Bridal Chamber

Arella was quietly sitting on the bed, waiting for a call or invite. But even after a quarter of an hour, she received no notifications.

"Are you okay?" Arella mindfully sent a message to him. If he was busy, he could reply later.

Within a minute, her watch blinked informing her of the incoming message.

"Hmm, something came up. I will call you later." Adrian's words pacified her disturbed core.

A knock was heard on the closed door. The cook was calling her for dinner. So, she responded to Adrian's text and went out to eat.

"Okay. Take care." Adrian looked at the message as the healer in front of him prepared an infusion.

On the other side, Arella was happily devouring the meal with her friends. Anne teased her a bit, and then it was Arella's turn. Considering that it was Anne's wedding night, Arella had a lot to tease her, making Anne back out like a chicken.

Devon, of course, was not a part of their conversation, otherwise, it would have become extremely awkward for all of them!

Arella was generous enough to lock herself in the bedroom as soon as the meal ended. Even the cook finished her chores speedily and left as if her tail was on fire.

Anne did not notice anything, while Devon pretended to have observed nothing at all. Just a few minutes after the meal, a numbing silence took over the place. Soft lights remained lit, and fresh air kept touching them. Without the chatter and clatter, this place had the power to soothe the disturbed core of any beast. Devon liked it here. And Anne could like any place as long as Devon was with her.

Both took a stroll in the grasslands and then retired to the guest bedroom. Opening the door, both Devon and Anne stilled on their spots. What caught their sight rendered them speechless!

Because in front of them was nothing but the color red. The color of auspiciousness since time immemorial! The curtains, the bed sheets, the quilts, the pillows, everything was soaked in nothing, but red!

There were candles lit on the side desk, permeating a sweet smell. All in all, this was too much for both of them to take in!

Anne hurriedly went in and blew out the candles that were the source of this nauseating sweet smell! She knew that Devon was not fond of anything too sweet! And Devon walked in and opened the red curtains almost immediately! He wanted to get rid of this blinding red color instantaneously! It looked as if they were in a blood bathed cave!

He tied the curtains to let in some of the natural light, took off the pillow covers, and removed the bed sheets. Anne opened the windows to let in some fresh air.

After completing everything, they dumbly looked at each other. Looking at each other, they knew they were of the same mind. What was wrong with Arella's aesthetics? Why was the red so bright? Why were the candles nauseously sweet? Damn! Wasn't it all a little too much?

A few seconds later, Anne broke into a bell like laughter while Devon, too had a smile plastered on his face. Anne walked towards Devon, who naturally opened his arms to embrace her. At the back of their mind, both of them were grateful to Arella for her over the top efforts, but they did not need it.

Because both of them did not care about all these rules. To them, as long as both of them were together, it was alright. They did not require any validation or external support. Otherwise, would they hold such a mundane ceremony?

Arella was important to them, that is why they informed her, but the truth was, they were not waiting for her. Her presence had elevated their happiness. Just like her efforts in getting this room decorated, but to them, it was irrelevant. Even if Arella did not come, or if this room was not prepared, they would not mind.

To them, as long as there was a bed, everything was fine! Certainly, because they were tired and only wanted to sleep! Both of them have suffered since their birth, so they never craved the icing on the cake. As long as they had bread to fill their stomachs, it was more than enough. So, all these decorations had no meaning to them, but they truly were feeling blessed to have such a kind friend.

"Would Arella be disappointed to know that all her efforts went to waste and we ended up sleeping?" Anne quietly whispered as she lay quietly in Devon's arms on the bed.

"Are you feeling sorry for her, or are you hinting at something? Do you want me to do something?" Devon's sleep coated, low voice tickled Anne's ear.

"No. Tired. Later." Anne spoke with yawns in between.

"Okay." Devon hmmed, and then, both of them drifted into sleep.

They were exhausted. First, because in the excitement of getting married, neither of them slept the last night. And second, today, they were on edge the entire day because of Arella's sudden fainting. Only now, when they peacefully held each other, could they relax. And once relaxed, the numbing sleep overtook their senses, and both of them slept deeply.

 The next morning, when Anne and Devon descended the stairs, they found Arella setting up the breakfast. Hearing the noise, Arella looked up. A hint of surprise crossed her eyes.

"You are already up? So early?" Arella innocently asked.

Anne knew what she was hinting at, but she maintained a calm front, while Devon did not read between the lines at all.

They sat down and enjoyed a nutritious breakfast. Anne noticed that the soups they had in front of them, had a hint of herbs. So, she could not stop herself from asking.

"Why does it taste less like a soup and smell more like medicine?"

Arella coughed after listening to this. The cook hurriedly passed some water and helped her answer.

"Yesterday, when Sir heard that Madam fainted due to exhaustion, he sent these nutritious soups to build Madam's health." The cook politely explained.

Once the cook was out of sight, Arella briskly whispered,

"These soups are tasteless! And he has sent so much of it! I do not think I can finish the batch alone! So, I kindly asked her to prepare some for you two!" Arella had a schadenfreude smile on her face. Inwardly, she was praising herself for such a witty way out!

"What! If you want us to leave, then say so! Why use such underhanded techniques!" Anne playfully remarked.

"You cannot leave! Not till you help me finish this batch of soups! Good Anne, you cannot let me suffer right?" Arella played along.

"So, you drag me into the pool of suffering? I am a very loyal friend. Of course, I can lend a hand, but why drag my innocent husband? Isn't he just a passerby?" Anne skillfully responded.

Listening to 'my husband' flowing out so naturally from Anne's mouth, Devon felt pleased. He must have saved the world in his past life to have found Anne as his partner! He ardently thanked Beast God for his blessings.

Meanwhile, their banter continued. It was their way to have fun. Devon had long become used to their ways. So, without intervening, he only focused on his soup. The taste was indeed like medicine. But since it was sent down by the Major General, it must be effective. He quietly finished his bowl, and then, just as he was about to keep his spoon aside, another bowl made its way to him.

Surprised, he looked up. Only to find Anne staring at him with a pleading look.

"Husband, please help me with this. I am already full. I do not think I can finish it." Anne sweetly spoke.

Devon did not say anything, but he accepted her bowl.

Looking at them, Arella once again choked on her soup! Damn! Was Anne showing off in front of her? Wait till Adrian comes back! She would show off then!

And then, Anne, who was already full, filled her plate with the side dishes, happily munching on it!

Both Arella and Devon ignored her and focused on finishing their bowl of soups. Once done, the cook skillfully cleaned the table while all three of them sat in the living room.

"You are not planning on leaving, are you?" Arella voiced out her thoughts.

"We cannot leave. We haven't returned your favor yet," Devon spoke calmly.

"Favor, what favor?" Arella was confused.

"Oh! The bridal room that you prepared for us! We need to do something in return, too!" Anne smugly responded.

Arella could not help but laugh at the mention of the room. She had entrusted the helpers to prepare the room while she took the task of keeping them engaged upon herself.

But last night, when she checked the room, she was shocked! What was that? She could not explain in words! It was too blinding! She had only asked for a red quilt and some sweet candles. But why was everything covered in red? Damn! She wanted to change the setting, but it was too late, so she gave up! She would never ask her helpers to decorate any room in the future! She has learned her lesson!

"And how do you plan to return the favor?" Arella lightheartedly asked.

"By helping you train, of course!" Anne spoke seriously.