Feline Mastery

"I've worked it out." Harry grinned as he stepped downstairs for breakfast, it had only been two days since his transformation, he was thankfully getting better at controlling himself and was returning to normal, even though he did have moments where he would act a bit like an animal.

"Worked what out?" Andromeda said as she placed a bowl of cereal in front of Harry once he sat down at the table.

"I worked out why the Tri-cat is so rare." Harry said proudly before he ate a spoonful of cereal.

"What do you mean?" Ted asked.

"Well, think about it this way, if there was a magical cat with three tails that was easily capable of transforming into two other cats then wouldn't they be a lot more known and be less endangered or at least have a conservation program or something?" Harry replied. "I think the reason is because they are so hard to find because nobody can tell the difference between them and a regular cat."

"Why can't they?" Tonks asked. "I would figure a three tailed lion or tiger would stand out."

"I'm glad you asked." Harry said as he gently pushed his bowl away before he stood on top of his chair.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Andromeda frowned.

"Oh, just watch." Harry said before he turned to Tonks who was sitting in her chair. "Catch me, Tonks!" Harry yelled before he jumped at her, Harry transformed midair into a three tailed cat. A look of surprise came onto Tonk's face but she quickly dropped her spoon in her cereal and caught him.

"Meow." Cat-Harry purred before rubbing his face against Tonk's cheek.

"Cheeky little bugger," Tonks sighed as she enjoyed the sensation of Cat-Harry's fur and soft cheek rubbing against hers. "don't do that again." She said.

"Meow." Cat-Harry jumped out of her arms and onto the table. The three Tonks family members watched as Harry's three tails combined together and suddenly became a regular cat tail.

"Whoa." Ted said quietly as he removed his wand while Andromeda removed hers, the pair began casting diagnostic spells on Harry who patiently waited and allowed Tonks to scratch his chin as he did so. "That is amazing." Ted all but whispered once he was done.

"What is?" Tonks asked as Harry purred.

"There are simple spells that can let you know if something is magical," Andromeda said as she lowered her wand and looked at Harry with amazement. "but right now when I tested Harry I got no magical signatures from him."

"What?!" Tonks blinked at Harry who did what looked like a cat grin before jumping off the table and transforming mid-air so he could land on his feet.

"I told you I worked it out," Harry grinned as he sat back down in his seat. "my theory is that the Tri-cat is capable of combining its tails to make itself look like a regular animal and lock itself in that form. I didn't know about the magic thing but that sort of makes sense. I mean think about it, how are you going to go and look for a Tri-cat when it's disguised as any of the millions of domestic or wild cats? They might actually be near extinction or there could actually just be a lot of undiscovered ones." Harry smiled, the three Tonks family members were stunned into silence. "Ah, I see what has happened." Harry said knowingly. "All of the words in your head have been pulled and sucked out by the sheer magnetism of my brilliance." Harry smiled before he continued eating.

"Hold on, in that case could you get away with registering Harry under one form?" Tonks asked, "Like keep his tiger and sabretooth form a secret and register his cat form or do something else like register his tiger form and keep his sabretooth and cat form secret? He can keep his other forms secrets and if someone discovers his other forms then we can claim that we didn't know." Tonks added.

"I get what you're saying Dora, but I really would recommend not doing that." Ted replied. "Ignoring the fact that it is illegal..."

"Somethin that you should know as an auror." Andromeda said as she gave Tonks a disapproving look.

"Plus with Harry being who he is, if he does a single illegal thing you can all but guarantee that it'll be all over the news if someone finds out." Ted continued. "And the idea of claiming we don't know is a good one but it might not be good enough for certain people but not others, plus if we ever happen to find ourselves in a situation where Harry has to drink truth serum then it could backfire."

"Okay, okay, shut your faces." Harry sighed as a concentrated look came on his face. "Now on the one hand my Slytherin side does appreciate the idea of having two secret forms, but on the other hand it is telling me that the risks outweigh the benefits. I don't need to rely solely on my form and I'd rather not risk Azkaban over it, plus with Ted discreetly filing in the paperwork it should be fine. Plus if I am honest, I don't really want to hide what I am. I'd like to proudly say that I am indeed a Tri-cat."

"Well, if that's what you want." Tonks said as she ruffled his hair.

"By the way," Andromeda said with a serious expression and voice as she sat down. "I have some bad news. I was informed yesterday that Minister Fudge..."

"Moron?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that one," Andromeda said, barely pausing before she continued. "he has decided in all of his 'infinite wisdom' to place dementors around the school to guard the students from Sirius."

"What?!" Tonks demanded as Ted's face turned red with anger. "He's putting dementors arounds school children?!"

"He wants to be seen doing something." Harry said in a knowing voice as he let out a tired sigh.

"Indeed," Andromeda nodded, not very surprised that Harry was easily able to work out what Fudge's game was. "Sirius escaped during Fudge's time as the Minister, the longer Sirius stays free the worse Fudge looks. He'll want Sirius found and executed as soon as possible." Andromeda said in a sad voice.

"I know he is your family," Harry spoke in a soft voice. "but if he comes for me then I will not hold back." Harry said, his green eyes locking on hers.

"No," Andromeda said as she wiped her tears. "do not hold back, if Sirius is after you then you will definitely not hold back. He may have been in Azkaban for years but he was a fierce wizard before that, he was also much more sane before that. Do not hold back if he attacks you." She said in a quiet but firm voice. "With that being said I would like to help you learn the patronus charm. Do you know what that is?"

"I've heard of it." Harry nodded. "It is a form of magical shield, an advanced one would usually take the form of a guardian such as a dog or cat or any other animal depending on the person, it's made up of positive emotions and is used to combat dementors and lethifolds." Harry answered.


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