A Kiss and a Promise

"This year wasn't too bad." Harry said to Tracey and Daphne as they stood at the train station, the train had arrived a short while ago, Harry had said his goodbye's to the other Slytherins and was now waiting for the Tonks family while Tracy and Daphne stood with him. "I mean...if you ignore the attacks...and the school turning on me...and me shouting at the school...and the rapist...and the basilisk...okay, maybe it was worse than I thought." Harry sighed.

"Here's hoping next year will be better." Tracey replied.

"It's hard to imagine it being worse." Daphne replied.

"Don't jinx it." Harry responded. "Anyway, I..."

"Harry," A voice interrupted, Angela turned up and stopped in front of Harry. "I think I saw your family coming this way."

"Oh, thanks." Harry smiled.

"Not a problem," Angela smiled. "by the way, my mother has asked me to let me know that you're invited to our house."

"Oh?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, we'll send you an owl for when you can come." Angela replied. "I've got to go now, I'll see you later." She smiled before she leaned down pulled Harry into a kiss, Harry returned the kiss, he liked to think that he was at least somewhat good at kissing after all the practicing the pair had done in their limited amount of time together.

"What?! But...but...but..." Tracey stuttered with disbelief as she looked between the two while Daphne's jaw dropped.

"Did you just kiss him?" Daphne eventually asked once Harry and Angela had separated.

"Of course I did," Angela said with a knowing smile as she looked at Daphne and Tracey. "my master is a young and growing boy, he needs experience in these sort of things. It is my duty to assist him in all matters that I can assist him in, so unless somebody else is going to take over..." Angela trailed off, she winked at both girls before planting one last kiss on Harry's lips. "Goodbye Harry, hopefully we can practice some more." She smiled before walking off.

"Bye Angela," Harry called, he turned back to Daphne and Tracey. "I..." Harry stopped when he suddenly realized that Daphne now had her face less than an inch away from his. "Daph?" Daphne leaned her face closer and for a moment he thought that she was going to kiss him on the lips. But she suddenly froze, an odd look came across her face before she leaned her face to the side and kissed his cheek before she stepped back.

"I...I will see you later." She coughed before walking off to her family.

"Tracey," Harry frowned. "do you know what that was about? I feel like I should what that's about."

"Um...not sure." A blushing Tracey said, "I've got to go now Harry, I'm leaving with Daphne's family." She said, she began to walk away before suddenly changing her direction so she was walking back to Harry but then she moved back in her original direction before she stopped and once again walked towards Harry. It looked like she was trying hard to decide on something.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, wondering what she was doing.

"Maybe it's a weird human mating ritual." Jet guessed while being wrapped around Harry's right arm. "Y'all fuckers be crazy."

"Where the fuck did you learn the word 'Y'all'?" Harry asked but before he could get an answer he felt Tracey kiss the cheek that Daphne didn't kiss.

"Um...goodbye Harry." Tracey said before she quickly turned and rushed towards Daphne and her family.

"Harry!" Tonks said in a happy voice as she stopped next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I saw all of that!" She grinned. "Three girls! Attaboy! I'm so proud of you, and you are going to tell me everything."

"Do I even have a choice in the matter?" Harry asked in a dry voice.

"Nope!" Tonks said brightly.


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