Jet said before he slithered out of the room.

"So, what can I help you with?" Harry asked once Jet was gone.

"Well..." Angela paused and closed the door, she cast several privacy charms on it before she walked over and sat on Harry's bed. "do you remember when we were in the hospital wing?"

"Yes." Harry spoke in a slow voice, wondering where she was going with this.

"You might remember me kissing you," Angela continued. "as a matter of fact, I sincerely hope that you do remember because I am not sure I would know how to react if you forgot that fact."

"That's one thing I don't think I would ever forget." Harry said with a small chuckle. "I was...rather surprised when it happened." Harry admitted. "Though I cannot deny that my first kiss was a good one." Harry said with a small smile.

"I am glad," Angela smiled back. "it was my first too." She admitted.

"Really?" Harry blinked.

"Why is that so surprising?" She asked.

"Well...it's just that you...you're so beautiful. I'm surprised you've never kissed anyone else before."

"I've never found anyone who I thought was worthy enough," Angela responded with a small shrug "so...you liked my kiss then?" She asked with a coy smile.

"Um...uh...yeah. Yeah...loved it." Harry said with a quick nod.

"Good." Angela smiled before she leaned over and planted a brief but sweet kiss on his lips.

"Angela, I..." Harry began but was interrupted by another quick kiss.

"I am very appreciative, Master. And I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me." Angela said as she raised her right hand and caressed the side of his face. "My mother was very worried about me becoming your vassal, she feared I would be little more than a house elf or a sex slave. I'm glad you proved her wrong, you proved that you are the great wizard I see you as."

"I..." Harry coughed as his face turned red slightly. "...I wouldn't force you to have...you know...with me. I...I don't really even know much about it to be honest."

"You don't?" Angela frowned.

"Tonks told me that she would be 'giving me the talk' this summer, I am guessing that that talk will probably clear up any confusions I have." Harry said with a small shrug.

"Hopefully," Angela nodded, wondering what a talk between Harry and the pink haired girl she had saw would be like. "but as your beautiful and incredibly loyal vassal, I would like to help you."

"Oh, and how do you plan to do that?" Harry asked.

"Well...I can help you experiment and practice," Angela said as she moved closer and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. "I must assist you, it is my duty, I'm sure you understand." She winked before she pulled him into a kiss. "Oh, and by the way," Angela broke off a few seconds later. "I have heard that it is far more enjoyable if we use our tongues. Show me what you got, parslemouth." She grinned before pulling him into another kiss.


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