
'Sir, we have landed." A voice interrupted their peaceful time. But neither of them felt annoyed because, at last, they had reached their home.

The home had a special existence for both of them. Both walked out of the airship and entered their home. This time, Arella did not allow him to carry her. She insisted on walking. He, though reluctant, but respected her wishes.

"You go have some rest, I will take a bath," Adrian disclosed his plans.

"Okay." Arella did not mind. She walked towards the bedroom while Adrian went to the guest bedroom to take a shower.

Adrian had come straight from the expedition. He did not have the time to groom himself. But fortunately, the planet they went to explore did not have any harsh conditions. He even had a dip in that planet's ocean before setting off. It explains why he was neither wearing his uniform nor sweating.

But still, coming back home, he wanted to take a bath as soon as possible. He wanted to put his best form in front of her. He should not give her any reason for dissatisfaction. So was written in the book '100 Ways to Chase My Wife.' And he was still reading it. Not only reading, he was unconsciously and ardently following it step by step as well!

Nice, clean, and fresh, Adrian walked towards the bedroom. Swiftly opened the door and found her sleeping sweetly on the bed. Did she fall asleep? So soon? Did he take too long to bathe?

Confusion etched on his face, but considering that she needed to rest, he let her be. He called the gardener cum healer to check up on her.

The gardener took her pulse, and a frown appeared on his face.

He once again took her pulse and then looked at his master.

Adrian was perplexed by his expression and wanted to know the result. A nervousness appeared in his demeanor. But at the same time, he maintained his calm. He also gestured for the gardener to remain quiet.

Then, he covered her up with a blanket and made sure that she was wrapped up properly. Only after checking twice did he gesture for the gardener to walk out.

The gardener left the room. Adrian gently looked at Arella once again and then left the room.

"Sir, Madam is recovering fast. With this speed, she would regain her strength by tonight. As for the spiritual energy that was lost, it would take her at most a week to rebuild it." The gardener appeared calm but he was shocked to his core.

Such recovering ability was unprecedented! Some beasts of higher ranks had it, but for Madam to possess it, it was absolutely astonishing! If anybody knew that she possessed such recovering abilities, it was very likely that they would ask for her blood to develop pills and vials!

"Okay. Do not let anybody know about it. You can leave now." Adrian remained controlled. After sending the gardener away, he walked back to the room.

He took out the ruby embedded necklace and put it on the sleeping girl.

"Who are you?" He muttered under his breath. And then, with one last look at her, he quietly left the room.

He went straight to the kitchen. He wanted to cook something for her.

Her recovering abilities were shocking to him too, but he was a detail oriented person.

He still remembered the aura she had exuded when they first met. Then, his beast, who was extremely proud and picky, easily got pacified by her touch. Other than that, was the overwhelming presence of the ruby.

When he showed this ruby to an evaluator, what he found out was more incredible than her recovering abilities.

"The ruby is not a jewel, but it is the crystallization of someone's spiritual energy." The evaluator's words echoed in her mind.

Crystallized spiritual energy. It was a physical manifestation of a seal. It reveals that the spiritual energy flowing inside someone has been sealed.

According to her mother's letter, it should belong to Arella. But why was it crystalized? Why was the spiritual energy inside her sealed? Most importantly, who sealed it? And for what?

This shows why her aptitude was so low. Despite all her efforts, she could not raise it to another level. This was so because she could not channel her entire strength. What's inside her, is just a fragment of her spiritual energy.

"Can I break the ruby to give the spiritual energy back to the owner?" Adrian was not aware of the workings of the seal. After all, it was rare to encounter such a situation. On a planet, where aptitude was strength, nobody would want a seal on them! He wanted to know how to unlock the seal.

"No. Never do that! If you break that seal, all the spiritual energy will disappear into thin air! It would be absorbed by nature within a fraction of a second!" The evaluator strongly opposed Adrian's thoughts.

"Crystallization of spiritual energy is a memento to the owner! If you break it by force, the energy will dissipate!" The evaluator continued.

"Then, what should be done in this case?" Adrian felt helplessness surging in his veins. Now he knew that Arella's spiritual energy was sealed. And the ruby, which was a physical manifestation was in his arms too. But he could not do anything!

"Have you seen how an egg hatches? The cub has to be powerful enough to break it from inside. If you break it from the outside, the life inside will die! That is because the body is not strong enough." The evaluator was experienced. Seeing a seal had shocked him, but years of experience had taught him a lot.

"So, the owner has to become powerful enough to break the seal on its own?" Adrian ruminated over and over on this thought.

"And how would that be possible? If the energy remains sealed, how could the owner become powerful?" No matter how much Adrian thought, this looked contradictory to him.

One had to become powerful enough to break a seal. But the presence of that seal was like a bottleneck in the process of becoming powerful. Then, how in Beast God's name was becoming powerful possible in the first place?

"Will. Sometimes, it's not the power, but the will that can do wonders. If the owner's will supersedes the thought of weakness, then everything which seems impossible becomes possible."