Master and Vassal

After a heart warming greeting with Ted and Andromeda the Tonks family took Harry home, though the conversation on the way back was very interesting.

"Tell me about the girls." Tonks begged with a hopeful look.

"No." Harry replied in a bored voice.

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me."



"No!" Harry said just as they entered the house.

"So, forgive me for stating the obvious, but there is something that you want Harry to talk about that involves girls." Ted said as they all sat down in the living room.

"Yes," Tonks grinned. "I saw little Harry..."

"I'm not little!" Harry protested.

"You are by adult human standards." Jet pointed out.

"Get kissed by three girls." Tonks continued with a wide smile. "One of them was about to kiss him on the lips but then she chickened out and kissed him on the cheek."

"I..." Harry tried to interrupt but Tonks quickly talked over him.

"The one after her started walking around for a few moments like she was trying to work out what to do and then she kissed his other cheek. But the first one, that older girl Angela, she gave him a full on kiss on the lips!" Tonks said as if she was finally allowed to reveal a top secret government secret. "And he kissed her back!" Tonks cheered.

"Now hold on a second, I did not kiss her back." Harry interrupted before anymore could be said.

"Did you not?" Andromeda asked.

"No...I kissed her lips." Harry replied.

"Wow, I was in my fifth year when I got my first kiss." Ted said. "Her name was Elizabeth."

"Eliza-bitch." Andromeda said under her breath.

"Wasn't my first kiss." Harry replied. "And before you ask, yes Angela was my first kiss, but we've been kissing a lot."

"Practicing, attaboy Harry." Tonks said in an approving voice. "So...what number kiss was that?" She asked with a smirk.

"The kiss you saw was our tenth time kissing." Harry answered. "I think." Harry added uncertainly.

"You think?" Andromeda asked.

"She insisted we practice a lot." Harry said with a shrug and a small blush on his face.

"Harry!" Tonks squealed as she pulled him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you! My little brother is going to get a harem!" She said proudly.

"Nymphadora." Andromeda said in a tired voice before she turned to Harry. "So, you and this girl - 'Angela' - are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Um...not really." Harry said with a shake of his head. "Our relationship is pretty much just master and vassal and friends. Friends that just really like kissing each other." Harry added.

"Ah, and will it ever go beyond that?" Andromeda asked.

"That is an answer that will be answered by future Harry." Harry shrugged. "But first, what's a harem?" Harry asked Tonks who gladly began explaining.

Tracey Davis was currently sat in her room, finishing off the last remaining bits of her homework. She didn't enjoy homework, in fact the only person she knew who would probably enjoy homework was Hermione Granger and Tracey had no desire to be like her, but with that being said homework did help calm her mind. And she needed it because her mind was racing with tons of thoughts, all centered around one person, Harry Potter.

Tracey remembered their first meeting like it was yesterday, she and Daphne had simply been looking for a place to sit when they found a mostly empty compartment. They entered and then they met Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. But he wasn't at all like what anyone had been expecting. Some had expected an arrogant git, someone who had been pampered and spoilt all of his life. Some were expecting a magical genius, possibly capable of wandless magic. The majority were expecting a kind hearted and noble Gryffindor.

Tracey didn't really think that Harry was arrogant, at least not overly so, Harry was incredibly confident in his abilities but he had earned the right to be so through hard work and he didn't go around acting like he was invincible. In Tracey's opinion what Harry had was just the right amount of confidence. Harry certainly hadn't been pampered or spoilt all of his life, Tracey wasn't the biggest fan of violence but she would be more than willing to show Harry's relatives what she thought of them.

She supposed that Harry was a magical genius, he might even learn wandless magic in the future, but she also knew that he worked hard to get where he was. Sure he had natural talent but that only took him so far, the rest was through pure hard work and determination. Was Harry kind hearted? Tracey liked to think so, Harry never really went out of his way to be mean to anyone. In fact he was the only one who stood up for that Lestrange boy.

The fact that Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, was a parslemouth with a pet snake and was in Slytherin house was probably the biggest surprise for everyone. Tracey did think that Harry had Gryffindor qualities, he was certainly brave and noble but he wasn't rash or loud like Weasley.

Tracey could admit to herself that she had a crush on Harry, she had one ever since he had saved her from dying in their first broom flying lesson. She thought he was nice before that but ever since that moment she had fallen for him. At first she was hoping that if given enough time she would eventually get over it, but it showed no signs of dying down. Harry was handsome, smart, a great wizard and a great friend.

But the problem was that Tracey didn't even know if Harry was interested in her like that, why would he be? He had Angela, a pretty older girl who would be willing to do whatever he wanted and kiss him whenever he asked. And Angela wasn't the only girl in the running, Tracey knew that Daphne - her best friend - was also interested in Harry. Daphne and Harry were far more alike, they both loved dueling and competing with each other, both were also irritatingly attractive and many other examples.

Tracey at times felt resigned to the fact that she would probably never get with Harry but when she was with him she couldn't help but be hopeful.

"Why can't life be simple?" Tracey groaned.


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