The Vassal Request

Not even in one of those simple low level wings either, no, no he was put in a high level wing. Just a level or two under the likes of the Lestrange's and Black, the dementors flew around here regularly and right now Lockhart was enjoying what little peace and rest he had before the dementors came back.

"Hello Gilderoy," A voice said, Lockhart blinked and shook his head before he looked up and saw a robed figure enter his cell. "how are you doing today?" A soft yet female voice asked.

" W...who are you?" Gilderoy said as he backed away until he unintentionally slapped his head against the wall. "Ow!" He hissed as he began rubbing his head, only to hiss again when he touched his burns which had still not fully healed yet.

"You know who I am, Gilderoy." Mrs Zabini said as she lowered her hood, she flicked her wand and the cell door closed. "You might remember my daughter, the girl that you tried to rape." Mrs Zabini calmly added as she double checked her privacy spells were up, the good news was that they were, well...not really good news for Lockhart. "As for how I got in here, the answer is quite easily." She said before she cast a paralyzing spell, removing Lockhart's ability to move everything from the neck downwards.

"What...what are you going to do to me?" Lockhart asked in a trembling voice.

"Oh, there are so many options." Mrs Zabini purred as she knelt in front of him, "I could maybe rape you like you were about to do to my daughter. But that's not my style, plus you'd probably enjoy it, you filthy pervert. Don't even entertain the idea that I will allow you to even touch my body, even if you weren't a burnt and filthy rapist. No, I'm going to make you suffer." She said before she pulled out a potion.

" that?" Lockhart stuttered.

" a lovely little potion that will force your mind to relive every bad memory you can think of, and you will continue to do so for a month at least, possibly a month and a half. Hmm, I can't help but wonder what that would be like for a person living in Azkaban with all of these dementors flying around, they'll be attracted to you like moths to a flame." She said with a vindictive smile.

"No!" Lockhart screamed. "No! Please don't!" He cried.

"Shush Gilderoy, it'll all be over soon." She said before she grabbed him by his hair and yanked on it hard so his mouth was facing upwards. She forced the potion down his throat, only being fully satisfied once she was sure that there was no more left for him to drink. With a smile she pocketed the potion before standing up, she placed a silencing charm on Lockhart before aiming her wand at his crotch. "The potion was because you attacked a member of my family, the following is going to be because you tried to rape my daughter." She said before she fired castration charm at him, the spell wouldn't actually castrate him but it would definitely make him feel like he had just been castrated.

Lockhart began screaming in silent but extreme pain, his mind bombarded by horrible memories, including but not limited to the time he had already spent in Azkaban plus Harry Potter burning him. While that was happening his body was screaming to him, saying that something very, very bad had happened to the most favorite part of his body. What made it worse was the fact that Lockhart could not move his body, he could not attempt to curl up and use his hands to even slightly reduce the pain.

"Obliviate." Mrs Zabini whispered, wiping away Lockhart's memory of her coming into this cell. She smirked before she pulled her hood up and walked out of the cell, she locked it then made her way out of Azkaban. She estimated that the silencing charm would last somewhere between eight to nine hours, the paralysis charm would last between five to six. But in the end it didn't really matter, screams were common things to hear in Azkaban and the only guards that come up here for the most part were the dementors. It wouldn't take long for Lockhart to lose his mind.

Overall Mrs Zabini was satisfied by the results she has gotten, now she could go home and relax. Hmm, there was also the matter of Potter, the boy who had saved her precious daughter's life in more ways than one. Mrs Zabini wondered how she could repay him, a few ideas came to mind.

Harry was currently with his fellow Slytherin second years on the Hogwarts express, enjoying the ride back. Harry was reading a book while Daphne was stroking Jet - who was sat on her lap because his pet needed attention as well - as she talked to Tracey.

Suddenly their door was open, everyone looked up to see Roman Lestrange standing in the doorway, a nervous but determined look on his face.

"What do you want?" Pansy sneered, for a second it looked like Roman was going to respond to her but he seemed to have changed his mind as he instead turned towards Harry.

"Am I interrupting anything?" He asked.

"What do you want?" Harry asked as he tilted his head to the side slightly.

"I...I understand that you have a vassal." Roman spoke, it looked like he was forcing his voice to stay steady.

"And? What do you care about that?" Harry asked.

"I...I have researched vassals, what they are and what they do." Roman admitted, he gulped before he continued speaking. "I wish to be your vassal." He said, stunning the compartment into silence.

"You wish to become his vassal?" Theo repeated with disbelief, as if he wasn't really sure if he had heard right.

"Are you sure you know what that means?" Harry asked, very much surprised but unlike the others he seemed capable of hiding his.

"I do," Roman said after taking a big breath. "you don't have to decide now. I can wait until next year, I hope you will say yes." Roman nodded before he closed the door and walked away.

"You've got another person wanting to be your vassal?" Draco said as he shook his head.

"No Draco, I am not accepting you as my vassal." Harry said in a jokey tone.


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