Where Are You?

Sonic's friends were looking about, trying to find someone. That someone was the blue hedgehog himself. He had mysteriously disappeared, not a trace to be found. His friends had decided to look for him, checking places he would most likely be. His favourite chilidog stand, the Loop De Loop, and the tree he usually napped in. Sadly, Sonic wasn't anywhere to be found.


Rouge had been calling Shadow's phone ever so irritably. She had called him a bunch, but he kept ignoring her, making her even more agitated. Shadow hadn't ignored her like this before, making her get upset and even slightly worried. She eventually called him again at the agency; to hear something buzzing on his desk.

As she walked over, she noticed he left his phone, it was no wonder he was "ignoring" her. She sighed deeply, as she picked up his phone, checking all of the notifications. She was a little curious, you know. Most were from her calling him, but there was a different notification for something rather interesting. Something about a club...

Rouge unlocked his phone, quickly reading the rest of the notice.

"Since when did Shadow talk to Eggman?" she knew well that Shadow had worked with the doctor for a year, but he quickly stopped. He already told her he wouldn't work for the mad scientist again. It seems that they have been talking for the last few weeks, with some blackmail mentioned. What had been going on?


As Tails sat down in the living room, right beside Knuckles, he let out a huff of air. 

"He's nowhere. His tracker shows no evidence of where he could be." the small kitsune huffed loudly, anger etching his voice. The others in the room sadly sighed, why had they given up so easily?

"I'm sure we'll find him soon. He's got to be somewhere." Amy's voice echoed throughout the silent room. "Besides, if he was here now, he'd tell us to not give up!" the pink hedgehog stated with a hint of inspiration in her tone. 

"Yeah, we should keep trying."

"Even if we don't find him so quickly."

"We know he can be located!"

The chatter in the once-quiet living room could be heard just as someone strode to their door. Every voice was happily discussing a new plan.


A white-furred bat gently knocked on the oak, wood door to see a two-tailed fox standing cheerfully.

"Hi, hun~. Have you seen Shadow anywhere?" Rouge quickly asked, making Tails tilt his head slightly confused.

"No... To be honest, we can't find Sonic anywhere either." the orange-coloured kitsune wearily responded.


"Yeah, Amy, Knuckles, and I have been searching all over for him."

"Well that's something, I haven't seen Shadow in two days, or even three. I lost count. Not that I was counting anyway." The white bat stated, while mumbling the last part, although the young fox could still hear it. Yet he just ignored it.

"That's odd. Sonic went missing three days ago too."


The group had finally started to gain progress using the information they had; slowly but surely, they had a theory. It wasn't all too big of a thought, but just crazy enough to be true. Putting pieces together was harder than it seemed, with everything happening, could the two hedgehogs be connected to their disappearances? 

A yellowish-orange coloured fox stood in front of a whiteboard, jotting down some more notes. He put tiny magnets on the board and started to draw out red linings of string, gently wrapping them around the thumbtack-shaped magnets. He had pictures of places both hedgehogs had been at, placing the string around the places both had visited near the same time. 

The Loop De Loop.

Both Shadow and Sonic had a little battle near that location, but they always combated. How could this lead to now, both hedgehogs gone? Vanished into thin air. A simple battle, it was not. Something else happened, and the group was going to get to the bottom of it, no matter what. 


Since the group had found all they could about Sonic's disappearance, it was time to investigate Shadow's. Due to the messages Rouge had looked at, Eggman wanted to try and bribe Shadow into working with him, but now he was trying to force Shadow.


Shadow: I already declined your offer

Doctor: Yes, but I have those photos. The ones you don't want them to see.

Shadow: That is highly unlikely

Doctor: If you don't believe me, look at these.


Shadow: Where the hell did you get those?!

Doctor: All you need to know is that one click and everyone will know your little secret. Club and all.

Shadow: I will consider your offer


With that, they all were confused. Something happened between the two that must've triggered a mood in Shadow. That explains why he snapped more easily, he was distressed.

"That's... interesting. I think Shadow knew someone might go through his phone." the fox paused and swiftly glanced over toward Rouge. "That's why I can try and find what he so desperately wanted to keep secret."

The kid was a genius, maybe they could use the blackmail as a way to get closer to solving this mystery. Maybe they can find a way to...

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Shadow's phone started ringing, it was a call from Eggman. Rouge quickly swiped it out of the fox's hands and then answered the phone.

"Aw, you finally picked up. Do you have the... you know what?" a raspy voice croaked on the other end of the phone. Rouge put in her voice changer, making herself sound like Shadow.

"Can you remind me what I need to bring you?"

"Fine, but be quiet."

"You know how I am, E-, Doctor."

Everyone froze when Rouge almost made a grave mistake. Did Eggman hear it?

"I need the emerald calabarator, for the machine. It malfunctioned and now it needs a new piece."

Rouge took out the voice changer, shoving it back in her little purse, which she carried around everywhere. The pink rhinestones glittering in the living room lights. 

"We caught you red-handed Eggman!" the echidna yelled fairly loud, his voice booming throughout the house.

"What! Wait, why do you have Shadow's phone?"

Everyone got quiet, they didn't want him, of all people, to know the famous, blue hero and "edge lord" were missing. 

"Uhh... That's none of your business!" the yellow fox yelled, safely making sure that the evil scientist didn't get suspicious.

"Ok? Anyways, I will find you and make sure I get that mechanical part, whether you like it or not!" His croaky voice sketched throughout the air, the horrid sound making all of the mobians' ears pin down slightly. His voice can be pretty annoying after some time if you know what I mean.

"We will not let you get your grimy hands all over that part!" Amy yelled, sending a chill down the echidna's spine.

"Geez, Amy. Tone it down a bit, you're gonna make us all go deaf if Eggy over here didn't already." Knuckles rolled his eyes, making sarcastic jokes towards the fatter man. Everyone laughed and giggled until the point Eggman hung up, only making the group laugh harder. 


As the group laughed, played some games, and worked on solving this newfound adventure, they got stronger. The bond grows better, and Sonic's happiness spreading truly. What the group didn't know, was what would be going on in a different multiverse. A program, one that wasn't all too very fond. A bond could be broken, or connected furthermore. It all lands on the choice of two hedgehogs, a blue energetic one, and a shady, yet edgier one. How will Sonic and Shadow make it through this nightmare? What adventure lies for them? But most importantly, what will happen between the two, will they get closer, or separate further apart?