Anne’s Message 

The next morning, Arella woke up nice and fresh. She habitually checked the other side of the bed. It was cold. Her eyes traced the window, and she found an empty grassland. Once again, Adrian wasn't here.

Every morning, it took her a minute to gather her senses from his absence. She should not be blamed for it. She had long become used to his embrace, breath, and comfort. To say that she missed him was an understatement.

Every day was long and tedious without him. But with each passing day, the day of their meeting was coming closer. So, she counted the days and went about her days in a daze.

A night's sleep and a lot of contemplation had made her mind clearer. At first, she doubted Nicholas, but as they say, beast clan members are instinctive in nature. And her instinct was strongly telling her to follow Nicholas's words. She didn't know what would he gain, why he wanted her to train, or what went on in his head. But she was sure of one thing, she had to become powerful. For herself. For Adrian. And for knowing her parentage!

Once accepting Nicholas as a well wisher, it became easier for her to put her mind at ease. Now, she had to follow his words. But no matter how hard she thought, she just couldn't find a breakthrough.

How was she supposed to connect with her dormant beast? How could she stay in Adrian's company when the rules said otherwise? How to train her senses? How to test her powers? She had multitudes of queries and no solution at all.

She wanted to meet Nicholas again. But she didn't know where to find him. She once sent one of her helpers to look for him in the healing center, but he wasn't there. Nobody knew of his address. So, she gave up on finding him.

Dejected, she weakly and aimlessly started focusing on her training. She tried accumulating her beast tamer powers in her palm like she did while treating Devon, but no, she felt nothing. It just wasn't working.

She tried closing her eyes and focusing on her hearing senses, but unfortunately, she couldn't hear anything beyond the barrier at all.

An entire morning passed with her futile attempts at the training. Nothing happened. She couldn't feel anything. And the emptiness of the home was eating her core little by little every day. She wanted to talk to someone. So, she took out her phone and searched for Anne's details.

To her astonishment, as soon as she opened the connect page, a voice message cheerily greeted her. Was this what they call telepathy? She got a message from Anne just when she wanted to talk to her. Without a moment's delay, she clicked on it and Anne's loud and happy voice filled her home's emptiness.

"Arelllaaaa! How are you? When did you leave? Why didn't you greet us before leaving? When did you become this callous? Never mind! In the healing center, there are hushed rumors that Major General took you away in his arms. Is it true? If it is, then you are forgiven!"

Listening to Anne's words, guilt, shame and shyness attacked Arella simultaneously. She felt guilty because she actually forgot to contact Anne and Devon after leaving the healing center! Ah! what sort of friend does it make her? A shameful one indeed!

But she is not entirely at fault here. The past week was, umm, too much for her to think of anything else.

And about the 'took you away in his arms' part, umm. Anne is so excited after listening to the hushed whispers, what would happen when she comes to know of her blissful week with Adrian? Ahh! While thinking of it, a faint redness tainted her neck and cheek.

"Okay, coming to the main point now." Anne's monologue continued without any pause.

"Both Devon and I have recovered fairly well and are being discharged. An offer has come to Devon to join the military. Umm, he, ahem, wants to get married, so that we can apply for a couple's residential place in the military premises."

Wait, what? They are getting married? A blooming smile unconsciously covered Arella's face! Excited! She was too excited and simply wanted to give a tight hug to Anne then and there only! Ahh! They had to meet! Arella couldn't wait any longer!

Reigning in her impulses, she continued to listen to Anne's message.

"The 'Marriage Registration Ceremony' for this quarter has already happened. So, we plan to find a temple head and get married. We will register it in the next Marriage Registration Ceremony."

Hmm, that's reasonable. Arella was of the same mind too. It's better to have the rituals performed first. They can get registered later.

"As you know neither of us have any parents, that is why, it's just a simple marriage. I don't know about your situation and I dare not call you. What if I disturbed your sweet time with the Major? What if I destroyed something that should have been left undisturbed? Nope, my feeble core can't take that in!"

Ha ha ha! What rubbish! Adrian isn't that unreasonable! Arella unknowingly defended Adrian.

"So, we are heading to the central city temple now. Both Devon and I would be glad if you could accompany us. But if you can't, don't worry, I understand! After all, you are so beautiful and Major General is too beastly, isn't he? Ha ha ha! Jokes apart, don't burden yourself. If you can, come. If you can't, no problem! You will still be my best friend! Next time when we meet, I will treat you to a meal! Goodbye!"

Arella heard the entire message and her mind crashed!

Wait, were they getting married today? Ahh! She had to go! How bold of Anne to have thought that she won't be coming! Look how she twists her ears once they meet! Even if she was with Adrian, she would have pushed him aside to make it to their wedding in time! Ahh! She has to rush! She doesn't have time!

Arella rushed downstairs.

Looking at her hurried appearance, the cook came out of the kitchen.

"Madam, is there something that you need?" The cook politely asked.

"Ah, yes, yes! I need to rush to the central city temple. Could you call the, umm, cleaner, yes the cleaner, to prepare the airship?" Arella faintly remembered that in the absence of Adrian, it was the cleaner who used to pick up and drop her off for work. Yes, the cleaner could fly her there!

"Certainly Madam." The cook bowed and went out to the servant's quarters to inform the cleaner.

Arella rushed upstairs. She had to change clothes! Anne and Devon were getting married! She couldn't arrive in her homely clothes. She skillfully found a sunny, mini dress from her closet. It had big bright yellow flowers printed on it. It gave vibes of happiness. She wore it and tied her long cascading hair in a bun. She was already wearing the ruby necklace. She strapped the contact watch to her slender wrists, wore flats, and made her way downstairs.

As she descended, the cook waited for her at the end of the staircase.

"Madam, the airship is ready to board." The cook humbly reported.

Their promptness made Arella elated. Good! She could definitely make it in time!

"Ah yes! Please prepare a congratulatory meal for three. My friends are getting married today. I want to treat them. We should be back by lunchtime. Also, add a plate of seafood. Thank you!" Arella happily beamed and shared the good news with the cook.

Listening to her, the cook's expression became more kind.

"Sure, Madam. Safe journey!" She bowed once again and watched Arella leave in a hurry.

At first, when she saw her hurried appearance, she thought that something must have happened. But she is a mere cook, she doesn't have the right to pry. So, she only followed her instructions without any questions. But now, when Madam told her the reason on her own behalf, she felt better. Fortunately, Madam treats her with the same respect as Sir.

The more time one spends with Arella, the better her image becomes in the cores of each and every one. She thanked the Beast God for blessing Sir with Madam!

"Ah! What a kindhearted and lovely couple. May Beast God bless them with happiness." The cook shared a heartfelt blessing and went to the kitchen to prepare the congratulatory meal.