Unannounced Visitors

A cat and a girl, both were lazing in the sun. It was a comfortable noon, with filled stomachs and nothing to worry about. 

The cat beast should have been troubled in the foreign environment, but it was exceptionally calm. Arella wondered, was every youngster in the cat clan this unflustered and careless about their safety?

What if they were bad people trying to trap him? How could he be so calm? Any other beast child should have been on the verge of tears by now! But any other beast child wouldn't have gotten their beast forms yet too! It shows the supremacy of the child. He shouldn't been trifled with. In fact, it's better to stay far away from it!

But Arella found that the cat beast was extremely clingy. It stayed in her proximity. If she moved an inch, it would move an inch. If she moved a foot, it would move too. She looked and started to think of ways to get away from it.

Watching the quiet girl looking at it, the cat beast stared back. And then jumped straight into her lap! What precision! 

The cat beast found a comfortable spot and then laid down. Unguarded, closed its eyes and rested soundly. Meanwhile, the girl became more confused! What! Here, she was trying to put a distance between them, and now, she has an additional beast in her arms!

She didn't know how to react, so she stayed still. Let's not bother this ancestor, she thought! So, now, both of them rested quietly, basking in the warmth of the sun.

About a quarter of an hour later, the lazy beast suddenly jerked its head up and stared at a particular point. Its body went into an alert mood, and Arella could feel its body tightening. She followed its gaze. It constantly looked beyond the spiritual barrier. She couldn't see anything.

"What is it? Is someone coming?" Arella became serious too. 

She didn't have to wait longer when a man and woman entered her vision. They stood behind the barrier and looked at both of them. 

Arella picked up the cat beast in her arms, shielding it from the scrutinizing gaze of the unannounced visitors. She had only one thought in mind, 'the beast is here for protection. And she would do her utmost to protect it.'

She looked in her arms to check up on the beast. The pale eyes that used to glare at her with arrogance were now filled with horror! It was terrified! Arella took in its state and made a firm resolution to save it.

"Don't worry. They cannot cross the barrier," she soothingly informed the frightened creature. 

She knew that any malignant spirit couldn't cross the barrier. So, theoretically, she shouldn't be scared. But theories are different than reality. In fact, she was scared as well! The momentum of the visitors was crushing her courage down. No frown, hesitation, or any signs of inconvenience could be found on their faces!

Both parties were at the edge of the barrier. One was inside, while the other was outside. It's better to back out a bit, she thought. So, she turned around. At her back, stood the cook, gardener, and even the cleaner, who hadn't shown his face since the day she moved in.

With company, Arella felt a backing. She heaved a sign of satisfaction. She wanted to calm the little beast too. So, she started patting and caressing it. Getting the attention and nurture, the beast's tout body loosened a bit.

Looking at the scene, an angry voice boomed in the environment.

"Come here, right this instant!" The man, from outside the barrier shouted with flared nostrils.

The fur, that had just been smoothened, once again stood straight! The beast hid its face in Arella's embrace. 

"I dare you to let me wait! If you don't start moving, watch me revoke all your rights of freedom!" The woman, who was standing quietly till now, spoke ruthlessly. Her voice was louder and sounded angrier than the man!

The cat, instinctively, jumped out of the warm embrace and went in the direction of the voice.

It all happened in a flash. Arella couldn't stop it at all. She followed it. When she was about to cross the barrier, she was stopped by the cook.

"Madam, look." The cook firmly held the fidgeting girl and asked her to observe the surroundings.

The cat went and sat on the feet of the woman. The woman touched its head and covered it with a robe. In the next moment, a head appeared out of the robe.

The child was back to its human form. 

"Mother, father! You are here! I missed you so much!" A milky voice reverberated in the area. The child was happily beaming and attempted to hug the woman.

"Hold your horses! You think acting cute can save you from the punishment?" The angry man pointed his finger at the innocent looking child and shouted loudly.

"Mother! I.. I didn't do it on purpose! I just wanted to go out for a walk!" An urgency to look for a helper appeared in the child's countenance.

"This time, I am afraid I cannot help you out, son!" The woman was still angry. But looking at the fidgeting appearance of the child, she reigned in her temper a bit.


The woman turned away from the pleading son and looked at the people behind the barrier. 

"This lady. We thank you and the Scott family for their timely help. And I, on behalf of my son, apologize for the inconvenience caused." The woman, donning a humble and meek presence, spoke gently.

"Umm, no…no problem." Arella was confused, but she knew that this must be the parents of the cat beast. Who else could tame an unruly child but his parents? 

"Has the child caused any ruckus? If so, allow us to compensate for it. If not, we would like to take our leave." The man spoke up at this moment. Though his words had hints of arrogance, his tone was polite.

"No, No. He was good. He didn't cause any problems!" Arella hurriedly denied it. 

"Why don't you both come in first? We can sit and talk inside. My home is nearby." Arella warmly invited the guests to her place.

But to her polite invitation, she received a rebuke in return.

"Don't ever invite any strange beast from the forest inside the spiritual barrier. Don't you know this basic rule? Or do you not value the hard work of our ancestors and plan on ruining it?" The woman who was polite a moment ago exploded in anger!