Married? The words that King Jamal had said hung in the air and weighed heavy on all of them. The man that had dropped the bombshell on all of them had finally left the house and Halo stood there before her brother and best friends. She had no idea how she was going to explain to them why she had decided to make that decision.

"What did he mean that you guys are getting married Halo?" Dominic asked. His eyes pleaded with her to tell him that it was a joke and there was no way that she was giving up her life for a man like that.

"You said it yourself Dom, it's either get married to him or you get hurt. Maybe even killed"

"Lolo," Rosie had lost the usual energy that her voice carried and she sounded scared, "that's the reason why you shouldn't marry this man"

"Halo, we get that you're trying to protect your brother but you can't marry King Jamal" Daniel held Halo's hands and was looking her in the eye as he spoke.