The office was just like he was; large and imposing. The pieces of furniture looked like they cost more than the retirement money of five separate people. The place was well-lit and had an interior design that could be described as nothing less than luxurious. The people in charge of keeping it tidy and straight did an extremely good job. Adnan himself doubted even with his keen eyesight he would be able to catch a speck of dust lying around.

His suit jacket was placed on the chair that he sat on while he poured himself another drink. He couldn't seem to bring himself to a state of calm. The death of Casey, the strange man that killed her and his even odder riddle, and the highly unexpected news that his uncle had given him.

"I will be getting married to Miss Halo Johnson soon" his uncle had said a few nights ago when they shared whiskey and sat on the balcony of Adnan's house.