Night before Departure

Both Arella and Adrian enjoyed the ceremony to their core's content. They ate, danced, and loved spending every minute together. The ceremony acted as an icebreaker for them. Something deepened between them, and they felt closer.

When they headed home, Arella felt a little sleepy. She couldn't hold her yawns. Adrian found himself lost in looking at the sleepy head who was trying her best to keep her eyes open. She looked absolutely adorable!

Just as Arella was about to hit her head against the window, a big and warm hand held her in place. Touching her soft red hair, he felt warm and soft. A fuzzy feeling erupted inside him. He lowered her head and let her sleep on his shoulder.

She squirmed a little bit and then, finding a comfortable spot, sighed while sleeping. He found it very amusing.

The pilot made his way to the cubicle to announce that they had arrived. But before he could voice out a word, Adrian gestured for him to stay quiet with his hands.

The pilot understood and wisely left the couple alone. Aww! Inside him, his squirrel beast jumped up and down! He was not only a face con, but also a fan of sweetness and sugar. But with his enrollment in the army, his life had become dry and sour. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined of seeing such a gentle side of his iron willed chief!

The way Sir looked at Madam! Aww! He was about to get drowned in cuteness! Before he could calm down his screaming beast, he saw another once in a blue moon kind of scene.

Chief was carrying his wife! In his arms! A princess carry!

Was he dreaming? The pilot couldn't believe his eyes! When was the last time his chief showed a shred of politeness? Why didn't he know that the chief was so gentlemanly? It was hard to think that such a gentle and considerate man was the feared demon on the training grounds!

Huh! Maybe the demon never treated them gentlemanly because they weren't as good looking as the Madam? No, no, even the fox beasts weren't spared from the harshness. So, it had nothing to do with the looks!

Maybe their Madam was really blessed. The pilot thought that perhaps, Madam's arrival could soften the demon. And as a result, for once, they could all have a moment of respite. The pilot left with the flickering hope.

Inside the house, it was dark. There was nobody. But darkness was never a problem for a beast. Adrian carried the soundly asleep girl in his hands and trod lightly on the steps.

Arella was deep in her slumber. Adrian put her on the bed softly. And then, when he straightened, he encountered a problem.

A frown appeared on his handsome face. A passerby would have thought that the man must have encountered a knotted trouble, something as perplexing as the Gordian Knot.

But the problem, that really pestered him, was the clothes! Arella was already asleep. But she was still wearing the gown. If he lets her sleep, she won't feel comfortable. But, he couldn't change it. No matter how tempting it looked, Adrian knew that it wasn't the right opportunity.

He reached towards her foot and started removing her stilettos. While at it, he lightly pressed her foot. She must have felt exhausted wearing those! Why do people torture themselves by wearing those? Her feet aren't swollen, right? Concerned, Adrian checked her foot for any injury. Thankfully, there was none!

Umm, what should he do now? He looked at the tight fitting clothes and felt a little uncomfortable. The dress was a perfect fit. It accentuated her plus points. Her chest was swaying lightly to the rhythm of her breaths. It looked enchanting and tempting.

Resisting his impulses, he shifted his gaze to her necklace. He should remove that first. From the edge of the bed, he came towards the head and sat down near her.

He touched her hair lightly and then, started looking for the hook of the necklace. There! He found it after a while. He slowly took it out. He handled it with utmost care and afterward, put it on her side table.

And then, he waited. He waited for her to get up naturally. Of course, he could wake her himself. But she was sleeping so sweetly! He didn't have the heart to disturb her sound dreams!

If the sugar deprived pilot saw this, he definitely would have screamed!

After waiting for a while, Adrian felt a little sleepy. He thought of changing his formal attire, but his eyes unknowingly shifted towards the girl. How could he change his dress, when she was still wearing hers?

They were tied for life! For better and for worse! In health and sickness! In weal and woe! If she slept in her ball gown, then logically, he too should sleep in his formal wear!

Determined, he took off his shoes and lightly settled himself on the bed. He made sure not to disturb her. He wasn't even asleep yet when he heard a murmur. He opened his eyes and saw that the girl who had been quiet till now, had a frown on her face! When he touched her, he found that she was burning up!

Panicked for a moment, he switched on the light. She was not only murmuring, but her entire being was shivering!

"Arella! Arella! Ella!" Adrian tried waking her up. But the girl was deeply engrossed in her nightmares. She didn't respond. Her temperature was rising higher and higher!

Adrian, who was an ice dragon, also felt her unnatural temperature. He knew this was not normal! He kept on shaking the girl but she never moved!

Anxiety, fear, panic, and helplessness, the words which were foreign to Adrian made their presence known to him simultaneously. He didn't know what to do! Resignedly, he pulled the burning girl into a tight embrace.

He lowered his body temperature to a bone chilling coldness. He covered her entirely. Her head was in his chest, and his legs hovered over hers. His hands rubbed her neck and arms frantically. In just a minute, he could feel her temperature going down.

Thank goodness, he was an ice dragon! He smoothened Arella's frown. She was back to her quiet self, unaware of the fright she had given to him. When Adrian inspected her, an ember like glow entered his eyes.

The ruby was shining!

He stretched out to hold the ruby, but the moment he touched it, his hands felt a burning sensation. He immediately took his hand back.

The ruby was scorching!

He kept holding Arella. Once her temperature was back to normal, he stretched his hand again to touch the bright ruby.

It was back to its cold appearance. The brightness reduced, and it looked a little dull in comparison. Adrian contemplated and realized the ruby had something to do with his wife's outburst. He had to figure out their connection.

He looked at the sleeping girl. She was once again in a deep sleep, unaware of whatever had transpired tonight.

For Arella's health, he had to know more about the origin of this mysterious ruby.