
"No, no, no…" Red's eyes became blurry as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. 

With his speed reaching past the limit, Red's mind slowly wandered around. He couldn't think straight. His chest tightened, worried about his brother's state right now. 

Red kept his phone open, in case his mother would call him again. He didn't even bother changing his clothes after the call. 

Wearing only his pajamas, Red rushed into his car earlier and drove towards the hospital. 

As Red reached the hospital, he didn't have the time to park. He just lightly threw his keys to the valet and asked him to do it for him. 

Red fought the urge to cry as he ran at the speed of light. The only thing going on in his mind was about Jayce's welfare. 

Eniah informed him a while ago that Jayce's current state had gotten so much worse.

After waking up from his sleep, Jayce noticed that he felt tired and weak. 

Jayce didn't say anything at first, as he thought that it was only normal for him to get tired after going out and walking for so long. 

But, as hours passed by, he realized that he was getting weaker. 

Jayce thought that if he slept, then he'd regain his strength. However, that wasn't the case, because when he woke up after just an hour, he couldn't even open his mouth. 

It was as if his strength had completely left his body. 

Red approached Jayce's room after running for so long. Doctors and nurses greeted him. Based on their expression, it seemed like it hadn't been going well. 

"We'll get going now first, Mrs. Elizalde."

"R-Red…" Eniah immediately approached Red as the doctors and nurses left the room. 

Eniah's eyes were reddish after crying for so long. Tears were still flowing down her cheeks.

Jakob, who was on the side, looked as if the world had turned upside down for him. He could only force a smile on his face, greeting Red. 

"What happened, Mother?" Red's voice trembled with concern as he caught a glimpse of Jayce's current state. 

Jayce was lying down on the bed. His eyes were closed even though he was completely awake. Multiple needles and extension tubes were connected to Jayce's right hand. 

The heart machine on the side shows them that Jayce's heartbeat was irregular. It was falling for one second and would increase afterward. 

"I don't know too…" Eniah shook her head in desperation. 

Red took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face even though his heart was already being broken into pieces. 

As he watched Eniah and Jakob, he realized that he couldn't break down in front of his parents. With a heavy heart, Red swallowed his own doubts and fears. He was the only one whom they could run to right now, to have some strength. 

Knowing that Jayce could hear them, Red knew that Jayce would only get worried and sad if he added to the sad cries. The last thing he wanted was to add to his brother's burden of worry and fear. 

"I'm sure, Jayce will be fine, Mom…."

Red forced a smile onto his lips, hoping that Eniah wouldn't notice it.

Deep down, Red wished he could believe his own words, but the weight of uncertainty lingered on his mind. The fear of losing his brother, of facing a future without him, made him scared. 

Eniah's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she tightly shut them. When she opened them again, a slight appeared on her lips. 

She was thankful for Red's comforting words.

"I hope so too," she breathed out. 

As they approached Jayce's bedside, Red felt his hands beginning to tremble.

Red could only hide it in his pocket, worried that his parents may notice it. 

"Jayce… I'm here," Red spoke softly, his voice filled with warmth as he greeted his brother.

Jayce, without much strength left, could only slightly open his eyes in response. 

Red smiled as he nodded his head. He sat beside his father, who was softly holding Jayce's hand. 

"You'll get better, I know you." Red whispered, his voice remained calm despite the sadness in his heart. He lightly caressed Jayce's arms, which were filled with needle marks.

Jakob tapped Red's shoulders. He was a tough man, but right now, he felt the weight of his own vulnerability. He was scared of what may soon come to them. 

Only God knows how scared he was earlier when Jayce had a seizure. He felt his heart being broken into pieces, knowing that he and Eniah could only watch Jayce's suffering. 

"I'll just get some coffee for the three of us," Jakob uttered. He wanted to take a breath first, even if it was just for a couple of minutes. 

"Okay, Dad," Red smiled before putting his gaze back at Jayce. 

As Jakob left the room, Red settled into his father's vacant chair. He gently held Jayce's cold hands as if it was a vulnerable glass. 

Knowing that Jayce could hear them right now, he tried striking up a conversation with himr in hopes of making his mood lighter.

"I know you can hear me, Jayce," Red began softly, his voice laced with a mixture of hope and enthusiasm. "How are you, brother?" he chuckled softly, even though he knew there would be no response.

"Mom and Dad are overreacting again. You should get well soon so we can scold them together!" Red continued. His eyes carefully watched Jayce, hoping that he would get a small response.

But there was none.

Sighing, Red just stared at Jayce as he uttered more stories about their childhood. He hoped that it would bring a small joy to his brother. 

Yet with each passing moment of silence, Red's desperation grew. He knew that deep inside, he was already desperate to hear Jayce's voice. To tell him that everything was fine. 

Closing his eyes, Red pressed a tender kiss on top of Jayce's palm. His love for his brother was greatly showing. 

 He couldn't afford to see him in this state. 

Jayce meant everything to him.

As tears slipped silently down his cheeks, Red silently let out his grief. He slowly moved his head away, in fear that Jayce would hear his silent cry. 
