Harry's Confrontation

The three champions all turned towards the door of the chamber when they heard it open, they were expecting the heads of their schools and the other two judges, what they were not expecting was for Harry Potter to walk in with his snake on his shoulders and Angela walking right behind him.

"Harry?" Krum looked at him with a questioning look.

"Do they want us to come back into the hall?" Fleur asked, her voice had a very noticeable French accent.

"Not quite." Harry sighed.

"Harry's name was entered into the goblet of fire," Angela spoke up. "once you three had entered this chamber another parchment had shot up and it had his name on it."

"What?!" Cedric blurted out. "You entered the tournament? But you're a fourth year!"

"I didn't enter my name into the goblet, somebody else did." Harry replied.

"It's true," Angela spoke next. "Harry even swore a magical oath in front of everyone in the hall to show that he hadn't."

"You swore a magical oath?" Fleur blinked as she and the other champions looked at him with shock and disbelief.

"I don't believe in wasting time." Harry shrugged just before Dumbledore and the other tournament judges entered along with Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, the last person to come in was Professor Moody.

"What are we going to do, Dumbledore?" Karkaroff asked as they stopped in front of Harry and the other champions. "This boy had cheated his way in and..."

"Cheated his way in?" Fudge interrupted as he looked at Karkaroff with disbelief. "The boy made a magical oath in front of everyone!"

"Yes, that was without doubt a true magical oath," Dumbledore said before he turned to Harry. "and Mr Potter I would prefer if you don't make more in the future unless absolutely necessary, oaths are not simple things and can just as easily go wrong with the slightest bit of wrong wording."

"I know sir," Harry nodded. "but I figured it was the quickest and easiest way of proving my innocence. Rest assured it's not something I plan to do every time I get into trouble."

"Thank goodness." Professor McGonagall said under her breath.

"If Hogwarts will be allowed to have two champions then so should our schools." Karkaroff argued.

"It's too late," Moody replied. "the goblet has already gone out. You'd have to wait until the next tournament."

"If the boy did not put his name in then why was he entered into the tournament?" Madam Maxime demanded to know.

"The goblet of fire is a powerful magical object," Professor Moody barked out as his magical eye looked all around the room. "it would take a powerful witch or wizard to mess with it, a compulsion charm could do. I don't know who entered Potter's name but I know it was definitely not Potter. Dumbledore had tasked me with watching the goblet overnight and Potter didn't come near it at all."

"That does not fix the problem of Potter still having to compete in this tournament." Professor Snape spoke up before his gaze shifted to Angela. "And what are you doing here? Get back to the hall." He barked.

"You know my relationship with him," Angela replied, not intimidated in the slightest. "therefore you know I have the right to be here." She said before turning to Professor Dumbledore. "Is there any way for Harry to get out of this tournament?"

"He can't," Ludo Bagman spoke up. "if his name is selected by the goblet then he must compete. It says so in the rule book."

"Just wait a darn minute." Fudge huffed before pulling out the tournament rule book. A minute later he looked up from the book. "Ludo is right, Mr Potter must compete or risk losing his magic."

"What?!" Harry blurted out before he snatched the book out of Fudge's hands and began reading. "Fuck!" Harry yelled out by the end of the page.

"Mr Potter, language." Professor McGonagall admonished.

"Fuck language and its motherfucking whore of a mother!" Harry snapped at her before turning back to the tournament judges who were all looking at him with wide eyes. "Which stupid fucking idiot had the fucking stupid idea to fucking bring and use the stupid fucking magical fucking goblet of magic stealing fucking fire for a fucking school tournament?!" Harry demanded as his green eyes narrowed.

The judges and everyone else in the room could feel the magical power pouring out of Harry, if he's face and words weren't enough to let them know that he was pissed off then his magic was doing the job. Jet was on his shoulders and hissing loudly and threateningly at the judges.

"It...it was Ludo's." Fudge squeaked out as he moved behind Dumbledore.

"Really?" Harry said in a low voice as his gaze shifted to Bagman, Harry's hair started getting pushed up by wind and his eyes looked like emerald fire. Which was probably why Bagman looked like he was going to piss himself.

"It...it was tradition." Ludo weakly said as he took a step back, he looked like he was ready to bolt from the room. "The goblet's always been used in the t...tournament...it's tradition and..."

"So it's because of tradition that I could lose my magic?! One of the most important things in my life! Part of my identity! Part of who I am! And I'm going to lose it because of fucking tradition?!" Harry demanded as he threw the book down on the ground, wind building up around him.

"Harry, Harry," Angela whispered in a soft voice as she grabbed his wrist. "Calm down, please calm down. I understand that you're angry, but control yourself. You're a Slytherin, don't let your anger control you."


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