Facing the First Task

"Most likely not," Dumbledore said in a cheery voice. "now Mr Ollivander here is the country's best wand maker, he's here to inspect your wands and make sure that they are all in perfect working condition. We can start whenever you are ready." He told Ollivander.

"Thank you, Albus." Ollivander nodded to him. "Ladies first." He said before gesturing Fleur to come over. She did so, pulling her wand out before stopping in front of him, she placed the wand in his hands and watched as he began examining it. "Hmm, interesting...nine and a half inches...flexible...with rosewood...oh and this core is very interesting..."

"A hair from a veela, my grandmothers." Fleur said in her heavily accented voice.

"I have never used veela hair myself, but if you find it works for you..." Olivander trailed off and produced a bunch of flowers with the wand. "it works perfectly, excellent condition, Miss Delacour." He said as he handed the flowers and wand to her, she took them with a smile before going back to her spot. "Ah, and next we have Mr Krum." He said as Krum stopped in front of him and handed him a wand. "Oh, this is a very interesting wand, dragon string and hornbeam, very good condition. Avis!" A bird shout out and flew around the room before Ollivander waved the wand to get rid of it. "An excellent wand, Mr Krum." He said as he handed it back to Victor.

"Sir." Cedric greeted when he stepped forwards after Krum had moved back to his position.

"Ah Mr Diggory," Ollivander smiled. "I know this is one of mine." He said as Cedric handed him his wand. "Twelve and a half inches with unicorn hair, surprisingly springy, it's in fine condition. I trust you treat it regularly?" He asked.

"Of course sir," Cedric grinned. "polished it last night."

"Good boy." Ollivander nodded, he handed the wand back to Cedric after creating some sparks with it. "Ah, and here comes our forth champion." Ollivander said when Harry stopped in front of him.

"Sir." Harry nodded before handing him his wand.

"Ah, here's one that I will never forget." Olivander said as he began examining it. "This is undoubtedly one of the most powerful wands I will have ever have the fortune of creating. Fourteen inches, made of yew with the horn of a horned serpent and the tail of a thunderbird."

At this point the other champions were looking at Harry with disbelief, yew wands were known to be powerful wands, so were wands with thunderbird tail feathers, so imagine their shock when the boy-who-has-a-lot-of-magical-power happens to have a yew wand with not just a thunderbird tail but also a second core. They could almost feel their chances of winning dying.

"Excellent condition, Mr Potter." Olivander said as he handed the wand back to Harry after creating some wine.

"Um...is it time for photos?" Ludo Bagman asked as his head leaned into the room. Arcturus growled and the door slammed shut as Ludo ran away again.

"Angela," Daphne asked as she and Tracey stopped in front of Angela who was sat on a chair and reading a book. "do you know where Harry has gone?" She asked, it was late and Harry had left the common room earlier but had not come back despite it being past curfew.

"No, I don't." Angela sighed as she looked up. "He didn't tell me."

"I hope he comes back soon, he shouldn't be out so late." Tracey said, biting down on her lower lip with worry.

"I..." Angela was cut off as Harry entered the room, he walked over and sat down next to Angela before letting out a deep breath.

"Fucking hell." He groaned.

"Harry, forgive the stupid question but are you okay?" Tracey asked.

"Lord Black had called me, he found out what they would be making us do in the first task." Harry said after putting up a couple of privacy spells. "He said that Krum and Delacour would be told by their heads, apparently cheating is sort of an unofficial tradition, so he had Hagrid take me to see what they've got, I'm going to tell Cedric tomorrow."

"Why?" Daphne asked. "If he doesn't know then you have a better chance of winning."

"I know," Harry sighed. "but if I know the tasks and beat him when he doesn't then I will always wonder if he could have beaten me if he did. I want to earn it. Plus this could actually kill him and he hasn't really done anything to me that makes me want him dead...not yet at least."

The girls rolled their eyes at that, on the one hand it was a very Gryffindor and Hufflepuff-ish move, but on the other hand it was also a perfectly what they would expect from Harry.

Harry let out a deep breath, he was pacing around Harry in the champions tent. Today was the day of the first task, the task was being held in a specially prepared clearing in the Forbidden Forest. The students were all sat in the stadium while Harry and the other champions were waiting in the champions tent. Krum was leaning against a post, looking very unhappy, Fleur was moving back and forth in a straight line while Cedric looked like he was going to be sick.

At this point Harry wished he was allowed to have his sword with him as a backup but only wands were allowed, Harry wisely gave his wrist bracelet to Angela to look after earlier on. It was a good thing that he did since each champion was checked for magical devices and potions as soon as they had entered.


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