Unexpected Revelations

"You wanted to see me Beth?" Harry asked as he stepped into Professor Babblings office. It was odd knowing that he could call Professor Babbling 'Beth', but it did feel more natural than if he had called Professor McGonagall 'Minnie' or Professor Snape 'Sev'.

"Harry," She smiled brightly before gesturing him to sit. "take a seat." She said, Harry nodded and did so. "How are you doing?" She asked.

"Pretty well, all thing considered." Harry replied. Beth knew that he was referring to the recent events at the school, between the chamber of secrets, the student population turning on him and that peacock Lockhart, she was surprised at how well Harry was handling everything. He was certainly handling it better than she did, when she had found out what had happened she waited until she could get Harry alone and hugged him so hard that she thought she nearly broke something, and that was while she was alternating between telling him off for risking his life and expressing how glad she was that he was okay.

"That's good," She said after a moment. "now you're not in trouble or anything. But I was wondering if we could just talk, we don't have to if you're busy or anything like that. By the way, where is Jet?" She asked, noticing that the snake wasn't with Harry.

"Ah, he's taking a nap at the moment, he had a big breakfast." Harry explained. "And no, I'm not busy or anything."

"Good, now I was wondering if you wanted to join my runes class when you come back for you third year?" She asked in a hopeful voice.

"I've already signed up for it," Harry smiled. "I'm taking runes, arithmancy and care of magical creatures."

"Really? I should warn you that the first two are very challenging subjects." Beth replied.

"Well, I'll still have the option to change my subjects around, won't I?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that is true." Beth nodded. "There are usually a few that drop them within a few months, some after a year. The subjects are challenging but rewarding."

"If I'm being honest then I suppose that if I ever do drop a subject then it will likely be arithmancy."

"Oh, can I ask why?" Beth replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it is much more theory based than the others." Harry replied. "I understand that the other two will also have theory but not the same amount as arithmancy, it is - from what I have heard - basically a lot of math's. Caring for magical creatures sounds fascinating, and so do runes which I understand can be used for a variety of things like wards or making brooms fly."

"That is true," Beth smirked. "but with that being said I would not be so quick to dismiss arithmancy."

"Oh, why?" Harry asked in a curious voice.

"From what I understand, you have basically been told that the subject is mostly just a lot of mathematics and using numbers to predict the future, correct?" She asked in a knowing voice.

"That was how it was described, yes." Harry nodded.

"Well it has also has other uses." Beth replied. "For example, spell creation, people who create spells learn how to do so with the help of arithmancy."

"Really?" Harry asked in an interested voice, leaning forward. He couldn't help but imagine creating his own spells, the possibilities were endless.

"Yes," Beth smiled, amused and glad at how attentive Harry was being. "there are other things it can help you with but I would advise you ask Professor Vector, the arithmancy teacher, about it. She'll explain it better than I can, and for your sakes I think we should both agree to not mention how you said her class was boring." Beth finished with a grin.

"I did not say it was boring," Harry protested. "just that it didn't sound as interesting as the others. I can hardly be blamed if the school does so poor a job at advertising their classes, something I do intend to mention to Miss Vector."

"Of course, of course, blame the school." Beth said with a roll of her eyes.

"Her class is already seeming better than yours." Harry mumbled.

"Hey!" Apparently he wasn't quiet enough.

Gilderoy Lockhart was not a happy fellow, no...not at all. 'Why?' You might ask, well a big reason might be the fact that he was sitting on an extremely uncomfortable floor in an Azkaban prison cell while dressed in the most horrid and dull grey prison uniform ever to exist. A few days ago he was at his all time best, he was famous, rich and handsome and everyone wanted him or wanted to be him. He had sold a number of books, he had plans to write more and he was working at the premier school of magic and was showing the students just how wonderful he was so that they would buy more of his books. Well...he knew that most of the boys didn't care for him and quite a few girls had lost interest in him but the boys were just jealous nobodies and the girls would have come back around given time.

Though there was one boy that Lockhart had been interested in, that was Harry Potter. The boy-who-lived, Lockhart had wanted to get the boy on his side so the two could take advantage of their fame to get even more fame but the boy just appeared far too uninterested in acting like a celebrity. The boy preferred to 'be a great wizard' instead, didn't he understand that famous celebrities were 'great wizards'?

But now...now that was all ruined. He had only been hoping to have some fun with Miss Zabini, the girl was so beautiful, so alluring, she was turning heads even at her age. Was it so wrong to want a piece of that? Why should some unworthy nobody get to experience all of that before Gilderoy Lockhart? Lockhart knew that she was Harry Potter's vassal, that fact filled Lockhart up with unbelievable amounts of jealousy. How on Earth did Potter get such a pretty girl to essentially agree to do whatever he wanted for the rest of her life? It's not fair! If anyone deserved a sex slave then it was him, Gilderoy Lockhart!

Unfortunately before the 'fun' could begin he was interrupted by a first year Slytherin and Harry Potter himself, the boy was a vicious little bastard. He had ruined the good looks that Lockhart had prided himself on, the good looks that had helped him get as far as he had in life, his face was his brand and Potter had burned half of it off. And if that wasn't bad enough then add in the fact that he was now suffering and rotting in the hell hole known as Azkaban.


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