Clash of Values

"Enough!" Dumbledore said in a loud but firm voice as he interrupted Snape, causing the potions master to stop his impromptu rant and stare at him with a surprised look on his face. "We will be talking later, Severus." Dumbledore said in a voice that made it clear he would not tolerate any arguments from the sour teacher. Dumbledore turned his head to Mr Weasley and Harry. "My apologies, my teachers and I will not interrupt your conversation with My Weasley. If any of us do then I will place a privacy charm around myself, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, so you may continue your conversation." Dumbledore said as he pulled out his wand.

"Thank you," Harry nodded to Dumbledore before turning to Mr Weasley. "are you aware of the fact that your son can't seem to last a week without annoying me in some way or form. He has spent a lot of his school time spreading stories about me being a 'dark wizard' who would curse anyone who so much as looks at me wrong. He has even tried to attack me before, as I am sure that you know."

"I do know about the attack." Mr Weasley admitted, looking as if it pained him to do so. "But I was unaware of the story spreading, he had of course told us such thing when he was at home but I had no idea that he had been spreading rumors about you at school."

"Hmm," Harry hummed. "do you know what he did earlier today?" Harry asked.

", no I don't." Mr Weasley shook his head, wondering what in the hell happened.

"Your son roughly pushed me with his shoulder as he entered the hall, I responded by insulting him and calling him a fat ass, which I admit I shouldn't have done. But what he said after that was beyond what was acceptable. I can tolerate insults, I can endure lies being spread about me, I am even somewhat amused when he tries and fails to one up me. But I draw the line at insulting my family." Harry all but growled.

"I...insulting your family?" Mr Weasley weakly repeated.

"Do you know what he said?" Harry asked but continued talking before Mr Weasley could reply. "I'll tell you. He said 'I don't know why you'd call me fat ass when you're the one who is living with the fat ass slut. My brothers told me all about that girl you're living with, her name is Nymphadora, isn't it? They told me how she's a slut who would sleep with everyone, how much do you think I would have to pay for it? Bet it wouldn't even be more than five sickles.'. That is what your son said to me!" Harry finished with a glare at Mr Weasley just as Jet hissed angrily at him.

"Oh." Mr Weasley gulped, his gaze shifted to the form of his unconscious son before he turned back to Harry. "Har...Lord Potter, I apologize for the actions of my son, his actions are most definitely not supported by house Weasley. I promise you that my son will be punished by me."

"And that is supposed to make me feel better?" Harry asked sarcastically. "I can't speak about all of your sons, I certainly can't speak about Percy Weasley but all I have ever heard about him is that he worships the rules the same why a dung beetle would worship dung. As for your two twin boys, they're a pair of bullies that like to think that they are not bullies because they 'prank' instead of shooting spells. Do you know that the Slytherin's will every year warn the new students about them?" Harry asked, if he looked at the teachers then he would have seen Professor McGonagall's eyes widen as she learnt about the twins, she knew the boys like to prank but she didn't know that it was that bad. "And then there is Ronald," Harry continued, "the boy who is pretty much the worse student in his year, and not just because of his grades."

Arthur looked at the teachers for confirmation, Dumbledore didn't react buy Snape easily nodded while Professor McGonagall sadly nodded.

"It seems to me that young Ginerva is the only reasonably stable and well behaved child you have and she is all but shunned by your other children because she is in Slytherin. So if your children are messed up in so many different ways then I have real concerns about your methods of parenting." Harry continued, unsympathetic to what Mr Weasley was going through. "Are you really going to punish him? And what about whichever of his brothers have been telling him that my sister is a slut?" Harry asked.

"Uh...yes, yes of course."

"Really?" Harry drawled. "Because - and maybe it's just me that remembers this - I remember a time when it was actually shown in the news, on the Daily Prophet, about how much of an idiot your son was. The only punishments that you handed out, that I am aware of, was a howler from your wife. A howler might be an effective punishment but screaming at your child in front of an entire hall full of people is not something I would expect from a sane and sensible person."

"Mr Potter, we did punish him when he got home." Mr Weasley protested.

"Perhaps you did," Harry nodded. "but whatever his punishment was it clearly didn't work as his behavior has not improved at all. So either you are a liar and were lying to me about him being punished or you are simply incapable of properly disciplining your son, which is it?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall exchanged looks as Mr Weasley struggled to answer, it was clear to them that Harry was most definitely Charles Potter's grandson, not that they ever doubted that fact.

As Mr Weasley tried to think up an excuse he was interrupted as the twins and Percy arrived, rushing through the hospital doors.

"What happened?" Percy quickly asked when he saw Ron lying unconscious on the bed.

"I blasted your brother because he was an idiot, now sit down and shut up or go away, the adults are talking." Harry said in an irritated voice.

"You blasted our brother?!" Fred and George demanded at the same time.

"And I'd do it again." Harry said without hesitation.

"Boys!" Mr Weasley spoke in a surprisingly firm voice. "Right now I am acting as head of our family and am talking to 'Lord' Potter," He said, making sure to emphasize the word 'Lord'. "now leave or remain quiet." He said, the boys looked like they wanted to argue but wisely chose not to.

"Out of curiosity, which one of your children was it that told Ron the moron those false truth's about Tonk's?" Harry asked.

"Boys," Mr Weasley sighed. "well...who was it?"

"It was us." Fred began as he gestured to himself and George.

"We only told him what Charlie had wrote to us in his last letter." George added.

"Actually we didn't even do that, he just found the letter and started reading it." Fred finished.


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