
As two hedgehogs groaned, they bungled up onto their feet. A certain blue-furred hedgehog had woken up sooner than the ebony one. As Shadow soon woke up too- he started growling, just as he hated Sonic. Yes, he would assist the speedster at certain times, but that wouldn't alter his hatred toward the blue one.

"What are you doing here, Shads?" Sonic asked, a bit of inquisitiveness in his voice.

"One, don't call me that, and two, I don't know."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, Shads~" the blue hedgehog declared teasingly, slightly getting on Shdadow's nerves. 

What the two didn't detect yet was how they were in the same room together, even conveying the king-sized bed. Their noses were only a few inches apart, both could hear each other's breathing.

Shadow, who was the closest to the wall since the bed was in the corner of the room, shoved Sonic off the bed. The blue blur groaned as he sat up off the hardwood flooring. Shadow soon hopped off the bed as well, his smaller size showing more clearly. His skates were nowhere in sight, but luckily he still had his socks on. Yet you can't say that for his gloves. The same was true for Sonic, he was only in his boxers and white socks. All the while, Shadow was wearing pyjama pants. In all honesty, Shadow had lost an inch or so without his skates. 

"Hey, what was that for?!"

"You were too close." rolling his eyes, Shadow responded. "Also, throw on some pants."

The azul hedgehog tilted his head before blushing slightly, he had nothing on except socks and boxers! And the worst part was how Shadow walked off, nothing awkward, wait... Shadow didn't wear boxers to sleep.

"Hey, it's completely normal to wear just boxers to sleep. Anyway, you wear them all the time, what's so weird."

"I didn't say it was weird. I said to throw on some clothes before someone walks in and finds you practically naked." the black and red-striped hedgehog nonchalantly responded, a slight red dusting over his face. The ebony one was just joking around though.

"Um... whatever," Sonic stated, that his rival was technically not wrong, but he didn't feel like admitting it.


Everything was going fine for them. The Happy Family Residence, or the HFR, were working out another schedule for some hedgehogs recently found beaten up in their forest nearby. They thought this couple needed to go through some behavioural lessons, along with care-taking, and friendly gestures. The couple seemed to have a lot of fights due to scars found on both of them.

"Mrs. Adeline, may I come in?" a red panda knocked gently on the wooden door, the nameplate on the desk reading: Ava Adeline.

"Yes, you may." An older voice remarked from within the room, her voice splintering slightly as if rain was hitting a tin roof.

As the red panda walked in, he held his papers tightly against his chest.

"Aw, Mr. Midner. Have you finished up the two hedgehog's schedule?"

The now-named panda, Mr. Midner, replied, "Yes, I have them both right here. I fit in some extracurricular exercises for the two to work on." Mr. Midner lay down a small stack of papers, slowly spreading out the papers as he explained each location.

"Magnificent as always! Keep up the good work Midner and you might get a raise. I look forward to seeing how these work out. Talk to you later." the Persian cat said calmly.

"Aw, thank you, Mrs. Adeline. I sure hope these will work out as planned. Toodles!" as the red panda walked out of the door, Mrs. Adeline opened a filing cabinet, placed the schedule copies neatly into the respective folder, and then started back up on her work, the light of her computer's screen illuminating the room.


Shadow and Sonic were locked inside the house, and spin-dashing wasn't working, so they decided to sit on the couch and relax. The uncomfortable silence got to both of the hedgehogs. Shadow uncomfortably shifted in his black sweats and white shirt, on the other hand, Sonic rocked back and forth in his blue jeans and flannel.

"Hello, I will be helping you through your way in the field!"A cheery tiger stated broadly, making both hedgehogs jump out of shock.

"How'd you get in? The door was locked!" Sonic yelled, confusion going through his mind.

"My question is how you two got together, oh well. The outside of the door could be unlocked."

"Wait a second, we aren't together," Sonic replied. "It's highly unlikely."

"Yes, we would never date each other." Shadow replied, slightly adding more.

"Oh don't be silly. You two are so cute together!" the tiger started getting on Shadow's nerves. This could be seen through his eye twitching in anger.

"Well, it seems the black one will be going through anger management, and the blue one will go through caretaking." The tiger stated in her cheerful voice as she read the schedules off of her clipboard.

"We are not doing this. Faker and I have no romantic feelings for each other." Shadow stated, his voice stern.

"Oh my! That's awful... It's a shame, you two are losing feelings. Don't worry, we'll help you both!" Shadow and Sonic both sighed in relief until she mentioned putting them together, forcefully taking their picture.


Shadow walked into the building, holding a map in his hand. He grumbled quietly as he walked the corridor, hopefully, this wouldn't take very long. 

"Hey, are you the new person taking the anger management class?" An adorable Linx eagerly asked. 

"...Yes..." Shadow was unsure of how to respond, let alone with the fact his sensitive ears were ringing. The bright Linx seemed to be energetic like Sonic, slowly irritating the ebony hedgehog just thinking about this fact.

"Aw! You're so cute! By the way, my name's Avalon, what's yours?", the now-named Linx was hopping up and down, her lengthy bangs swishing as she circled Shadow, making him a bit uneasy. 

"Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog." the ebony's hand went out, welcoming a nice hand-shake of a greeting. Avalon quickly clutched his hand, shaking it fast, as her eyes practically had stars.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you Shadow! Here, I'll help you find your way there!" her light-coloured, brown fur skimmed his coal-black fur, as she swiftly clutched his arm.

"She's absurd... Too crazy for my preference..." Shadow thought as she was running him down the hallways of the immense building.

"Hey, I'm not all too crazy!" Avalon boomed out, her voice echoing in the nearly empty hallways.

"Well, I would call this crazy, wait...I didn't say that out loud?"

"I can read minds! Along with controlling people, but I'm not so good at it." Avalon stated as her voice trailed off in the end.

Soon enough, the two had made it to the designated room. As Shadow walked in with Avalon, his breathing hitched. The room smelt god awful of lemongrass, which he could barely stand. Avalon dragged him into the room, it had baby blue walls, and the flooring was like one in a school building, with white panels going along the floor. It was a medium-sized room, and in the middle, were nine or ten chairs, lined up in a circle.

The sand-coloured Linx sat down in one of the chairs, neatly patting her purple and pink skirt before gently sitting on the cushion. Her crop top with a few stars on it, had crinkled as she sat down. She then signalled for Shadow to come over, gently patting the seat next to her. 

Shadow rolled his eyes as he sat down beside her. "I'm not willingly doing this for you. It's only because I'm forced to do this." The dark-furred one mumbled softly under his breath. The linx softly giggled at the other's comment, and the rest of the class came into the room. 

Once everyone was seated, their class began.


Sonic had sluggishly started to slump his back as he could only hear his feet slap at the floor. In the distance, he could hear slight talking, mainly from the room he didn't want to walk into. For once did the blue speedster want to go slow? Well... he never does unless it's something he absolutely hates.

Sonic had finally made it to the door. And he just stood there, not really wanting to walk in. 

The door creaked loudly as someone opened the wooden door. "Hello, you must be Sonic, my name is Tiki." A black and white furred ferret stated as she welcomed the cobalt into the room. It looked the same as the room Shadow was currently in.

Sonic sat down with a flump. His head hung low from boredom already. That's how it is for Sonic, and the blue speedster did not want to leave the ebony's side this morning. Mostly because he wouldn't have to be here.

Then once most people entered the room later on, Sonic had to go through some weird topics such as how he felt around Shadow and all that nonsense. 


Both hedgehogs met back up at the 'house' they were staying in. Shadow had climbed into bed after brushing his quills and his teeth. He had changed in privacy, well at least he thought he did, and was now comfortably sitting on the bed in his pyjamas, reading a sappy romance story. 

Sonic had changed into some new boxers as he walked over to the bed, slowly changing the amount of weight in the bed. Shadow didn't tear his eyes away from his book as he subtly talked.

"Are you tired?"

"Just a little, what bout' you, Shads?"

"Just somewhat."

The room went silent as Sonic flipped off the lamp on the side table. Shadow squirmed over toward the corner of the bed and room, trying to distance himself from the technically naked hedgehog beside him. They covered themselves with the sheets and comforter, surely growing tired.

In the middle of the night, Shadow had slightly woken up, his face instantly grew red as he could feel Sonic hugging his waist. He could feel Sonic's crotch up against his own, leaving him completely flustered whenever he accidently moved. This night was only getting longer for Shadow.