
His teeth grew larger and turned sharp and pointy, within a second there was a big white tiger with black stripes standing in front of them, except it wasn't a regular white tiger. It had Harry's green eyes and the scars from his face, but it also had three tails. The three Tonks family members were deathly still, at least they were for about ten seconds.

"That is awesome!" Tonks cheered as she rushed over and began hugging him around the neck, pressing the side of her face into the side of his. "You're so soft!" She cooed.

"Nymphadora!" Andromeda hissed. "Don't shout too loud, his hearing is sensitive."

"Huh...oh." Tonks blinked as she looked at Harry who was shaking his head. "Oh, sorry Harry." She apologized.

"Also next time how about you wait until we're sure he won't eat you." Andromeda helpfully added.

"He would never harm me." Tonks said confidently as she continued to hug him.

"He is clearly a magical animal." Ted said as he looked at Harry. "Problem is that I do not really know what animal he is. Honey? What about you?" Ted asked Andromeda. "Any idea?"

"Hmm, not at the moment." Andromeda said in a frustrated voice. "I feel like I should know the name but I really can't remember it."

"It's fine dear," Ted said as he tapped her arm. "we'll figure it out soon enough."

"Hopefully, I wonder what - if any - abilities he has? What do you think he can do?" Andromeda asked as she looked at Harry. Before Ted could respond Harry's suddenly started changing, except he didn't go back to being Harry. His body actually got bigger and began changing in shape, the amount of muscle and fur increased just as his top two canine teeth got bigger, the stripes vanished as his fur changed to jet black. His eyes and scar were the same and he still had three tails, except they were now shorter than before.

"Bloody hell!" Tonks gulped as she looked at Harry. "He's a bloody sabretooth tiger!" She hissed to her parents in an awed voice as she looked at the two teeth that each looked to be the same length as a wand.

"Sabretooth cat. They're not actually tigers." Ted absently corrected as he looked at Harry with disbelief. Before anyone could say anything else Harry's body shifted again, except this time it got smaller. Suddenly sitting in front of them was a three tailed, black furred tabby cat with white fur on his chest and paws. Like the previous two it kept the scars and eyes. The Tonks family stared in disbelief again until Tonks suddenly squealed and picked him up and hugged him tightly, or at least she did until Harry hissed at her.

"Nymphadora, don't hug him too tight, you'll hurt him." Andromeda sighed.

"Oh," Tonks said with a sheepish smile as she looked at Harry. "sorry Harry, forgive me?" She asked in a hopeful voice. Harry meowed before rubbing his face against her cheek.

"I think that means 'yes'." Ted chuckled before he leaned down and looked at Harry. "Harry, can you transform back now?" He asked.

"Does he have too?" Tonks whined. "He is so cute." Cat-Harry let out a noise of protest before jumping out of Tonk's arms and onto the floor, he shook his head before he slowly transformed back into regular Harry.

"You see why I was eating so much?" Harry said as he stood up. "I was eating for three, four if you include my human form."

"That's amazing." Andromeda breathed.

"I wouldn't worry about your eating, that should go away soon." Ted replied.

"Yeah," Harry nodded before he turned to Andromeda. "are you sure you didn't do something to the potion? Because I seem to have a buy one-get two free sort of deal going on."

"No, I'm sure that the potion was perfect." Andromeda said with a small head shake. "We'll have to research this form and learn more about it." Andromeda said before a thought came to her. "In your animal form can you transform into any other animal?" She asked just as Harry picked up Jet and placed the snake on his shoulders.

"No," Harry shook his head. "just the sabretooth, the tiger and the the cat." Harry replied. "Trust me, I know, most of my knowledge is instinctive." Harry said before he turned to Jet. "Jet, my form is pretty cool, isn't it?" Harry hissed.

"It's fine...I suppose...not really a snake though." Jet replied. "Still, it is a useful form, even if it is not a brilliant animal like myself."

"You could have just said that you liked it, you know." Harry said with a small headshake.

The next day, after Harry nearly bit Tonks on the hand when he thought that she was trying to take his milk, the family were sat down with Andromeda reading over a book on magical creatures. As she was doing so Ted was watching in amusement as Tonks was gently scratching Harry on the chin, earning an almost inaudible purr from the boy.

"Found it!" Andromeda suddenly cheered, causing everyone to jump in their seats and look at her. "I've worked out what animal Harry is."

"Well? What is it called?" Harry asked quickly.

"Be patient Harry." Andromeda replied.

"Patience is for wimps." Harry scoffed. "Hurry up please, the suspense is killing me...I want to kill Ron Weasley. Can the suspense kill him instead?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"Shush, calm down and drink your milk." Tonks said as she handed Harry a glass of milk.

"Oh milk!" Harry smiled before drinking it all as quick as possible. "Thank you." Harry smiled at her.

"You're welcome." Tonks said as she wiped the milk off of Harry's mouth. "Now Mother, what is he called?"

"His form is called the 'Tri-cat'." Andromeda answered.

"That's not a very inventive name." Tonks frowned. Andromeda shrugged as if to say 'what do you want me to do about it?'.

"Anyway, it says here that these are incredibly - and it does mean incredibly - rare magical creatures. They are damn near extinct."

"Like disco?" Tonks asked.

"My mother never got over that, held out hope even on her death bed." Ted said with a small and sad shake of his head.

"Anyway," Andromeda continued. "they are born with the ability to shift between three forms, as we already saw, for Harry that is the ability to shift between a regular cat, a white tiger or a sabretooth tiger. Mostly thought it would be something like a tiger, lion and panther or something like that."

"The sabretooth is not actually a tiger." Ted commented.

"I don't care." Andromeda said before she continued reading. "There is not much information on them, hmm...magically resistant to the same level as a werewolf, three tails and about the same level of strength as the non-magical versions of their forms, they're so rare that - once again - there is hardly any information on them."

"So...what you are saying is...I am the best animagus ever?" Harry asked.

"Well...that wasn't exactly what I was saying. I was..."

"The best of all time." Harry grinned.

"Alright I'll arrange for the paperwork to be discreetly filled with the ICW," Ted said, ICW standing for 'International Confederation of Wizards'. The last thing we need is for Harry to get arrested for being an illegal animagus. Anyone else have anything to add?"

"Yes, I am hungry, is there any more food?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice.

"If you try to eat me then I will be pissed off." Jet warned.

"He's going to eat us out of home." Andromeda said with a dramatic sigh.

"Don't worry dear," Ted replied. "if I could handle my father when he learnt that there was a women's world cup then we can handle this."


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