Daphne's Dilemma


Daphne would, without a doubt, say that Harry was her best male friend. The two of them got along like a house on fire, it felt like they just connected, Daphne never thought she would get along so well with a boy, she admittedly came to Hogwarts with the expectation that they were all idiots. An example would be Draco, Daphne had met Draco a couple of times before Hogwarts due to their parents attending the same balls. Draco at the time had been an arrogant and annoying git, but now he was far more behaved, mostly because it was very much clear to him that Harry would kick his ass if he went out of line.

Daphne felt like she was in a special position, she unlike most of the school knew the real Harry Potter. She knew the boy who liked to learn and have fun, she saw how his emerald eyes lit up when he was learning new magic and how he enjoyed teaching her new magic. Daphne had to admit she liked getting taught by him, his enthusiasm seemed to never waver when he taught her, even when she struggled on learning a spell.

Daphne knew that many girls were interested in Harry for various reasons, his fame and money being the two main reasons, Daphne personally thought that those girls shouldn't be given the time of day by Harry. He deserved far better than that. They just wanted stuff from him, but Daphne knew that she genuinely cared for him.

Harry was kind, charming, he had saved her best friends life for Merlin's sakes. During the dueling club with that peacock Lockhart he had let her help him, he had actually let her help! She had been worried that he would surprise her by saying something like 'I don't want a girl's help' or 'girl's can't duel'. She had wondered if he would refuse and take Angela instead, that would have made sense seeing as Angela was far more experienced, but he didn't! He gladly accepted her help, he respected her and she respected him. Heck, even Harry's familiar liked her. Jet was basically her pet too.

Daphne wondered what it would be like to kiss Harry, Angela seemed to have enjoyed it, a little too much in Daphne's opinion. It felt like the girl was just trying to show off the fact that she was the one who was kissing Harry. And that comment about somebody else taking over, was Angela implying what Daphne thought she was implying? Was she just trying to annoy her? Was she trying to get Daphne to kiss Harry?

It's not that Daphne wasn't tempted, she was, she knew that she liked Harry but what she didn't know is if Harry like her as well? And how the bloody hell was she supposed to ask him that? Blurt it out? Write a letter?

"Why can't life be simple?" Daphne groaned.

"Surprise!" Andromeda and Ted shouted when Harry and Tonks came back from the cinemas, Harry had asked her if they could stop for a bite to eat but Tonks had insisted they come straight home, now he knew why.

"What is this?" Harry asked as he saw a lot of mouthwatering food on the table.

"We figured that we would surprise you," Ted smiled. "this is our way of saying welcome back."

"I...thanks!" Breathed out just as Tonks stepped next to him and pulled him into a one armed hug.

"Glad you like it." Tonks grinned.

"And that is not our only surprise." Andromeda added. "Now, admittedly we weren't sure about what we are about to offer you, but Nymphadora pointed out that you would probably attempt it yourself at some point and we'd rather you attempt it with us watching over you than on your own."

"Plus Arcturus came over," Ted sighed. "he had heard about the idea and insisted that we at least give you the option." Well replace 'insisted' with 'demanded'.

"I...I am really thankful but perhaps you could tell me what the option is." Harry suggested, trying to keep his eyes off the food long enough to finish this conversation, he would get that food.

"Ah, well we wanted to give you the option to learn some advanced magic." Andromeda smiled as she pulled out a book and handed it to Harry. Harry looked down at the book and read the cover with wide eyes.

"A...animagus transformation?!" Harry blurted out in shock. "You're going to help me become an animagus?!" Harry grinned cheerfully as he looked at Andromeda with bright green and hopeful eyes.

"If you want." Andromeda nodded only to find herself pulled into a strong hug from Harry.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Harry said into her shoulder repeatedly.

"You're welcome, dear." Andromeda smiled, truthfully she was still a bit concerned about letting Harry try this but she knew that Harry would likely want to do it at some point, plus when both Nymphadora and Arcturus agree on something then that says a lot. Still, she was glad it at least made Harry happy. Besides, he'd only be learning about it, she would help him with the potion but it was very unlikely for him to even transform before the age of seventeen.

"Jet!" Harry hissed happily when he let go of Andromeda and saw Jet slither into the room. "I'm going to become an animagus!" He grinned.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Are you going to be a snake?" Jet asked.

"Um...maybe...not sure though." Harry admitted.

"Tell me if it's a snake." Jet said before he continued slithering on.


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