
When she woke up again, it was pitch dark. She instinctively checked the ruby. No, it wasn't burning. She touched its surface and found something different.

She clicked on the bedside lamp, took the ruby off her neck, and began to scrutinize it minutely. There, on its smooth surface, was now a crack! A very small crack indeed. Invisible to the naked eye if not seen closely. But if anybody touched it, they could easily find a rough patch on the edges of an otherwise extremely smooth surface.

Damn! Did it fall? Why was there a crack? It didn't get bumped, right? Arella wasn't so sure. It was very important to her. First, because it was something given by her mother, and second, because Adrian had crafted it into a necklace!

Thinking of the chain, it was of pure gold. She knew that dragons were known to have golden lairs which they were extremely protective of. But she wasn't sure if Adrian had one or not. He looked aloof and indifferent. Other than his possessive approach toward her own body, she hadn't noticed any other thing of primary importance to him. Anything that he clung to? No, Arella hadn't noticed anything yet.

So, she was curious if he had an underground cave filled with shiny jewels and glittering gold or not. She searched the house but couldn't find anything. She even asked the cook, but even then, she found no clues. Tired, she decided to ask himself. But that be would almost a fortnight away! Huh! Even thinking about the long duration made her sad.

With a lowered head, she went to the dining area. The table was set, and dinner was waiting for her. The cook had reasonably not disturbed her peaceful slumber. When she sat down, the cook started serving the piping hot dishes.

And to her astonishment, tonight's main dish was rabbit meat. She was surprised a bit. Looking at her expressions, the cook offered an explanation.

"Madam, I noticed that you liked eating rabbit meat. So, I have prepared one for today. I hope you enjoy it."

"Thank you." Arella was pleased by the cook's attentive attitude. But the problem was, the rabbit meat didn't look palatable at all!

The seasoning wasn't right, the sauces were overflowing and the meat itself wasn't tender or juicy! She ate a few bites and then shifted her focus to the vegetables. All the while wondering, why was what Nicholas prepared for her so delicious.

How did he know that she preferred to eat spicy and rich flavored meat? Was it a coincidence? Did he like it as spicy as her too? Something about Nicholas was very familiar. Be his aura or presence, it was very comfortable and familiar. She couldn't pinpoint it, but since the first interaction, he was very casual with her. Like he knew her too. 

But he was from the Star Alliance. They had their own campus and area. It was next to impossible for her to have met him before. Star alliance. It was way out of the league for her.

In her condition, it would be a miracle if she managed to get a spot in the military. But for that, she would have to improve her aptitude! Ahh! Her aptitude! For her entire life, she had followed the conservative teachings, but nothing seemed to work.

So, now, while looking at the rabbit meat, she decided to follow Nicholas' words. He was from the Star Alliance. Maybe they had special techniques that made them great? Trying that would not bring any harm. So, it was decided, from tomorrow onward, she would try to sharpen her senses and try to connect with her beast spirit.

How, umm, she knew not. But she would take one step at a time. Behind her obsession with aptitude improvement were various reasons. First, she wanted to become capable enough to stand next to Adrian. Right now, her existence had become a black stain on his golden life.

She wanted to change that. She wanted to change for the better. She wanted to be worthy of him. Second, she dreamed of becoming his spiritual support. 

His beast had already accepted her. But her dormant beast was of no comfort to his beast. If only she was powerful enough, she could calm his beast and become its partner. His beast was so good! And treated her so well! She wanted to do something for his beast too. She wanted to reward him for being so good to her.

Third, she wanted to figure out her parentage. She tried to push all the mad ramblings of Stella behind her. But time and again, it harassed her. Was the man she considered her father wasn't her father? Was she really a jinx who killed her own parents? And what did Stella mean when she claimed that she sucked her mother's spiritual energy dry? What was that all about?

She really wanted to know. But she wasn't one to make hasty decisions. She wanted to find out the truth, but asking her father, mother or Stella wasn't an option. Currently, she was in the dark. So, any wind could sway her. Instead, she wanted to tempt them, to force them to utter the truth.

Nicholas had said that only power could make that happen. Beasts are instinctive. They bow down to power. She could ask for Adrian's help, but she was afraid. What if whatever Stella had claimed was the truth? What if, she really was a jinx? What would he think of her then? What if he left her? What if he stayed? She couldn't drag Adrian down with her. That is why, it was of utmost importance for her to know the truth herself!

She must figure out the truth from the lies, the facts from the hearsay.

She must awaken her beast in order to become Adrian's spiritual partner.

She must become worthy of standing next to Adrian.

And for all these things to become a reality, she had to become powerful! She had to sharpen her senses. She had to find a way to connect with her beast. There was no other way out. 

Hidden from everybody's eyes, at the back of her neck, the hazy flame like mark became more prominent and distinct.