The Lost Ronin

The colossal main gate ruptured open as Kurashi and Hikari walked through. Inside the walls were different, something that Kurashi had never experienced before. The streets, lined with traditional Japanese buildings, stretched across the towering black steel walls. A harmonious fusion of ancient and modern influences. The base seemed to operate with quiet efficiency, as people went about their tasks with purpose, creating an atmosphere of discipline and order. There was an unspoken unity among them, a shared understanding of the unique existence they led. During the walk, Hikari had some questions for Kurashi.

"So...What were you doing before coming here?", Hikari asked in a curious tone.

"I was a high school student.", Kurashi responded in his monotone voice.

"That's it?", Hikari questioned expecting a longer answer.

Kurashi nodded his head to the question.

" about a boring life.", Hikari said while laughing a little.

Eventually, their walk led them to a large Japanese temple located within the center of the base. Before entering the main office of the temple, Hikari knocked gently on the door.

"You may enter.", a rusty voice said coming from behind the door.

In front of Kurashi was the leader of the base, a wise and elderly man adorned in traditional attire.

"What is it you need Aiorai?", the old man asked sitting at his desk.

"Sorry for the intrusion Lord Fujita.", Hikari said while bowing his head, "It seems the rumors about the Ito clan were true. The lost fragment of the Ito clan exists".

"Fragment of the Ito clan?", Fujita said in shock as he looked over at Kurashi, "The son of Yasushi, to believe he truly exists".

Hikari looked up from bowing and asked, "Lord, I ask you please inform Kurashi".

"Kurashi is it? Well, it would be my honor.", Fujita said as he got up from his desk, "Hundreds of years ago, during the Sengoku period of Japan, a band of tarnished ronin were formed. Over time, these ronin turned to the way of the shinobi. Their skill, far superior to any foe who stood before them. Led by a skilled warrior from the Ito clan, they fought from the shadows, protecting the peace of the nation. The leader whose name was lost on the brink of time discovered a mysterious power which bestowed upon him supernatural abilities. Recognizing the potential of this newfound power, the leader generously shared this insight with his loyal comrades".

Lord Fujita walked over towards a window, a clear view of the base present outside.

"With the growth of members, a stronghold was needed...Somewhere the members could live and strategize. To solve this issue, Naishotetsu was established", Fujita stated before looking back at Kurashi, "The power in which we now call "ryokukami" was passed down through their descendants. Over the years, the base evolved, with each generation contributing to its growth. There were many leaders of the base, but one man stood out far from the rest. Yasushi Ito, your father, built up what this base is today. He was the strongest man I've ever seen...Then one day, he just disappeared without a trace. Speculations arose that he might have left the base to live a normal life, but the truth remained elusive, shrouded in rumors and uncertainty. Yasushi was the last of the Ito name, so when he vanished, a shadow was cast over the very foundation. The Ito were known to be the strongest of all the clans within Naishotetsu, so their extinction created a sizeable reduction in our force. With your father's disappearance, I was the one honored to be nominated to take his place, but I humbly know that I do not compare to the man he was".

Fujita walks over to a case of artifacts on the wall and picks up a black kitsune mask. He then walked over to Kurashi.

"This mask was your father's, let this be a symbol of your fate.", Fujita said as he handed Kurashi the mask.

"Aoirai...", Fujita said in a commanding voice.

"What is it sir?", Hikari responded.

"I am entrusting you to mentor Ito. Of all people, I think you are the most capable of handling this. After all, you are the next leader who will guide the people of Naishotetsu. Now if you will excuse me, I have some paperwork to do.", Fujita said while walking back to his desk.

"Thank you for your time Lord Fujita.", Hikari said in respect before leaving the room.

Outside of the temple, Kurashi and Hikari continue their walk through the streets.

"What do you think Kurashi, is it all coming to you?", Hikari questioned.

Hands in his pockets, Kurashi responded in a monotone voice, "Yeah, it's just a lot to take in".

"Yeah, that's understandable...I wouldn't expect it all to stick instantly.", Hikari responded.

With a slight smile on his face, Hikari asked, "Kurashi, want to talk about this more over some ramen"?

Kurashi nodded his head in agreement.

They made it to a ramen booth, its aroma of broth filling the air.

"Hey Aoirai, what would like today?", the chef behind the counter asked.

"The usual Tokushima bowl, but make it two this time", Hikari responded.

"Two Tokushima bowls coming right up", the chef said while walking away.

After getting their food, Hikari says, "I'm going to be blunt with you, the potential that you hold exceeds most of the others here. Though that is true, potential is only just a word unless you are willing to put in the work to achieve it. Simply put, I want you to start your training tomorrow morning".

"Tomorrow morning...That's fine.", Kurashi responded.

"Great! It's settled then, starting today you will be under my supervision. Think of me as your new mentor, but don't get over-mannered. I'm not much older than you after all.", Hikari stated with a sense of excitement.

After finishing their meal, they made their way to Hikari's house. A beautiful traditional Japanese home holds three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. The atmosphere was warm, with the scent of traditional Japanese materials filling the air. Tatami flooring and sliding doors coexist with the modern amenities. Entering the house, Hikari showed Kurashi to his room. The room contained a low platform bed, a nightstand, and a dresser with a TV sitting on top of it. As night fell, Kurashi settled down, unpacking all of his things, and heading to bed. A good rest would be needed for what was coming the next day.