First Dance

Adrian walked straight towards them. He only had eyes for one person. When he came towards the edge of the washroom, he stopped. But he kept looking at Arella.

Meanwhile, Arella too observed the man, and when he stopped, she automatically made her way to him. Looking at the unconscious action, the strain in Adrian's body, eased a little.

The girls who were enjoying the fiasco, stilled. The man looked aloof and unapproachable. When he made his way toward them, a dominant and powerful aura leaked around him. He did not speak, but his gaze was too sharp.

He stretched a hand and grabbed Arella's waist, bringing her closer to him. A chill ran down her body. His body was abnormally cold! Once she was in his arms, he raised his eyes and stared at the crowd.

Everybody felt the danger and hurriedly lowered their gazes. He fixedly stared at Stella. She felt aggrieved at the sharp slap and twisted neck. But in front of him, she had to hide her claws!

His gaze kept scrutinizing her. She felt exposed. His gaze was extremely sharp. It felt like he could cut her into two. As if he could see through everything.

"Thank you for your concern. We are spiritually compatible. My beast likes her too. You, on the contrary, should be more concerned about your husband." Though Adrian spoke in a calm and composed manner, the coldness, danger, and threat seeping through it could not be ignored!

Stella was smart, she understood the hidden meaning behind his calm words. Also, she could not afford to go against him. He was Luke's boss. She couldn't offend both Luke and him for Arella. She knew when to advance, and when to retreat. So, she meekly bowed and made no more unnecessary movement.

"You haven't apologized yet." When Stella looked up, she saw Adrian taking out a napkin and cleaning Arella's hand!

What did he mean by that act? Was he trying to say that she was dirty? Touching her had stained Arella's hand. Stella felt humiliated!

"Haven't you heard?" After cleaning Arella's hand and throwing away the napkin, he looked at Stella.

"Sorry. I spoke out of line." Stella clenched her hand and spoke in a small voice.

"What did you say? Be louder." Adrian wasn't going to let her go just like that. Looking at the fresh palm print on her face gave him some solace. Fortunately, his wife was bolder than he thought.

 "Sorry. I spoke out of line." This time Stella not only spoke loudly but also bowed to express her apology!

Arella felt amused. So, this is how it feels to threaten someone. It actually felt good. All her life, she was looked down on and bullied by higher ranked people. Seeing Stella bowing in servitude, made her satisfied.

Looking at her like this, Adrian left with Arella in his arms. He didn't respond to her apology. Stella was left bowing! She felt embarrassed to her core. When people started talking and making fun of her, she couldn't take it any longer. She left the ceremony with her tail tucked in between.

Meanwhile, Arella and Adrian made their way to the private cubicle. The table was set with various snacks. Each snack looked delicate and exquisite. Arella was already hungry. But looking at Adrian's impassive face, she didn't reach out to eat it.

Though he was expressionless, she felt that he was angry. Was he angry at her for being violent? Or had he heard the charges of infidelity? How long was he there for? How much had he heard? He wasn't doubting her, was he? Arella's mind went into a frenzy.

She looked out of the window to divert her attention. In front of her, was the stage. People were dancing. On it was a familiar figure. Luke. But in his arms was not Stella, but some other maiden. A mocking sneer made its way to Arella's face.

Luke was always like this. Dancing, flirting, and talking with every girl. And Stella accused her of being heartless? How ironic! She had always known that it was only a thread of promise that kept them tied together. Other than that, they had nothing in between them.

She agrees that in the childhood, they were very close. They depended on each other. They even held hands and embraced. But it was just friendship. They were never romantically involved. She was never in love. And neither was he.

Meanwhile, Adrian was raging because of the offensive remarks Arella had to bear! What was her fault? Just because her aptitude was low, she was ridiculed at every step! Was that half sister always like this? Who gave her the right to treat his wife like that? And what was all about that ex? What holding hands? What embracing?

Adrian felt a pang of jealousy bubbling inside him. His beast was seething mad. It was very possessive. His beast doesn't like anybody touching his treasures. Be it gold or Arella. No. Arella was more precious to him than any other treasure!

When he looked up, he found his Arella smiling at another man. Who was he? When he looked closely, it was none other than Luke, her ex. The one with whom she had held hands!

He wanted to block her eyes. None could enter her eyes but him! When he was on the edge of losing his composure, he heard a calm, sonorous voice.

"Let's dance?" Arella made a bold suggestion.

She never got the chance to dance before. Since she was engaged to someone since birth, dancing with another man was deemed inappropriate. But Luke, her only partner, never bothered asking her out for a dance. That is why, Arella had never danced in a public gathering so far.

She used to have a lot of inhibitions. But now, she has cut free. It is better to start anew.

"Okay." Adrian took some time to compose himself. At first, he thought he was hallucinating, but when Arella kept looking at him, he realized it was the truth.

Who would deny such a God sent chance?

Both of them made their way to the dancing stage. When they reached the center, the emcee took to the mic.

"Here's to the couple with a 100% spiritual connection! Highest in our generation! Give them a loud cheer!" 

The crowd only heard 100% spiritual connection and raged! Wow! It was a dream couple! The man was handsome, and the wife was beautiful. They looked perfect together. And they had a 100% spiritual connection.

Everybody stared at the couple, but all had different reasons for it. For a lot of unmarried maidens, it was just like a fantasy. To them, both Adrian and Arella were akin to the Prince and Princess. No, no. The King and Queen.

All the tamers were admirably drooling. He was so handsome! Why hadn't they met him before?

And the beasts? They were full of regrets! They knew that the girl had low aptitude and was very reserved. But why didn't anybody tell them that she looked like a fairy? Had they known, they would have married her right away!

Some were talking seriously. They knew of the soul knot and blood oath, but why didn't they hear of a 100% spiritual connection? How could their informant be lagging?

The crowd was raging. Some were confused, some lamented their fate of not meeting such beautiful partners, and others sighed at the strength of their spiritual connection.

Ignoring everything, the couple was busy dancing to their cores. Adrian took the lead, and Arella followed precisely. They moved in perfect harmony. Every step was measured. Every glide, perfect.

When Arella twirled, the tulle gown spread elegantly. The stars reflected the lights, illuminating her. Adrian's long legs moved fluidly, matching her pace. They only looked at each other. None could enter their eyes. None could tear them apart.

It was their 'first' dance. Both of them were happy to share it with each other. And in their cores, they prayed to share many more 'firsts' with each other.