The Big Revelation

While Blinking Lights and Yzzy were still in the middle of confusion, a chest appeared in front of all of them. 

"The loots guys!" Furio excitedly exclaimed as he pointed at the chest 

With what Furio pointed out, all of them looked around at each other. No one made a move. 

Now, how will they divide the loot among themselves? 

"How are we going to divide this?" Blinking Lights worriedly asked. 

"How about we open the chest first and decide after we see the items?" Mark suggested after hearing the worry in their voice.

"Oh, that's right." Blinking Lights answered as he realized it was pointless to worry so early. 

"How about Red?" Yzzy asked.

Yzzy was still left in a state of shock after learning that Red had died in the dungeon. He wondered if that was what happens when players don't play for too long. 

It scared him for a little bit. 

"How about me?" Red chuckled, finally opening his mic amidst the loud crowd. 

Using a low-level skill, Red casted the skill, "Ice Wave." He pointed the end of his stave in their direction.

The sudden voice and the sudden skill surprised Blinking Lights and Yzzy. The skill made the players freeze as Red went out of his hiding spot. 

However, Blinking Lights and Yzzy really froze in the spot after hearing the voice.


"Master Red!" 

Blinking Lights and Yzzy exclaimed out loud. Mark and Furio, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh at the reaction.

"I thought you really died! I almost unfriended you!" Blinking Lights joked around. He was relieved that it was only a joke.

"I know right! I almost doubt my existence when I thought you died in this dungeon." 

Red laughed out loud at their exaggerated reaction. 

"Alright, now that you guys are unfrozen, let's see what loots await us in that chest."

The group gathered around an ornate golden chest. Just by looking at it, they were already expecting good items. 

Chests in the game had three different kinds. 

A wooden chest contains basic loots. Items inside vary from very basic to 1 star. Next was a silver chest where you can get 3-star items. The last one was a golden chest where items can go as high as 5 stars. 

Except for Mark, all of them just wanted rare items to upgrade their skills and weapons. 

Red stepped forward and clicked on the chest.

With bated breath, the group awaited in anticipation as the chest slowly revealed its contents. 

The chest beamed in bright light as it opened. It revealed an array of gleaming items. 

'6x Shadow Essence, 1x 4-star Cursed Shadowblade, 1x 3-star Fire Pendant, 3x Darkened Soulstone, 2x Shadowfire, 1x Tome of Malevolent Shadows.'

"Woah! We got a lot of good items!" 

Hearing a voice, Red looked at the set of items they got. It was quite a lot. 

"I only want the Tome of Malevolent Shadows. Is that fine?" Red's eyes were fixated on the item as soon as he saw it. 

The Tome of Malevolent Shadows enables a player to learn 2 different kinds of shadow skills. It was considered very rare that he himself had just encountered it by now. 

On the game's official wiki page, Tome of Malevolent Shadows had only a slim percentage of 0.1% to appear as loot in the chests. 

"Sure," Yzzy, being the only mage among them, agreed fast. He was the only one who needed to agree since the rest couldn't equip it. 

Yzzy specialized in fire magic. Learning a set of new skills in a different element would also be difficult so he didn't want it. 

"Thanks." Red's lips curved up in a smile as he clicked on the item. 

The book shimmered in white light, followed by dark smoke. The book opened up. Writings that couldn't be understood flew on the screen. They danced on the screen and formed a word. 

[Congratulations! You unlocked skills.] 

Red grinned. Now, he has something new to learn in the game. 

Who knew that he would be this lucky on his first day of coming back to the game?

"I'll take the Fire Pendant then," Yzzy next spoke up. He knew that it would be helpful in leveling up his skills. 

"You can have the Cursed Shadowblade, Mark." Blinking Lights happily stated. Being a professional player, it's a requirement for them to own a 5-star weapon. 

So equipping the weapon would be useless. 

Mark's eyes widened. He was shocked at their generosity.


Mark looked at his items. It was only a mere 3-star golden sword. He was so unlucky in the game that he even had to buy this item for a huge price from a special event. 

"Yeah," Blinking Lights answered. Sincerity was written in his voice. 

"I'll take it then." Mark immediately answered. No waste of saying no since he needed the item.

"I'll take 2 Darkened Soulstone," Furio informed them. 


When they agreed, Furio clicked on the items. It went to his inventory. Darkened soulstone would enhance his skills' healing capabilities more. 

"Haha, I'll take that Shadowfire and incorporate it into my sword." Blinking Lights smiled in glee. 

"We still have 6 Shadow Essence and 1 Darkened Soulstone. Do you want to take this, Master Red? You might need this to upgrade your new skills."

"Can I?" Red asked them first before making a decision. 


"Of course, Boss Red." 

Blinking Lights and Furio answered. Red looked at his side and saw Mark giving him a thumbs up. 

"I'll take it then," Red answered. He clicked the items and also kept them in his inventory. 

Looking at the time on his phone, Red realized that it was drawing near evening. 

"I need to go guys," Red sighed deeply. Even if he wanted to stay longer, he already had plans in the evening. 

Red had been in the internet cafe for 2 hours already. It was considered a small amount of time, compared to his 14 hours of continuous gaming back then.

"This early?" Blinking Lights asked, surprised. 

"Yup. It's my brother's birthday today." Red answered. 

Blinking Lights, Yzzy, and Furio, quickly understood the importance of it, so they didn't react any further. They personally know Red's brother too. 

"Tell your brother, Happy Birthday from us." Blinking Lights chuckled. "Tell him that we miss playing with him too." 

Red also chuckled. "I'll tell him that, don't worry. I need to log out now, guys." 


"Goodbye, Boss!" 

"Let's play next time Master Red!" 

Red left the party and logged out of the game. He glanced at the side and looked at Mark, who was still in the party. 

"I'll go now, Mark." 

Mark nodded and smiled. "Thanks for today, Man." 

"It was nice playing with you," Red nodded and smiled before walking away.

Red paid for his time and left the Internet cafe. 

Mark, on the other hand, stayed at the party. His Boss gave him a 1-hour break time, and there were still 20 minutes before it would end. 

"Do you want to go for one more round?" Blinking Lights asked Mark. 

"Sure," Mark agreed even though he was embarrassed that he was now alone with them.

Mark was still nervous as hell. 

"Alright. I'll just look for one more person so that we'll be 5." Blinking Lights informed them before he muted his mic and went silent. 

Yzzy, who wanted to know more about Mark asked him some things. He and Blinking Lights were considered the noisiest in their team. 

"Black Foxy, how did you know Master Red?" Yzzy asked. His voice was filled with curiosity.

"Oh. I saw him in the Internet cafe. His moves were so cool. He told me he was a newbie, but I didn't believe it." Mark answered, followed by a light laughter. 

"Master Red is really cool and humble that's why. Every time I see his gameplay too, I couldn't help but be amazed. He's a legend here," Yzzy chuckled as he let out his pure admiration. 

"Oh really? I noticed that you kept calling him Master. Can I ask who is Red?" Mark scratched the back of his head. 

He just realized how ignorant he was to not even mind that earlier. It must be because he was so nervous playing with all of them, that he forgot to ask Red about it. 

"You didn't know him?" Yzzy's jaw fell to the ground. Even Blinking Lights and Furio stopped what they were doing after hearing it. 

"Yeah…?" Mark unsurely answered. He had become confused because of Yzzy's different reaction. 

"Bro! You're missing out!" Yzzy exclaimed out loud as he quickly stood up from his gaming chair. " Master Red is the Legend BaBaoFan! He just changed his IGN's first two letters!" 

Mark fell into silence. Yzzy's words were slowly loading in his brain.
