Crushes and Confessions

"Oh for fuck sakes." Tonks said under her breath. She had wanted to take Harry on a day out so the two of them could spend some time together. Unfortunately when she brought him into a burger shop they had unfortunately run into Adam, a muggle ex-boyfriend of Tonks, and his girlfriend. And now, while she wanted to spend time with Harry, she was forced to listen to Adam go on and on about how he and his new girlfriend were so happy together. It sounded like he was trying to make her jealous, 'trying' being the key word.

"Yeah, me and Jess are very happy together." Adam said in a smug voice. He reached his arm out so he could wrap it around his girlfriends waist, only to pause when he couldn't find her. "Jess?" He looked around, trying to find her.

"Ahem." Tonks cleared her throat. "I think I know where your girlfriend is gone."

"What? Where?" Adam asked.

"I believe she is over there, getting wooed by my brother." Tonks said with a smirk as she pointed to the seat where Harry was sitting. Adam frowned and looked in Harry's direction and saw his girlfriend sat opposite Harry, she was blushing wildly while he held her hand in his and kissed the knuckles. "Hmm, what does it say about you when a twelve year old treats your girlfriend better than you?" Tonks innocently asked. Adam glared at her before storming over to his girlfriend, not noticing Tonks following after him.

"But surely someone with a face as pretty as yours doesn't need make up." Tonks heard Harry say to Jess, she resisted the urge to laugh.

"Oh stop it," Jess blushed. "you're going to give me a big ego if you keep talking like that."

"I like to treat people the way they deserve to be treated," Harry smirked. "so do you..."

"What the hell is going on?!" Adam demanded as he stopped in front of them.

"Ah Jess," Tonks greeted her as if she had known her all of her life. "I see you have met my little brother, Harry."

"I have." Jess smiled.

"What happened to your face?" Adam suddenly asked as he glared at Harry.

"Adam! Don't be rude!" Jess admonished.

"It's fine," Harry waved it off, ignoring the urge to get up and kick the prat in the balls. "I um...I don't really remember, this happened to me during a terrorist attack that I unfortunately ended up in the middle of when I was younger." Harry said in a sad voice.

"Oh, you poor thing." Jess gasped before she got up and walked around before pulling Harry into a hug, Harry returned the hug, making sure to wink at Adam and Tonks as he did so.

"Riiiiighhttttt..." Adam said through gritted teeth. "we're going now!" He said before he grabbed Jess by the arm and pulled her away.

"Bye Jess, love the dress!" Harry called as he waved to Jess who managed a wave back before she was pulled out the shop, Harry and the other customers heard the two arguing outside the shop for a few moments before the noise died down, at least it did until the sound of a slap followed. Tonks frowned, wondering if she had to go out and break things up.

"What was that for?!" She heard Adam shout and saw him walk by the window with a red mark on his face.

"We're through! You asshole!" Jess's voice replied just before footsteps were heard. Deciding that the situation had resolved itself, Tonks sat down opposite Harry.

"So..." Tonks said with a straight face. "...did you start flirting with my ex-boyfriends girlfriend?"

"I might have." Harry said, also with a straight face.



"Did you do it because he was annoying me?"

"That was a factor, yes."

The two stared at each other for several seconds with neutral faced, devoid of any emotion, right before they both burst out laughing.

Daphne Greengrass sat in her room, writing out a letter that she would be sending to Tracey. As she wrote her letter she thought about someone she had been thinking about a lot recently, Harry Potter. More specifically she thought about their last meeting when he was kissed by Angela. On the one hand she understood that it made sense for Angela to kiss Harry, she was an older and good looking girl and she was his vassal, it was her job to care of him.

But with that being said Daphne could not help but wish it was herself that had kissed Harry instead. In fact she nearly did, but she chickened out at the last minute, that was probably why she wasn't sorted into Gryffindor. Daphne knew she had a crush on Harry, he was smart and kind and very easy on the eyes. He was a great wizard, not because he was born with the power of Merlin or anything, but because he worked hard for it.


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