Sibling Secrets

"I am terribly sorry about that." Harry apologized to Jet as he walked to the compartment where his friends would be, Angela was not with him as she was heading off to a prefect meeting, Harry was honestly not very surprised that she had become a prefect. He could only hope that the Weasley twins were never given positions of power, that very thought was terrifying.

"Apology accepted," Jet replied. "but the next time you wish to repeatedly stab each other in the mouth with your tongues and hug lips then at least give me the opportunity to leave."

"Noted." Harry said with an eyeroll just before he arrived at the compartment, he opened it and saw Tracey and Daphne sitting on one side of the compartment with Blaise sitting on the other. "What's up guys?" Harry said as he entered and put his trunk over head before he sat down next to Blaise.

"Alright Harry," Blaise nodded in greeting. "where's Angela?" He asked.

"She's off to a prefect meeting, she's very busy apparently." Harry shrugged.

"She'd have more time if you would stop stabbing her in the mouth with your tongue." Jet pointed out, Harry ignored him in favour of greeting Daphne and Tracey.

"Daph, Trace, how was your summers?" Harry asked just as Jet slithered down from Harry's shoulders and into Daphne's waiting arms.

"Boring but relaxing." Tracey shrugged.

"Same," Daphne nodded before she began petting Jet. "and how is my favorite snake doing?" Daphne asked as she smiled at Jet.

"Well...he is still an asshole." Harry said with an amused smile. Any further response was cut off when a girl with blue eyes and curly blonde hair, a first year if Harry had to guess, opened the door. She was about to say something but stopped and gasped when she saw Jet resting in Daphne's lap.

"Is that Jet?" The girl asked Daphne.

"Yes, he is." Daphne said with a smile before she turned to the rest of the compartment. "Everyone, allow me to introduce my younger sister, Astoria." Daphne said as she gestured to the new girl.

"Hi," Astoria said with a small wave. "Daphne had said I could sit with you guys, is that alright?" She asked, as she looked around the compartment.

"I don't mind." Harry said, everyone looked at Blaise who shrugged to show that he didn't care much if she did.

"Thank you." Astoria said as she sat in-between Daphne and Tracey. "Oh, can I touch him?" She asked as she gestured to Jet.

"Give me a sec," Daphne said as she looked at Jet. "Jet, can my sister pet you?" She asked as she held him.

"My pet's sister? Hmm...I will allow it." Jet said with a small nod.

"That's a 'yes' apparently." Daphne said as she nodded to Astoria.

"Wait, you can understand him?" Astoria gaped at her.

"Well...I understood the nod, Jet can understand English. I don't speak parsletounge." Daphne shrugged before she gestured to Jet with her head. Astoria tentatively reached out and stroked Jet's body.

"Wow, he is so smooth." Astoria gasped.

"I know," Daphne smiled before she placed Jet over her shoulders. "oh, I should introduce you to the others. You know Tracey already, but this one here is Blaise Zabini." Daphne said as she gestured to Blaise who gave Astoria a nod in greeting. "And this one is Harry Potter." She said as she gestured to Harry.

"I...kind of worked that part out." Astoria said as she gestured to Harry's not so subtle scar. "Sorry, I hope that's not offensive."

"Honestly, you've handled it better than most." Harry replied as he leaned forward and took Astoria's hand in his own. "As Daphne said, I'm Harry Potter." Harry said as he leaned forward and planted a small kiss on Astoria's knuckles, causing Astoria to blush.

"Oi." Daphne said in an irritated voice as she lightly slapped Harry on the top of the head. "No flirting with my sister."

"I wasn't flirting." Harry protested as he let her hand go.

"Please," Blaise scoffed. "you would flirt with anything if it's mildly attractive and breathes." As the boys continued talking Astoria leaned over to Daphne and whispered in her ear.

"I can see why you have a crush on him." Astoria whispered with a grin. Daphne's face turned red before she began whispering furiously in her sister's ear.

"You say anything and I promise I will make you pay!" Daphne hissed into her ear. Astoria smirked and was about to reply when Jet suddenly placed his face in front of hers, and began softly hissing, Astoria couldn't understand parsletounge but knew that whatever he was saying wasn't nice. Jet pulled his head back and returned to resting on Daphne's shoulder.

"W...what was that?" Astoria mouthed to Daphne.

"Well," Daphne whispered with a smirk. "I have to guess but I think Jet offered to get revenge on my behalf if you bother me." Daphne said as she petted Jet's head.

"Fine," Astoria sighed. "I won't say anything."

"Good." Daphne smiled.

"So Astoria," Harry said as he and Blaise both came back into the conversation. "what house do you think that you will be in?" Harry asked.

"Hmm," Astoria hummed. "I think I will be in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin." Astoria said after a while. "Hmm, maybe Hufflepuff if I had to chose a third. I don't think I'm much of a Gryffindor."

"Hmm, some of the Gryffindor's I've seen are alright." Harry replied, though he was honestly mostly just thinking about the three female chasers on the quidditch team. "Others, not so much."

"Is that supposed to be a reference to Ron Weasley?" Astoria asked.

"You know about Ron Weasley?" Harry asked.

"Have you met him? Poor girl." Blaise replied.

"No, I haven't met him." Astoria said with a head shake. "But I have heard Daphne complain about him." Astoria said, she was very tempted to point out that those complaints were actually Daphne mumbling under her breath about Weasley constantly bothering Harry but decided she'd rather not risk her sister's wrath, Astoria knew that Daphne would never even dream of killing her but that she was also sure that Daphne could easily find a non-lethal and non-harmful way of punishing her.


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