the feel of a witch's broken neck in his hand.

"I did not say that the witches were responsible for the deaths of the young ones"

"You may have implied it ultima," Colton said.

"The killer used witchcraft to cover their tracks, that much I am certain of. But age and experience have taught me to be certain before pointing fingers and I am not certain that the witches were willing participants in this matter" King Jamal replied and let out a long sigh.

"Ultima, do you believe that this situation might affect the rest of us?"Xavier asked and King Jamal shook his head.

"With any luck, it won't. But since I choose not to be too dependent on luck, Isaiah, I need you and some of your best men to see how you can help Louise out with his little problem"

"Of course ultima" Isaiah responded with a nod.

"Report everything that you find to me and the rest of you do well to make sure that you and your pack are as far from the general population on the full moon. I can't have the governor on my neck just because of some out-of-control children" King Jamal said and the alphas released a low cacophony of agreements.

"They sure did make a mess last time" Gabriel said between nervous chuckles. Members of his pack had let the rush of violence that came with the full moon get the better of them and had proceeded to start a bloody brawl that involved an entire street that lasted a whole day.

"I believe that won't happen anymore right?" King Jamal asked and Gabriel nodded.

"Never again"

"I'll take your word for it," he looked down at his watch, "for now, that'll be all gentlemen"

The seven alphas got to their feet, bowed, and walked out of the office leaving a trail of theories on who could be responsible for the murders. Adnan got to his feet when they were gone, straightened his suit, and walked over to his uncle's table.

"You believe that witchcraft was used here uncle?" he asked.

"Rome was right when he said it was a stench. It is a stench. One so strong that it can have a horrible effect even on the strongest of our kind"

"Even you Uncle?"

King Jamal chuckled. "The first time that I ever encountered a stench I couldn't think straight for three whole days"

"The witches can make something that powerful?"

"The witches are incredibly powerful creatures and that's why our kind tend to tread carefully with them. The last time that witches and wolves were involved in a fight both sides lost a significant amount of people."

"I know of the war of witches and wolves uncle. After the war, the witches swore never to create room for anything that would lead to another war"

"As did our kind"

"And we've always taken that oath seriously"

"And so did the witches"

"So, why involve themselves in something that would end in a clash?"

"That's what puzzles me. It could be that someone had asked a witch to create a stench without saying what they needed it for"

"Or, they could be involved"

"Until I can figure out the validity of that statement Adnan, the witches are not to be accused of anything"

"I think you have said that to the boys before they left. Wouldn't want them beating up innocent witches"

King Jamal scoffed. "They know better"

"Let's hope so"

King Jamal took a sip of his wine. "On a lighter note, are you aware that the little server boy that you sent up here the night before stole something that belongs to me?"

Adnan looked intrigued and laughed. "He stole? from you?"

"Yes. Imagine my surprise when he showed up and left with my scent all over him"

"I haven't seen him around Lima II before. He was most likely a new employee."

King Jamal looked at his fingers. "You know, I have no idea what he took but I would love to have it back. Can you find the little rodent for me?"

"I make sure that strict background checks are carried out on all the employees before they are hired so I could just have his record pulled up and find out his location"

"I would like that very much"

Adnan got to his feet. "I'll make sure we bring back whatever it is that he took uncle and this level of disrespect never happens again"

"Yes, that does sound nice," he took another sip of his wine, "do take me along when you're set to pay sticky fingers a visit"

"Uncle, he probably lives in some filthy house. You don't have to come to something that's beneath you. I'll take care of it"

"And I repeat myself, be sure to take me along when you find out where this thief lives. I have a feeling that I have to be there"

Despite his feelings about it, Adnan nodded. "Of course Uncle."