Marriage Registration Ceremony (2)

"You can be proud for now. But how long would that last, huh? So, what if you have a soul knot and took a blood oath? Don't you know beasts follow instincts? How could his beast accept you?" Stella kept on mocking her. Her voice was loud enough to raise the ears of nearby people.

Soon a small crowd surrounded them. Everybody was here to pick up on the gossip. Most of the girls were jealous of this beauty, so, when they noticed that she was just a vase with low aptitude, they wanted to step on her too.

"It has nothing to do with you. Don't put your nose in others' business." Arella sharply said.

Seeing her getting angry, Stella's enthusiasm increased! This Arella, taunting her was like punching a soft cotton. She never reacted. But she knew her pressure points!

"Huh? I wonder what will happen to you once his beast ignores you? What would you do then? Find another man and move on? Just like you did with Luke? Oh! Poor Luke! How could you be so heartless!"

Arella disliked being a spectacle. And Stella's voice was getting on her nerves. Ignoring the whining, she tried making her way out. But the lackeys blocked her way.

"Running away? What? You can't face the truth? I wonder does your new husband know about your ex? Does he know that you have held hands and even embraced each other? Would he be able to handle such infidelity? Would he regret getting married to you?" Stella continued mocking her. Looking at Arella's quail like appearance, gave an immediate sense of satisfaction.

"Stella, we are both married. Let's stop bothering each other." In reality, Arella was tired. Because of her low aptitude, she always had to lower her head in front of Stella. But now, since they have parted ways, she no longer wants to put up with this irrational sister of hers.

"What, now you feel ashamed? Didn't you feel bad when you enjoyed the borrowed respect? You can get all the respect because of your husband. But don't you feel guilty? How ironic? You had the courage to come to this place in this dress. Do you think you can afford this? If it wasn't for your husband, how else could you wear such an expensive dress?"

Inside, Stella had always felt inferior to Arella. Her mother would always admonish her for being reckless. Always telling her to be like Arella!

Arella looked better and had a better temperament. Even Luke preferred her. Had it not for her little schemes, she couldn't have hooked up with him. She trained hard and became a B ranked tamer, but her father never said a word of encouragement. Others thought that she was favored. But the truth was that her mother only cared about her face and her father cared about nothing at all!

Bullying and competing with Arella was her favorite pastime. She wanted to trample upon her. She wanted to destroy her calm facade. When she snatched Luke, she thought that Arella would cry her eyes out. But who knew that a sudden high ranking beast would come to her rescue at the last moment?

Stella became more irritated. Why would Arella get a high ranked beast while she got stuck with a cheater forever? Luke only liked her for the freshness. He had no strong attachments. If Stella could steal her from Arella, then someone else could easily steal him from her as well!

Stella just wanted to break off their engagement, but that Luke! He proposed to marry her right away! She had no such plans, but now she was stuck! Luke was like a fishbone to her, stuck in her throat!

Stella blamed Arella for all her miseries. It was only because of her that she had to marry Luke! It was because of her that she had to train so hard! It was only because of her that her mother admonished her! And father never noticed her! It was all Arella's fault!

"Oh! Right, have you checked your spiritual connection yet? I advise you not to do that! What would you do if it was the bare minimum?" Stella continued with what she thought of rubbing salt in her wounds. According to her, Arella's only spore spot was her low aptitude. So, she wanted to cut open it.

"Oh! If you can't handle him, send him to me. I am a B ranked tamer. I can tame him well." Stella mockingly offered her help.


A crisp voice sounded in the quiet hall.

Bewilderment crossed Stella's eyes!

" dare you?" Stella couldn't believe it. Arella was the peace loving type. She had never been violent! How could she slap her? That too in front of all these people!

"How dare I? Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? How dare you have ideas for your sister's man? We are already married. I can sue you legally for such words! I warn you, Stella, I will gouge your eyes out if you even look at my husband!" Arella fumed at her sinister thoughts!

Stella already took Luke away. But Adrian was special. She couldn't afford to lose him. He was the only one who had made her feel at ease in her lonely life. She felt that she was a boat, rocking in the shaky waters, and he was her land. She couldn't lose him.

"Huh? In your heart, you know that you are no match for him." A creepy smile crept up Stella's face. She knew that she had found yet another pressure point of hers. This was too much fun for her!

"Your husband…"


Another crisp voice sounded in the corridor.

Stella's entire neck twisted. Arella showed no mercy in slapping her this time. As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, another voice interrupted her. 

"That is what you get for poking your nose in other's business." A sharp, cold, and deep baritone voice reverberated in the corridor.

When everybody looked up, they found a tall and handsome man walking towards them. Young maidens could feel the thudding of their cores. 

When Arella looked up, her pupils dilated.

Damn! Why was Adrian here? How much had he heard? How much had he seen?