Harry's Heroic Deed

"So, Harry," Professor Babbling said when Harry stayed behind after his first ancient runes lesson with her. "what do you think about my class?" She asked.

"It was really interesting," Harry smiled as Jet climbed on to his shoulder. "can I ask what else we will be learning about over the year?"

"You can," Professor Babbling - or Beth as Harry called her in private - smiled, glad to have a student who took an interest in her class. "well today we just went through some basic runes like 'Sowilo', which is what rune?" She trailed off, waiting for him to finish.

"It is the 'sun' rune," Harry answered.

"Yes it is, or at least one variation of it." Beth nodded. "We'll be doing some more complicated runes as we go along but it will mostly depend on the speed of the class."

"Got it," Harry said before he paused and cast a tempus spell to check the time. "I've got to my next class. See you later."

"Harry," She said before he could turn and leave. "what is all of this about a blood feud?" She asked, looking worried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Harry chuckled. "Weasley was just being an idiot. He was pushing and pushing, and he wasn't learning and was gettung on my last nerve, so I had to make it clear what would happen if he didn't shape up. I don't really plan to initiate a blood feud unless I absolutly have to. Now...I have to go for my next lesson, I'll see you later. Oh and I'm looking forward to the next lesson." Harry grinned before he walked out.

"Goodbye." Professor Babbling called after him, smiling as he left.

Harry was currently sat in the Slytherin common room with his other year mates after a long day of school.

"Is it true that you really nearly started a blood feud with the Weasley's?" Draco asked, looking at Harry like he was his new hero.

"I was very close to doing so," Harry nodded whilst not looking away from the book he was reading, despite that he knew that all of his friends were listening to him. "I warned Mr Weasley - the head of house one, not the annoying younger ones - that if he didn't get Ronald under control then I would activate that blood feud. Weasley had gotten on my last nerve, his attention seeking little games were amusing at first but I've grown tired of them long ago."

"Weasley, if he even has three brain cells, should be smart enough to not want to try something else against you now." Theo replied.

"Unfortunately I think you have accurately predicted the exact amount of brain cells that he has." Harry said with a dramatic sigh, earning laughs from the others.

"Oh, I'm going to have so much fun teasing him." Draco grinned.

"No." Harry calmly replied without looking away from his book.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Parkinson sneered at him. "Going soft?"

"Alright Parkinson," Harry sighed as he put his book down and looked at Pansy. "much like Weasley your actions used to - I repeat 'used to' - be amusing. But I've grown rather tired of it. So first of all, stop sneering at me and control your face before I break your teeth." Harry warned, the sneer vanished from Parkinson's face so fast that it looked like it was vanished by magic. Pansy wanted to say something but as she looked at Harry she couldn't help but believe that he really would break her teeth. "Also, stop those 'subtle' little comments of yours before I really give you something to talk about."

Harry gave her a hard stare with Jet on his shoulders who was doing the same, almost daring her to talk back to him, she looked at him for several moments before looking at the others. Blaise and Nott's face were blank, Draco along with Crabbe and Goyle were looking away from her, she looked at Tracey who simply shrugged while Daphne raised an eyebrow at Pansy. Both girls silently telling her that she had brought this on herself. Seeing that she would get no back up her shoulders slumped and she bowed her head slightly to look away.

"Good," Harry said before he turned to Draco. "Draco, you are a Malfoy, as such I am sure that your father would have taught you that image is everything?" Harry asked, Draco frowned but nodded. "As of right now everyone will know that I threatened Weasley with a blood feud, if we deliberately antagonize him then we will look like the bad guys. However if we leave him alone then it will look like we are good students and Weasley had simply pushed us to the edge, pushed us to the point where I felt like I had no choice but to issue a warning in order to stop him from pushing more."

"As much as I would love to torture Weasley..." Daphne sighed as she picked up Jet and began petting him. "Harry's unfortunatly right.

"Harry is definetly right," Angela said as she walked over. "if you keep pushing then Slytherin's reputation will get much, much worse." She said before she turned to Harry. "May I please talk with you in private?" She asked.

"Sure," Harry nodded before he stood up. "ladies, gentlemen, Parkinson." Harry nodded to the others before he followed Angela up into his room. "What's up?" Harry asked.

"I'm going to contact our reporter friend," Angela told him as she closed the doors. "we need to get ahead of this blood feud buisness quickly."

"Agreed." Harry sighed as he sat on his bed. "Curse Weasley to hell, the little shit can't help but cause problems."

"I know," Angela sighed as she sat next to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and began planting kises all over the side of his face and neck. "hmm...you're so stressed," She hotly whispered into his ear. "maybe I should find a way to make you feel better."

"Oh?" Harry asked, his voice had become slightly deeper than he had intended.

"Yes," Angela leaned back and a grin came on her face, she pushed Harry down so he was lying on his back. "and I have the perfect way of helping you out."

"Angela?" Harry asked as she got onto her knees.

"Relax Harry," Angela licked her lips as she undid his belt buckle before she pulled his pants down. "I'm going to make you feel really good." She said before she lowered her head.

"Oh fuck!" Harry groaned.


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