Harry's Heroic Gesture

"Ron!" Neville quickly rushed towards Ron when he and the other Weasley children entered the Gryffindor common room, every person in the common room was now looking at them. "Everyone's heard! Harry Potter threatened your family with a blood feud?!"

"Yeah," Ron growled. "I couldn't believe it, he..."

"Enough!" Percy said before Ron could say anymore. "Don't forget what Father told you," Percy hissed into Ron's ear. "don't even say anything bad about him, I don't want to risk him hearing it." Ron paled but nodded. "Look," Percy said to Neville and the other two Gryffindor boys in Ron's year. "Potter did threaten the family with a blood feud and it would only take place if Ron kept bothering him, so can you please do me a favour and keep an eye on him when me and my brothers are not here and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"

"I don't need people to look after me!" Ron protested.

"If that was true then we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!" Percy snapped at him before he stormed off and went to his room.

"Now you've done it." Both twins sighed, they both gave Ron a dope slap on the back of his head before they also went off to their rooms.

"Why are you smiling?" Daphne asked in a sucpicious voice as she and the others walked down towards the care of magical creatures lesson. Harry, who did indeed have a smile on his face simply wrapped an arm around her shoulders, causing her to blink and look at him in shock.

"Well Daph," Harry grinned as he kissed her forehead, "I get to spend the day in your presence, is that not a good enough reason to smile?" he asked in an innocent voice.

"Prat." Daphne said as she pushed his arm off and looked away from him, damn him for making her blush.

"I'm actually happy because I can finally last a lesson without Weasley irritating me." Harry quickly lied, well...that was actually true, he did enjoy the idea of having a lesson without Weasley irritating him, it was also far less likely thanks to the quick article that Harry was able to get out with the help of Angela. The article masterfully told the story of how Harry had tried to ignore Ron many times over and finally lost it after years of irritation when Ron had insulted Harry's adopted sister.

Anyone who knew anything about the two would know that Ron did indeed go after Harry and that he kept pushing so it made sense that Harry would eventually get tired of it. Harry had also made sure to send a letter to Tonks and her parents to let them know about everything that happened, mostly just to save himself from the high amounts of drama that would happen if they had found out through the newspaper. But the real reason he had been smiling was because of his time with Angela, sweet Merlin he had enjoyed that. That mouth thing was brilliant, he would have to ask her to do it again

"I can't believe Dumbledore has the oaf teaching classes." Draco complained as they walked towards Hagrid's hut.

"I suppose I can see both sides of the argument," Harry replied. "on the one hand he is the large gameskeeper but on the other hand he is also pretty knowledable on magical creatures. Either way, we're not going to interfere in the lesson, if he does something worth punishing then let him be punished for it. If not then it makes no sense to ruin our own education because we simply don't like him." Harry said just before they arrived outside of his hut.

The Slyherin's waited, the other students arrived a minute or two later, the Gryffindors making sure to keep their distance from Harry. It wasn't hard to notice that they were standing in-between the Slytherin's and Ron, most likely to keep the idiot out of their way.

"Gather around everyone," Hagrid called as he stood in front of the hut. "less chatter from you lot at the back. Now, listen up, I've got a real treat for you guys today." Hagrid grinned, "Follow me." He said before he turned and began walking off. The students exchanged looks before they followed behind him, all talking amongst each other until they reached their destination. "Right you lot, form a group over there and open your books and turn to page forty nine." Hagrid instructed.

"And how exactly do you suppose we do that?" Draco drawled as he held up his book, the book might have quite informative, but the class didn't know that as they found it difficult to access the information within due to the book's unfortunate tendency to try and bite off the reader's fingers, Draco like the rest of the class had not been able to find a way to open the book without it trying to attack him and had kept it shut with a belt. Hagrid looked around and saw that everyone had had their books held shut with belts or ropes.

"Has nobody been able to work out how to open the books?" Hagrid asked as he looked around. "Y...you just have to stroke the spines, look." He said as he took Harry's book and stroked the book's spine before he handed it back to Harry, Harry raised an eyebrow but did open it.

"Hmm, okay, but perhaps in the future you could let someone else know so they could tell us or maybe have it written down somewhere." Harry suggested.


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