"Most African mythologies are stories that were articulated by African ancestors as responses to questions bordering on the nature and origin of the universe, the origin of the national god, the origin of the world, the origin of humanity, its place in creation, the deity that governs the land, the temple, and the cult, amongst other things."

The voice of her professor floated in and out of Halo's ears as she drew a stick figure on the book that she was meant to be taking notes with. Halo had been unable to focus on anything since the previous night. She had been excited to hear that Dominic had gotten a job and that he was finally taking hold of his life, but the minute that he stepped out of the house, she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

Either that or something was about to go wrong. She had tried to get her mind off it by letting off some steam and having fun with her friends. The memory of her, Rosie, and Daniel lying face up on the carpeted floor and smoking a blunt came to her mind.

"I don't know your dealer's dealer is Rosie," Daniel had said, blowing smoke out of his mouth and toward the roof, "but that man knows the good stuff."

"Bro," Rosie propped herself up using her elbow. "Mind passing the blunt?"

"Hey, me first," Halo said, taking the blunt from Daniel and taking a short drag from it.

"Hey, what was Dominic's problem?" Rosie had asked. "Aside from you?" Daniel asked and received a punch in the thigh from Rosie that only seemed to crack him up.

"He got a job at Lima." Daniel pushed himself off the floor and looked at her, shock in his eyes. "Lima? like the billion-dollar empire Lima?" he asked.

"That, Lima," Halo responded. "That's a little crazy, mama," Rosie added with little enthusiasm. "If he did manage to get a job at a place like Lima, then why did he slam the door like that on his way out?" she asked.

"Girl, I don't know what his problem was tonight, but I do feel a little weird about it."

"You don't think he got a job?" Daniel asked and helped pass the blunt to Rosie. Halo was not sure if she did not believe what Dominic said. He did sound honest enough when he said it, but still, she could not place her finger on it, and something felt wrong. "Nah. I think he did get the job, but I just feel like something isn't right."

"You worried that he's going to do some dumb shit and get fired or arrested?" Rosie asked. "Come on, Rosie; he won't do anything to get himself arrested." Halo said only half confident.

"He might just mess around and get you arrested," Daniel said, and Rosie laughed.

"Shut the hell up, Daniel." Halo slapped his leg.

"Why do the both of you enjoy inflicting pain on my poor leg?" He rubbed his leg to ease the sting.

"Because you're always saying some dumb shit," Rosie responded and threw a shirt that was laying around at Halo. "Quit stressing so much, Lolo. Dominic's not going to do anything stupid. Hopefully"

They had done their best to get her mind off her brother and the feeling of impending doom that her gut kept presenting to her, but temporary relief will always be just that. Temporary. The rest of the night was spent smoking, watching funny videos that made no sense to sober people but cracked them up, reminiscing on good old childhood memories, and stuffing their mouths with an unhealthy amount of food.

It was a great night that eventually ended with Daniel sleeping on the couch, Rosie sleeping on his shoulder, and Halo with her head on his legs. When the sun had come up, Daniel took a shower, got into his scrubs, and headed to work. Rosie had waited to have breakfast and help clean up. When they had concluded the chores, Halo had left for school, and her friend had gone back to her place to get ready for work later.

Halo had tried to call Dominic a few times but decided to let him be after he had ignored the first four calls. She had been worried that Rosie was right and that he had perhaps gotten himself arrested. When she realized that thinking this way did nothing to help calm her anxiety, she decided that maybe he was busy or just exhausted and asleep somewhere far from a police cell.

"Yo, you plan on sleeping here tonight?" The familiar voice that came from beside her pulled Halo out of her mind. It was then that she realized that the class was over, and she and her friend Hiro were the last ones there.

"Jesus Christ Hiro. When did the rapture happen?" Halo looked around. How did everyone manage to leave, and she didn't notice?

"Girl, first off, I am not religious, and even if the rapture did happen, I can assure you that nobody in this hall is qualified to make heaven." Halo chuckled and picked up her bag so her