Harry's Defiance

A few days later all of the students were gathered in the great hall for the champion selection ceremony, the last few days had been very interesting in Harry's opinion. He had done the best he could to get friendly with the Durmstrang students, he hadn't really yet made an effort with the Beauxbaton students but he still had time for that. Harry found out that he and Krum were especially getting along with each other, rumours were spreading around the school that Krum had adopted Harry as his student to teach him all of his quidditch tricks.

Harry had also been enjoying attending defence against the dark arts class now that Moody was teaching it, the man most definitely knew his stuff and he was exactly like Harry had been told he was. Earlier today he had taught them about the unforgivables, he hadn't shown them any of them but he had made them study them.

"How the bleeding hell are you supposed to defend against them if you don't them?" Moody has asked in the lesson, Harry couldn't help but agree with that.

Harry had also had some entertainment over the last few days, one great example being when the Weasley twins tried and failed to get past Dumbledore's age line and ended up with beards like Dumbledore's. Harry had been doing brilliantly in his classes, just like normal, and had spent some time in the chamber of secrets, he was really happy with his progress and that was why he didn't mind rewarding himself with Angela. Harry had actually gotten the chance to practise all of the things that Mrs Zabini had taught him, they weren't able to do it Harry's room since they didn't want to risk someone finding out but luckily Harry was allowed to access the same bathroom as prefects can thanks to being a quidditch captain. Apparently bath fun time was just as fun as regular fun time. Angela wasn't experienced as her mother (not really surprising since she was actually a virgin until Harry had fixed that) but it was enjoyable all the same.

The hall had been altered so that now everyone was sitting around the edges of the room or at one of the two long tables in the hall. The reason it had been altered was to give more space to the goblet of fire which was still in the middle of the hall. Right now Harry was sat in-between Daphne and Tracey with Angela sat right behind him. On Daphne's left was Krum and several other Durmstrang boys while most of the Slytherins in Harry's year sat on Tracey's right.

"Look, it's the Minister." Draco leaned over and whispered. Harry's eyes trailed over to the head table, he saw the three heads of each school along with Ludo Bagman and Minister Fudge.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen," Dumbledore spoke as he stood next to the goblet. "allow me to introduce Ludo Bagman, the head of the 'Department of Magical Games and Sports', and Minister Fudge." Dumbledore said, if he felt annoyed when he mentioned Fudge then nobody noticed it. The hall cheered for them before Dumbledore continued speaking "These two have worked very hard to help bring back the tournament and will serve as the judges of the tournament along with myself, Headmistress Maxime and Headmaster Karkaroff." Dumbledore said, he knew that Ludo and Barty Crouch Sr had actually done most of the work but Bart was now in prison so Fudge had decided to come in and take over. "In a minute or so the goblet will reveal the names of the champions, when I call their names they will come and take their parchment before heading to the side chamber..." Dumbledore gestured to a door near the staff table. "...from there they will wait for further instructions." Dumbledore said before he pulled out his wand.

Dumbledore waved his wand, putting out all of the torches and candles in the room except for a few in carved pumpkins that were placed all over the hall. The only other exception was obviously the goblet itself.

The flames inside the goblet turned suddenly red and sparks began to fly from it. A piece of parchment shot out of it with a red flame that disappeared after a second. Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment as light of the flames turned back to blue-white. "The champion for Durmstrang," Dumbledore said as he began reading. "is none other than Viktor Krum!" The hall erupted into cheers as Victor stood up and went over to collect his parchment, he nodded to Dumbledore before walking to the side chamber.

"Who else would it have been?" Harry heard Blaise snort. Once Victor was gone another piece of parchment shot out of the flames.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," Dumbledore spoke as he read the parchment. "is Miss Fleur Delacour!" At that moment a very beautiful blonde from the Beauxbaton students stood up and walked to collect the parchment, every male eye was on her.

"She's a veela." Angela whispered into Harry's ear.

"Really?" Harry hummed, he knew what veela were, having read up on them after seeing a few of them be mascots during the quidditch world cup. Much like sirens they weren't classified as fully human and were instead considered to be magical beings, veela were beautiful women with white-gold hair and skin that appears to shine moon-bright. When angry, they can transform into a more bird like and far less attractive form where they could produce flames, at least that was what the books said.

"And now we wait to see who the Hogwarts champion will be," Dumbledore said once Fleur had entered the side chamber. A few seconds later another piece of parchment shot out and Dumbledore easily caught it. "the Hogwarts champion will be...Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announced, at that moment a handsome Hufflepuff boy stood up as many clapped for him, especially the Hufflepuff students.

"A Hufflepuff?" Harry heard Malfoy groan.

"Could be worse, at least it's not a Gryffindor." Theo commented.

"Now," Dumbledore spoke once Cedric had exited the hall. "we finally have our three Tri-Wizard champions, now the next part of the tournament will..." Whatever Dumbledore was about to say was cut off as a fourth piece of parchment shot out of the goblet, Dumbledore's eyes widened as he caught it. Everyone was starting, wondering why a fourth parchment had come out. "H..." Dumbledore choked slightly as he read it. "Harry Potter." He said in a quiet voice, though he might as well have shouted it since everyone in the hall heard. "Harry Potter." Dumbledore looked toward Harry.

"Sir?" Harry asked in a questioning voice.

"Your name is on this parchment." Dumbledore told him.

"Pardon me sir," Harry coughed as he stood up. "I think there has been a mistake of some kind. Firstly I did not enter my name into the goblet, nor did I ask anyone else to do so on my behalf. Even if I had then I still shouldn't be chosen as this is the fourth parchment for what is supposed to be a tournament between three people. I did not enter my name sir."

"Yeah right." One Hufflepuff boy scoffed, his voice carrying across the hall.

"Zach! Be quiet!" Susan Bones hissed as she glared at Zacharias Smith, he was a boy in her year but not the most likeable one.

"What?! He's a cheat!" Smith continued. "I'd bet my trust vault that he cheated to get his name in there."

"Would you really?" Harry asked in a calm voice, resisting the urge to grin.

"What?" Smith blinked.

"Would you really bet your trust vault?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Zach was about to answer but paused when he noticed the look in Harry's eyes, something felt wrong. "Well Smith? You want to put your money where your mouth is? I'm not poor but I'd love to have another trust vault? You want to bet?" Harry asked.

"There will be no betting trust vaults." Professor McGonagall's voice cut off any response.

"Shame, I was about to be a whole trust vault richer." Harry said as he took out his wand. "I, Harry James Potter, do swear on my magic that I did not intentionally or knowingly enter my name into the goblet of fire, nor did I ask anybody else to enter my name for me, this I swear on my magic, so mote it be." Harry said as his wand glowed, everyone in the hall stared at him, shocked that he had just made a magical oath. "Next time engage your brain first, Smith." Harry told him before he turned back to Dumbledore. "So is this situation resolved now?" Harry asked.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore spoke. "While I believe that you did not enter your name into the goblet, can you please enter the side chamber so we may discuss what happened?" Dumbledore asked. "We must determine if the goblet will make you compete or not." Dumbledore added.

"If I must." Harry sighed.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Angela whispered.

"That's entirely up to you." Harry told her before he began walking to the side chamber, he was not at all surprised when Angela began walking with him. "This'll be interesting." Harry whispered to Jet.

"Your life would last much longer if less things were interesting." Jet replied.


"And now the Hogwarts champion is..." Dumbledore paused so he could read the parchment. His jaw dropped when he saw what was written down on it. His jaw moved up and down several times as small noices came out of his mouth. "I..." Dumbledore tried to speak but discovered he was still a little too shocked to do so. After a minute he was eventually able to speak. "the Hogwarts champion is...it's Jet."

"What?!" Harry blurted out, he looked around and saw Jet slithering towards the side chamber. "Jet!"

"Eternal Glory is mine bitches!" Jet shouted.


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