Whispers in the Dark

"Isn't that an advanced spell, dear?" Ted asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah Mum," Tonks nodded in agreement. "that's a NEWT level spell at least." She added, Tonks herself had mastered the spell and could attest that it was a very difficult spell.

"And Harry has been doing advanced magic since his first year, the boy is already an animagus for Merlin's sake." Andromeda calmly and patiently pointed out. Ted and Tonks looked at each other for a few moments before they looked at Harry who innocently smiled back.

"Fair enough." They both eventually said. Andromeda shook her head, she was sure that between her husband, her daughter and her newest son that she would inevitably end up with grey hairs before she would ever reach the age of fifty, if she wasn't already mad then she would likely become so soon.

It was somewhat saddening for Harry when his summer ended and he had to go back to Hogwarts. He did miss his friends, of course he had sent letters to them throughout the holidays, including Angela who apologized for not inviting him over as her mother had apparently requested that he come over next summer instead. But despite that he liked staying with Tonks and the Tonks, it was comforting to know that he would be going back next summer.

Right now Harry was on the platform for the Hogwarts train with Jet wrapped around his right arm as the Tonks family said their goodbyes to Harry.

"Now, you be good." Andromeda said as he wrapped Harry up in a hug and kissed his forehead, some might find the act embarrassing but Harry didn't at all, he rather liked it if he was being honest. "Remember to keep sending your letters as well." She said as she finally let him go - was pried off of him by her husband and daughter - allowing Ted to pull him into a hug.

"Just contact me if you need anything, mate." Ted said as he patted him on his shoulder once he let go.

"You had better remember to send your letters to me," Tonks warned as she pulled him into a tight hug which Harry gladly returned, though of course being mindful not to squash Jet as he did so. "I'm going to miss you so much, kitty." Tonks said as she kissed him on his forehead.

"I will miss you too, Nym." Harry smiled once she let go. "And I promise to write at least...oh...I don't know...how about at least once a month?"

"Every day." Tonks said immediately.

"Every two weeks."

"Every two days."

"Every week and a half."

"Every five days."

"Every week."

"Deal." The two grinned and shook hands.

"Harry," A voice said, Harry turned and damn near gulped when he saw Angela walk up to him. She was wearing brown high heels, tight blue jeans that looked painted on and a tight black blouse with her hair hanging in a ponytail. The level of attractiveness she was showing had to be illegal, Harry was sure of it. "there you are, Blaise and I have saved a compartment for you." She said with a smile.

"Oh...um, thanks." Harry said, quickly recovering. "Angela, you remember my family?" Harry asked as he gestured to the Tonks family. "Guys, this is Angela Zabini, my vassal." Harry said to the Tonks family as he gestured to Angela.

"It's a pleasure to see you all again." Angela said as she greeted the family.

"You too," Andromeda nodded. "how is your mother?" She asked.

"She is doing quite well." Angela smiled just as a horn sounded from the train.

"I think that's our signal to go." Harry commented before he quickly received a few last minutes hugs from the family. Harry took his stuff and got on the train. Angela was about to follow but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder, Angela stopped and looked at Tonks who leaned in close and began whispering in her ear.

"I know all about your relationship with Harry and I am fine with it but if you dare to hurt him then you will be answering to me, and I will hunt you down and hurt you beyond belief." Tonks warned before she took a step back and let go of Angela. Angela was not phased by it at all, she had no intentions of hurting her master in any way or form. If anything this pleased her, knowing that her master had people who cared for him. Angela gave Tonks a small nod before she walked onto the train.

"Wow." Harry breathed just before Angela's lips reconnected with his own. As soon as they had both got on the train Angela had insisted that she needed somewhere quiet to discuss something important with him and lead him to the storage compartment of the train. It was dark but just light enough that Harry could easily see Angela.

Harry hadn't gotten much time - or any - to ask questions because Angela had immediately attacked his lips with her own right before she shoved her tongue in his mouth. Angela had heard Harry's near silent 'wow' and immediately grinned before going for another round of tongue wrestling. She had pushed his back against a wall, her hands resting on either side of his face, her left leg hooked around his right. Harry was not idle during all of this as his hips instinctively pushed against Angela who - much to Harry's delight - kept rubbing her hips against his. Harry had removed Angela's hair band, allowing her hair to drop so he could run a hand through it.

His other hand had gone in a slightly different direction, Harry gently squeezed Angela's ass, he was not sure why, only that he wanted to do so. He briefly wondered if he shouldn't have done that, Angela broke the kiss just long enough to give a surprised gasp before she quickly went back into action. As the two continued both of Harry's hands were placed on Angela's rear and he had grabbed a handful in each.

Once the two were done they were both panting, both sweaty and their foreheads leaning on each other.

"W...what was that for?" Harry asked after a few moments of silence. "Not that I am complaining." Harry quickly added, not bothering to remove his hands from where they were.

"I had missed you, Master." Angela smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the side of his cheek, but she didn't stop at one kiss, she kissed his jaw before she began placing multiple kisses on his neck. "I just wanted to show you much," She said in-between kisses. "hmm, now I think we can probably get away with another five minutes before we go back to the compartments."

"Fair enough." Harry said, doing a mental and physical shrug before he kissed Angela on the lips.

The two seemed to have forgotten about Jet who was sitting on Harry's trunk, Jet shook his head and looked away.

"Ignore me then." Jet said before he began taking a nap.


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