Harry dodged the swinging hammer by changing into a cat, he quickly ran between the minotaur's legs and stopped a small distance away before turning back into his human form. He fired a stunning spell at the minotaur's back, the minotaur grunted but didn't show any visible reaction beyond shrugging his shoulders, he turned around and glared at Harry.
"Magically resistant." Harry noted. "Either that or he's too thick."
"This is already shaping up to be an interesting bout," Ludo Bagman's voice was heard via the microphone in his hand, he had happily accepted the position of commentator. "and Mr Potter starts off amazingly with an animagus transformation followed by a stunner, shame it didn't work."
The minotaur roared and charged at Harry with surprising speed for one so big, it swung its axe at Harry who fell back in an attempt to avoid it, which worked...barely. As Harry landed on his back he looked up and saw the minotaur raise his hammer, Harry quickly fired a blasting spell at the hammer. He had managed to push it back but hadn't been able to send it out of the minotaur's hand.
Harry shuffled backwards as the minotaur raised his axe and swung down, Harry waved his wand and was able to knock the axe to the side so it crashed into the ground next to him. Harry managed to get to his feet just as the minotaur raised his hammer again. Harry rolled out of the way, barely avoiding getting crushed. Harry got to the feet as the minotaur pulled his weapons from the ground.
Harry fired a cutting curse at the minotaur, followed by a piercing curse, the cutting curse hit its harm while the piercing curse struck its chest, unfortunately for Harry they didn't seem to do much damage. They clearly hurt the minotaur, but not enough to stop him. Harry quickly crouched down as he waved his wand around himself, creating a glowing golden dome that covered him.
The hammer smashed against the dome, causing it to shake, but it did not break. Next came the axe, it had the same result. The minotaur roared and began pounding at the dome repeatedly with both of his weapons.
Harry gritted his teeth as he felt his body shake, but he kept focused on the shield. This was a spell that Salazar had created, back in his time the muggles would mostly rely on close range weapons and would try to smash, punch, kick and stab an enemy to death. This shield absorbed the energy from physical attacks, thought it wasn't really designed to absorb attacks from a minotaur, despite that it continued to work, Harry could feel the energy building.
The minotaur raised both of its weapons in the air so he could slam down on Harry's shield, at that moment Harry quickly crossed his arms before he spread them outwards with a shout. The shield burst outwards, sending a golden wave that sent the minotaur flying backwards, it even had pushed back the audience, causing those who weren't sitting to fall back into their seats.
Harry let out a deep breath before he spotted the downed minotaur, Harry quickly got to work and sent several ropes and chains to tie down the minotaur. Once Harry was done with that he quickly raised his wand.
"Accio Tri-Wizard key." He said, a second later a key flew out from a rock and landed in Harry's hands. "Got it." Harry grinned.
"And it seems our youngest champion has got his key in record time, now all he has to do is get back to the exit to complete the task." Ludo's magically amplified voice echoed all around. Harry pocketed the key and was about to make his way to the exit when he heard a grunt. Harry turned around and saw that the minotaur was standing up, broken bits of rope and chains hanging off him as he picked up his weapons.
"Oh fuck off." Harry groaned.
The minotaur roared and chucked his axe at Harry, Harry quickly transformed into his cat form, allowing the axe to fly over his head and crash into a rock. Harry ran towards the exit, hoping the rocks would provide him with sufficient cover. He saw the exit and was seconds away from reaching it when a large boulder flew overhead and crashed in front of him, his eyes widened as he slid to a halt. The boulder was big enough that it actually blocked the exit.
Harry turned back when he saw the minotaur charging towards him, he didn't have time to move the boulder with the minotaur trying to break his neck, cat-Harry hissed before charging towards him. At this point everyone was looking at him like he was crazy, after all he was charging at a minotaur while in the form of a cat. Though not everyone, the more level headed members of the audience remembered exactly what form he had. Once the two got close enough Harry turned into his tiger form and jumped onto the side of a nearby boulder as the minotaur's eyes widened.
Harry leaped off the boulder and tackled the minotaur from the side, managing to knock his hammer out of his hand. Harry tried to bite down and claw at the minotaur, he was able to hurt it quite a bit but was eventually thrown off. Harry's back hit another boulder but he powered through the pain when he saw the minotaur starting to stand up. Harry changed into his sabretooth form and tackled it back down before it could get all the way up.
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