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Both men stood tall, intensely staring at each other. Arella knew something was off, but she could not put a finger on it. Looking at the situation, a soft sigh escaped her mouth. She was tired, and she wanted to go home.

"Nicholas, I want to go home to have some rest." Arella looked at the man with a determined gaze.

She was puzzled by his behavior. He acted in an extremely familiar way. As if they have known each other for a long time. And his insistence was in her best interest too. But right now, what Arella wanted most, was to go home.

Without Adrian, her dwelling didn't feel like home. And now that he was back, she badly wanted to go home. She missed his comforting presence.

"Okay. But you cannot take your body lightly. You need to take proper care of it. You are already very weak." Nicholas saw the glint of determination flashing in her eyes and reluctantly agreed.

"I will take care of her." Adrian did not want to give this man an inch. His head was filled with annoyance! This person's presence was like an eyesore to him. He did not want Arella to talk to him any further. He tightened his hold on her and walked out of the corridor.

Nicholas stared at them till their silhouette disappeared.

"Tsk. Tsk. He can be a problem in the future." Nicholas muttered under his breath, and then he too, walked out of the healing center. The noise here was too loud. He wanted to go find a quiet place to have some rest.

As for Arella, he wasn't concerned a bit about her spiritual energy drainage. With the assistance of the spiritual touch, she could recover very soon. 

He was glad that they had worked promptly. Otherwise, looking at the man protecting her, it would have been impossible to go near her!

The most he was concerned about was her body. A weak body cannot hold a strong soul. She was too weak. More weak than he had imagined. He had to find a way to make her stronger. And that to as soon as possible. There was not much time left!

Nicholas walked out of the healing center, found a secluded place, and stood still. Soon, huge brown wings came out from his back. And off he went into the open sky at an alarming speed.

In order to fool the lower beasts, he had to transform into a proper Hawk. It was disgusting! Now, with his limbs and wings, he felt at ease.

On their planet, only beastmen could transform into beasts. And they had to transform into a full beast. If they found a man with wings, it could send them into an existential crisis.

That is why, he had to hide his true appearance from others. He did take out his wings in front of Arella, but she was already unconscious by then. She would not remember anything.

The hawk winged man flew in the direction of the Royal Palace.


The squirrel spirit pilot was still in a trance. His body was shivering lightly as he waited for his chief to bring Madam out from the healing center.

He was a certified pilot with a few years of experience. But never in his entire existence had he known that the airship could be flown so fast! When the chief took to the seat of pilot, the squirrel did not know what he had signed for!

Adrain flew it very fast. It felt faster than the speed of light! But unfortunately, back then, they were in the outer space. So, no matter how fast he flew, the members could feel something whirling inside their stomachs.

A lot of them had puked after landing! And his squirrel core was vibrating at an astonishing speed as if it wanted to come out of his body. Truthfully, he had given up on a safe landing.

He had already prayed to the Beast God, thanking him for giving him this life and asking him to take care of his family after he died. But, surprisingly, his chief maneuvered the airship like a veteran and landed safely. But the crisis was not over!

Unlike Andrew and others who had stepped down the airship as soon as it landed, he was still in the airship! His limbs were shaking. But all of that was nothing in front of the aura that his chief exuded once he came to know of Madam's accident!

At that time, his face looked more horrifying and intimidating than the entire journey! He once again took to the seat of the pilot and flew. He flew so fast that they covered a journey of fifteen minutes within a blink of an eye.

His poor core was still vibrating, and his legs were trembling. He sat still as he waited for his chief and Madam.

If he was made to experience such light defying speed once again, he was sure to pass out! His feeble body could not take it any longer!

He waited with bated breath as his chief came into view. He was carrying Madam in his arms.

The pilot saluted him. Nodding, Adrian went straight into the cubicle.

"Off to Home." Came a command from behind the closed doors of the cubicle.

Thank Goodness! The pilot released a breath he did not know he was holding. A relief washed over him as he walked towards the pilot cubicle. He maneuvered the airship and flew at a normal rate.

Inside the cubicle, Arella was resting on the bed, and Adrian sat next to her. His face was cold, but his hand was gently caressing the long red cascading tresses of Arella.

After a while, his stinking mood felt better. Unknowingly, a gentle glint appeared in his eyes.

Arella kept her eyes closed, enjoying the warmth his hand brought to her. The chaos inside her was settling down now. So, just like that, both of them enjoyed each other's company. 

Basking in the comfort of each other's proximity.