A Cat Beast

The lazy black cat heard some voice and raised its head.

Its pale yellow eyes stared at the oncoming girl. 

Arella herself had golden eyes, but the eyes of the cat were pale yellow. Almost eerie. It made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

The pale yellow eyes took in her fright, surprise, and nervousness. The girl after recovering from her panic, slowly moved towards the kitchen. She stealthily walked to not startle the cat. Meanwhile, the cat moved its head, and its sight followed the girl.

Arella made her way to the kitchen and found the cook.

"There's a…there's a black cat in the hall!" Arella was terrified! This was the Advanced Beast era! Nobody turns into their beast form without any particular reason! And to break into private property was a bigger offense! And above all! It was a cat! Cat clan doesn't like to associate with the beast clan! 

"Madam, he is the child you saw before. His spiritual power is unstable that is why, he cannot shift back to his human form." The cook found the restless appearance of her Madam a bit funny.

"The child? But how is that possible? Aren't they supposed to get their beast form upon reaching adulthood?" She was flabbergasted! The human child was so cute! But this cat looked terrifying, almost menacing!

The cook handed over a glass of water to the frightened host. 

"Madam, the cat clan has always been known for their divinity. They prefer to stay far away from civilization. Hence, we, the beast clan, can't judge them through our rationale and standards. When it woke up, it followed me here." The cook patiently explained the things to Arella.

Giving back the glass to the cook, she sat quietly to take in the information. Cat clan used to live like any other beast. But because of their affinity towards supernaturals like ghosts, spirits, and death, they were seen as an ill omen. Being cut off, they decided to go into seclusion. 

It is said, that one day, some beast wanted to hunt a cat beast and offer it as a sacrifice to the Beast God. When the beast caught a cat beast, thunder blasted the sky, killing the beast instantly. Since then, it has been known, that the cat clan had the protection of the Beast God. 

Many seek them for predictions, for knowing the veiled truths, the will of Beast God, and for talking to the dead. 

But they have always stayed in seclusion and were very mysterious. Sometimes, even royalty had to wait upon them. The cat clan had the support of nature and the Beast God. They were not to be trifled with.

And in her hall was a cat beast! Ahh! Arella didn't know how to react! Should she be happy to be fortunate enough to meet a cat beast? Or should she be afraid of disturbing it and being burnt by the thunder? Ahhh! 

When she was screaming internally, a soft black fur jumped in her lap and settled in her arms. The yellow eyes stared at her golden ones. Arella went still. She even stopped breathing. Because in her arms was a cat beast!

Looking closely, she noticed that its eyes had a black slit in the center of yellow. Something like a crack, or a portal to another world. She found no aggression in its eyes. Its fur was very soft. She unconsciously started touching and caressing it. 

Feeling the pats and strokes, the cat beast lazily closed its eyes and started resting in her arms.

Looking at the docile, compliant, and lazy image, Arella's panic vanished into thin air. She meant no harm to it. So, she shouldn't be afraid of any catastrophe! A beaming smile etched on her face. 

She kept on stroking its fur. It was soft and shiny. Unlike Adrian's beast, which was full of scales. Other than Adrian's belly, she couldn't remember any other soft part of him. His tail? No, no, that was nothing less than a weapon! Sharp and pointy. 

Meanwhile, the cook looked at the cat beast with helpless eyes. It was she who fed it and looked after it. But it wouldn't let her hug him. Now look at it, happily sitting in Arella's arms! Such an ingrate! Hmph! 

But she had to agree, the cat beast looked very soft! She had lived for so long, but it was her first time coming across the cat clan. It was magical!

The cook wanted to touch the soft and shiny fur too. But the moment she raised her hand, the cat beast opened its eyes and glared at the approaching figure.

The cook took her outstretched hand back. Yup, the cat was an ingrate! She moved around and busied herself with the preparation of lunch.

The cat beast closed its eyes once again and enjoyed the warmth seeping out of the fingers of the girl. This girl's aura was very warm and bright. But it was bleak. As if the aura was trapped behind a wall, and what came out was just the remnants.

Whatever! It was none of its concern. That noon, the cat beast had a sound sleep. But Arella's hands were sore. It was light, but holding it for over an hour was a numbing experience.

Thank goodness, it woke up with the smell of lunch! 

Both the cat and the girl with numb arms ate their fills. 

Once done, both went to the grassland to bask in the sun. The cat had now become a tail. It followed wherever Arella went. So, both of them were now sitting idly.

Arella was checking the highlights on Beastnet, and the cat was checking her out. The aura of the girl perplexed it. With such power, she had the potential to become a high ranking beast. 

But potentiality is not equivalent to certainty. 

The mirror of her future was obscure. If she didn't break free, she would always remain a low ranking person.