Harry's Debt to Hagrid

"Harry, are you alright?" Tracey asked as the Slytherin's walked away from their care of magical creatures class.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Harry asked as he walked with Jet resting on his shoulders.

"Harry, mate, the big guy did just drop you on a hippogriff before sending you straight into the air. You could have fallen off and injured yourself, if not kill yourself." Blaise replied.

"True, but I think Hagrid just got over excited and didn't think it through." Harry shrugged. "He's better than Quirrell and Lockhart at least."

"I would find it difficult to imagine anyone being worse." Theo replied.

"Don't tempt it." Harry sighed.

"We should contact my father and the papers," Draco suggested. "we can probably get the oaf fired within the week."

"No." Harry said, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Draco whined.

"Because despite his overenthusiastic near manslaughter, I rather liked the lesson." Harry admitted. "I'm going to go and speak to Professor McGonagall, tell her how to improve his lessons, we can go from there."

"But why?" Draco sighed.

"Because I owe him," Harry said, thinking about how Hagrid had helped Bathsheda with the photo album that Harry had got during his first christmas at Hogwarts. "this is my repayment, after that we'll be even." Harry said, while his time at the Tonks family had somewhat diluted his belief that everyone always wanted something in return for everything, it hadn't got rid of it completly. Harry didn't know if Hagrid would ever demand a favour from him but as far as Harry was concerned any debts he owed Hagrid would be gone once he helped Hagrid keep his job.

"Owe him? How on Earth do you owe him?" Parkinson asked with disbelief.

"Quite simple, Parkinson, actions have consequences, long and short term ones, you'd do well to remember that." Harry replied.

"Hmm, you need to be very specific with what you want to do." Salazar said.

Right now Harry and Jet were in the chamber of secrets, they had taken Salazar's portrait outside of the statue so they could practise spells. Right now Harry was practising his animation spells, Salazar had him break a wooden chair into pieces and then animate the pieces into something else, Harry had opted for somethings simple and had gone for a small person, using the chair legs as arms and legs while the seat was the body and the head was the back rest.

Harry had began practising moving the mini person around the chamber, having it walk around, stop and turn, pause, reach up and any other thing Harry could think of.

"Animation charms are always underrated bits of magic." Salazar commented. "I once saw Godric slaughter ten people by animating a large cat from several swords and shields. Could have just sent them flying at his enemies but no, wanted to prove the spell was underrated. In fact it's almost as underrated as me."

"I would argue that Helga Hufflepuff is more underrated than you." Harry said, keeping the majority of his focus on his spell.

"Don't you think it rather proves my point in a way if you argue against me?" Salazar asked.

"No, I am very sure that Helga Hufflepuff is more underrated, people at least talk about you and the other three." Harry replied.

"I don't know why people don't talk about her, honestly she was one of the kindest and most dangerous women I have ever known." Salazar said as he shook his head with disbelief. "She also gave brilliant handjobs." He added with a wistful sigh.

Of course it was at that moment that Harry's concentration broke and his animation charm failed, causing the animated chair-person to fall onto the ground, falling into pieces.

"I...beg your pardon?" Harry blinked as he looked at him.

"Oh, well...what happened was that one day Helga and I decided to..."

"Ah!" Harry cut him off. "I do not want to know...I do not want to know at all."

"Are you sure?" Salazar asked.

"Nobody wants to know and if you tell us I will put my fangs through your portrait." Jet warned.

The next day Harry was in a meeting in the headmaster's office, he was sat opposite Headmaster Dumbledore who was sat behind his desk. Standing on Dumbleodore's left was Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, and standing on his right was Hagrid who was looking quite nervous.

"Now, Harry, I believe you had requested this meeting to discuss Professor Hagrid's lesson." Dumbledore began.

"Indeed I did, sir." Harry nodded. "Our lesson started off with hippogriff's, he told us a bit about them before he had me approach one. Then I began petting one, then he said I could ride one, that was right before he picked me up and put me on the hippogriff without my consent and then he sent us both into the air, once again without my consent, and without a saftey harness or even a saddle."

"I see." Dumbledore frowned, he looked at Hagrid who was looking quite worried. "Is this true, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked.


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