Hagrid's Reckless Act

"Uh...right, just wait here." Hagrid said before he turned and walked away.

"This is starting off great." Draco sighed.

The class talked amongst each other for a few moments, only stopping when Hagrid returned, except he didn't really come back alone. With him was a grey colored creature that most definitely did not exist in the muggle world. It had the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid smiled brightly before tossing the creature a dead ferret which the creature quickly ate up. "Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid! What exactly is that?" Ron Weasley asked as he took a step back.

"That, Ron, is Buckbeak and Buckbeak is a hippogriff." Hagrid answered. "The first thing you need to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid warned before he continued speaking with a lighter tone. "As you can see it is a combination of an eagle and a horse, it is very similar to another magical creature, the griffin, 'cept with them you'd replace the horse parts with lion parts. In fact the 'griff' in their name comes from the fact that they are so similar to griffins. Hippogriffs eat insects, birds, anything small enough really. Now, who'd like to say hello? Oh...well done Harry."

"Beg your pardon?" Harry blinked, he looked back and saw the rest of the students and saw that they had stepped back, making it look like he had walked forwards. "You traitrous little shits!" Harry hissed with disbelief.

"Come on Harry, don't be shy." Hagrid called.

"Give us a sec." Harry sighed as he handed Jet over to Daphne. "if I die then avenge me." Harry hissed to Jet.

"Of course, I'll start with the big one." Jet said as he eyed Hagrid.

"Be careful, Harry." Tracey whispered.

"I'll do my best." Harry said before he turned and began walking. The Gryffindor's looked at Ron and saw that he was about to make a comment of some sort, likely one that would not end well. Remembering Percy's words, they decided to stop that. Hermione by stomping on his foot, Neville by elbowing him in the gut while Seamus and Dean went for the old 'give him a dope slap on the back of his head', all unintentionally happening at the same time.

"Ow!" Ron hissed in pain as he glared at the others who all glared back.

"Atta boy, Harry." Hagrid grinned when Harry stopped a small distance away from Buckbeak. "Now the first thing you need to do is greet him, so you look at him and give him a nice bow, if he bows back then you can go and touch him, if not...well then I'd recommend you move back quickly."

"Gotcha." Harry nodded before he looked at Buckbeak. Harry bowed, bowing was an odd thing for Harry. He had always associated it with submissivness when he was younger, but now he knew that it was also a sign of respect. And as he looked at Buckbeak, he couldn't help but feel some respect for him. Odd though he might be, he was still a beautiful looking magical animal and was very unlikely to be all bark and no bite.

"Good lad, nice and low." Hagrid whispered. Buckbeak started at Harry for several seconds, looking like he was trying to analyse Harry, after a short while he bowed his head. "Oh well done, Harry! Well done!" Hagrid beamed before he tossed Buckbeak another ferret. "I think he may let you touch him now, just walk over, nice and slow. Stop when you get close then let him close the distance and come to you."

"Got it." Harry nodded, he did as Hagrid had told him to do. Roughly about a minute later Harry gasped in amazement as he was petting Buckbeak.

"He likes you," Hagrid grinned. "he may let you ride him now."

"What?" Harry blinked but before he could respond he found himself picked up by Hagrid and put on top of Buckbeak.

"Don't pull out any of his feathers, he doesn't like that." Hagrid said before he slapped Buckbeak on the back. The hippogriff stood on its back legs before it suddenly charged forwards before taking off into the air, Harry with it, a few seconds later it flew out of view.

"What are you doing?!" Daphne shouted, catching Hagrid's attention and silencing the previously cheering crowd.

"Eh?" He blinked as he looked at her.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Daphne demanded.

"I...what are you..."

"Are you trying to get Harry killed?!" Tracey said, glaring at Hagrid.

"What?! No, I..."

"Because what you just did was grab him and shove him on top of a large magical creature before sending them both flying into the air!" Tracey cut him off. "Without his permisson or consent either! You just grabbed him and picked him up!"

"Nor did you have a saftey harness or a saddle in place to make sure Harry doesn't fall off! For all we know Harry could have fallen off and landed on his neck!" Daphne added, causing Hagrid to pale slightly. If anyone was paying attention then they would have seen Ron get hit again when his smile got a little too big.

"I knew we shouldn't have attended this class." Draco whispered to the other boys.

"Look...I..." Hagrid gulped as he tried to think up a good response. "I just...I'm sure he's fine." He said in a weak voice. The students in the class began talking amongst themselves, something which did not help Hagrid who already felt like he had just caused a car crash.

"Harry will be glad to know that I will have avenged him." Jet hissed, he was fully ready to leap off of Daphne and head towards Hagrid but stopped when he heard the sound of wings, a few seconds later Buckbeak landed down with Harry still safely on his back, funnily enough Ron was also hit again.

"Well...that was fun." Harry said in a dry voice as he hopped off and looked at Buckbeak, "thank you for that." Harry said as he petted him, Buckbeak leaned into his touch, sqwaking happily as he did so. Harry nodded to him before he looked at Hagrid, "while I will admit to enjoying that, I'd prefer if next time you can let me know before shoving me on top of a hippogriff." Harry said before he turned and walked back to the Slytherin's.


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