Harry Confronts the Minotaur

Fleur was wearing blue trousers along with a blue jacket over a white shirt, Cedric wore yellow and black robes while Krum had gone for red and black. Harry was wearing black dragon-hide boots and trousers that he had gotten from Tonks, he had a grey shirt on and over it he was wearing a nifty black dragon-hide jacket that he had also gotten from Tonks. It was all black apart from the four green painted fangs that were on it, two coming down from the shoulders and stopping at the bottom of the chest while another two rose up from the waist and stopped just a short distance from the top two.

"Harry." Harry heard a voice call him as Daphne sneaked into the tent.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he stepped in front of her.

"I...I just wanted to see you." Daphne admitted before she hugged him. "I want you to remember what you promised me."

"I will." Harry said as he hugged her back. "I'm going to survive this. If only to keep you happy." Harry smiled as he kissed the top of her head just as Jet moved from Harry's shoulders and onto Daphne's. "Alright, look after him, I'll pick him up when I come back." Harry said as the two let go of each other.

"You had better." Daphne gave him a teary smile. "W...where's Angela?" She asked.

"I told her to stay with Lord Black and to help him out if he needs anything. Me and her talked already, she said pretty much the same as you." Harry replied. "Where's Tracey?" Harry asked.

"Oh, she's probably gone back to the stands. I asked her to create a distraction so I could come and see you." Daphne admitted.

"You're both amazing." Harry smiled at her. "Now go before you get caught."

"I had better see you later, Harry." She said as she left the tent.

"Count on it." Harry said under his breath.

Ten minutes later Rita Skeeter and her photographer arrived, she tried to get some quotes from the champions but none of them were really in the mood for that. Thankfully they were saved when the judges arrived a short while later, with the noticeable exception of Bagman. Harry raised an eyebrow towards Arcturus, the man met Harry's questioning look with a smirk.

"Gather around champions." Dumbledore said. "Now, I..."

"I can take it from here." Fudge said before standing pompously in front of the champions. "Now champions, the first task is straightforward." He said as he held up a brown bag. "I have three more of these bags, in each bag there is a miniature model of a magical creature. Each creature will be guarding a key, it is your job to get all four keys, the first three will give you a certain amount of points and the last is so you may unlock a very important clue to the next task. I wouldn't give you high chances of winning the second task if you don't get past this one. Once you have all had a turn you will come back to this tent and if you can still compete then you will pick another animal. Now, Miss Delacour, you will go first."

Fleur gulped before reaching into the bag, a second later she pulled out a mini mountain troll, with the number two painted on its stomach. She experienced mixed feelings, a mountain troll was dangerous but she knew it could have been much worse. She didn't notice Fudge was staring at her, though the man did move on when Dumbledore coughed.

"And now Mr Krum." Fudge said as he held the bag in front of Krum. Krum reached in and a second later he pulled out a cerberus model with a three painted on its back. "Oh, good luck with that." He said before Cedric dug his hand in. When he pulled his hand out he was holding a regular spider with a one painted on it. "We lost the acromantula model." Fudge admitted when Cedric looked confused. Cedric's eyes widened, knowing acromantula were giant spiders that could grow to the size of horses and some even grew bigger. "And now, Mr Potter." Fudge coughed as he held the bag in front of Harry.

"Please be a snake." Harry said under his breath before he reached in and pulled out his creature. In his hand was a model of a minotaur with the number 4 painted on. "Honestly...not as bad as I thought it would be."

"Good luck champions." Fudge said.

"Ahem." Dumbledore coughed as he held up a circular piece of glass.

"Oh right," Fudge nodded to him before turning to the others. "do all of you know about two-way mirrors?" He asked, when the champions nodded he continued speaking. "Well there are a couple of these mirrors connected to a few bigger mirrors outside, these will fly around and follow you so we will be able to keep up with all the action and make sure there is no cheating going on. Now, Mr Diggory you drew number one so you'll go first, followed by Miss Delacour then Mr Krum and then Mr Potter, and we'll keep that order for the rest of the task. Good luck champions."

Eventually it was Harry's turn to come out, when he walked into the stadium he found himself stood in an environment where the floor was made up of stone and many large rocks/boulders were scattered around. As soon as Harry entered he heard a lot of cheering for him, he was tempted to smile and wave but knew that it would be much better if he stayed focus.

Harry turned to his right when he heard a snort, standing a short distance away was the minotaur. It had the torso of a human but also had the lower half and head of a bull. It was about nine feet tall and held a large axe in its left hand and a large hammer in the right hand. Its red eyes narrowed at Harry.

"I thought you'd be bigger." Harry calmly stated, smothering down his fear. "I don't want to fight you, just let me do what I came to do and I'll leave." Harry said, from his research he had learnt that the minotaur should have at least some intelligence, and hopefully enough to be able to understand Harry.

The minotaur grunted before it used its hammer to smash a boulder, it kicked the biggest remaining piece at Harry. Harry's wand shot into his hand and he blasted the piece out of the sky.

"That's what I get for trying to be nice, alright bring it, you asshole." Harry said. The minotaur roared at Harry. "Oh so you can understand me, in that case I want to let you know that your mother's a whore. A mino-whore."

The minotaur roared again before it charged towards Harry.

"Probably shouldn't have said that…ah well…no regrets." Harry whispered to himself before he aimed his wand at the minotaur.


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