Harry's Ultimatum

Harry was about to speak but paused as he noticed something hanging out of a pocket from one of the Weasley twins pockets, it was a piece of parchment, Harry couldn't help but notice the symbol in the corner of it. his eyes widened and he quickly pulled his wand out.

"Accio Marauder's map." Harry whispered underneath his breath so nobody could hear and the piece of parchment flew out of the pocket and straight into Harry's hands. "Score." Harry grinned as he looked at it.

"Hey!" The Weasley twins both protested, they were about to move forward but were stopped by Dumbledore.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore spoke. "you are aware that it is forbidden to steal over student's properties."

"Of course." Harry said as if Dumbledore had asked him if the sky was blue.

"In that case, you might wish to return that." Dumbledore said as he gestured to the parchment.

"Why on Earth would I want to do that?" Harry asked, playing dumb.

"Mr Potter..," Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Fine, fine, ruin my fun." Harry said with an eye roll. "As for this," Harry said as he held up this parchment, "this parchment belongs to me. Well...it belonged to my father, and therefore me." Harry said as he gestured to a corner of the parchment. "If you take a close look then you'll see a small pair of antlers in the corner along with three different sets of paws. I know what this is, my father left several books including a diary which explained what this was. This is Potter family property, which means I am rather curious about how two members of the Weasley family had it." Harry finished in a questioning tone as he raised an eyebrow at the Weasley twins. Everyone else in the room also stared at them.

"Boys," Arthur sighed, knowing that he and his family were going to look worse by the end of this. "where did you get it?"

"We nicked it from Filch." Both of them answered at the same time after a few moments of silence, both had decided to answer honestly seeing that their father was not in the best of moods, and that they were in a room with McGonagall, Snape and Dumbledore.

"Great, now you have thieves for children, is there any level in which you and wife haven't messed up while raising them?" Harry asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Potter," Snape sneered at him. "if they stole it from Filch then that means it had been confiscated. You will return that at once."

"Hmm, no." Harry said, shaking his head.

"Excuse me?" Professor Snape looked at him in a way that made it very clear that he couldn't believe that he had just said 'no.'

"You heard me," Harry sighed as he pocketed the parchment. "I haven't done anything with it yet that can give you a good enough reason to confiscate it, you don't even know what it is."

"And what is it, Mr Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Private." Harry said apologetically before he turned to Dumbledore. "Also, I've been lead to understand that maximum amount of time that the school may keep a confiscated item is till the end of a school year unless it is a dark object which should be handed over to the DMLE. This hasn't been handed over to the DMLE and has been kept by the school for far longer than the permitted time, that is stealing in my eyes, if you try to take it then I will of course argue against it in a court of law with my lawyer-dad...my law-dad...my l-ad...my lad. Yeah, that works."

"You may of course keep it Mr Potter, it did belong to your father after all." Professor Dumbledore said before anyone could respond.

"Headmaster, we're just taking his word that that belongs to him?!" Professor Snape looked at Dumbledore with disbelief.

"I know that it does belong to the late James Potter because he told me about it once before."

"Really?" Harry blinked in surprise, he didn't know that Dumbledore knew about the map.

"He had told me about it," Dumbledore nodded. "according to him Peter Pettigrew had lost it, perhaps Mr Filch had stumbled upon it. Nether the less, it is yours to keep." He said, if anyone looked at the Weasley twins then they would see them staring at Harry in shock as they realized that he was the son of one of their heroes. They were very tempted to ask him which Marauder was his father.

"Thanks," Harry said with a small smile before he turned back to Mr Weasley. "to sum up the oldest child you currently have in this school is known for being overly fond of rules, the next two are bullies and thieves and the last is a blithering idiot who regularly sprouts a bunch of twaddle and refuses to leave me alone. Your daughter is the only sensible one and your other children don't like her because she is in a different 'school house'." Harry said, emphasizing the last two words to make it clear how ridiculous he thought they were being. "Oh and you happen to have another outside of school that is telling his brothers things that he shouldn't be. What's next? Is one of your children in Azkaban?"

"Lord Potter," Mr Weasley said as he took a deep breath, he had never felt so embarrassed in all of his life. "I...I don't know what to say."

"Well let me make this easier for you then, I don't want to listen to your excuses so you don't need to say anything to me. However if you need advice on what to say to your sons then I have something that will help you out. The next time Ronald Weasley bothers me I will be declaring a blood feud with House Weasley." Harry said, causing everyone else to look at him with shocked looks on their faces.

"A b...blood feud?" Mr Weasley stuttered, looking at Harry with fearful eyes. "Mr Potter, surely there is no..."

"That is Lord Potter and yes, there is. If that won't get it through your son's thick skull then nothing will. I am going to go now," Harry said as he turned to the Professor's. "can I have a note to explain to Professor Flitwick why I am late to his class?" Harry asked as if he hadn't just threatened to end a family.

"R...right, of course." Professor McGonagall said after a few moments of silence, she waved her wand and created a note.

"Thank you, ma'am." Harry nodded as he took the note. "Gentlemen." Harry nodded to everyone else before he turned and walked out of the room. As he walked out, he wondered if Mr Weasley would actually teach his red-headed little cretin to stop being a pest, hopefully he did. And if he didn't...well...at least Madam Pomfrey would have something to keep her busy.


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