Anne’s devotion

Listening to Anne's words, Arella sighed. She regretted involving them. In an emotional outburst, she shared her thoughts, but later when rationality hit her, she became a little ashamed. Was she not being too greedy?

They were already in a hurry to perform the rituals so Devon could go and join his military duties. But what did she do? She ruined their wedding day and bridal night. And then, she told them about her intention of training!

Being good friends, of course, they would lend a hand, but at what cost? Why should they help her by delaying their important matters? Why should she drag them down? What right does she have to pull them into her mess?

"Do not take whatever I said yesterday seriously. I can train on my own. You guys leave and prepare for your departure." Arella spoke calmly. She should not delay them any further.

"Arella, you know we will not do that," Devon responded flatly.

A numbing silence took over.

"And have you not heard that it is easier to invite the devil than to ask him to leave?" Anne, in order to break the icy situation and lighten things up, spoke amusedly.

Anne knew how important this training was for her. She has seen her trying her utmost to improve her aptitude. But no matter how hard she tried, she always ended up failing.

And now, when she had found another direction, she was sure to give her all. Anne never understood her urgency. She could never grasp the reason behind her mad pursuit of power.

But last night, when Devon explained everything to her, she realized a little bit. Arella was not like her. Her passion was not dead. Her intention of training hard was justifiable because unlike her, Arella did not want to just live. Instead, Arella wanted to try, learn, fight, and grow. Anne truly admired her for that.

Anne had become orphaned at a very young age. To her, even earning a meal was nothing less than a fight. Where could she find the time to grow? She had a roof on her head, satisfactory beast coins in her account, a kind and loyal friend like Arella, and a loving husband like Devon. Thanks to Devon's protection, she never felt isolated, small, unwanted, or unloved.

But Arella was not like her. She was never loved. And now, when she was blessed by love, if she planed to grow stronger for her love, then it was absolutely rational. If she wanted to grow, then Anne would definitely try her best to uplift her. Even if that meant delaying their honeymoon or staying back a few more days.

Just a glance and Arella knew that Anne had fixed her mind. She could feel the onset of an incoming headache. Sometimes, Anne could be as stubborn as the infamous bull beast.

"Anne, I know you mean good. But truly, I am fine. I can handle this on my own." Arella tried to convince them.

"And I am already making progress! You do not have to stay back." She quickly added in order to sound more persuasive.

"In that case, show us what you have got, and if we are satisfied, we will not stay back. Fair?" Devon challengingly responded.

This…how was Arella supposed to react to this?

She looked at Anne for help but found her with a huge smile on her face!

Arella's eyes widened! Did she just fall into their trap? They knew she was not making any progress at all!

Deep down, she knew she needed help. And their proposal was indeed lucrative, but she still hesitated.

"Come on Arella! Okay, just for today. Let us train together, and we will leave tomorrow. One day will not harm any of us, right?" Looking at the hints of hesitation on Arella's face, Anne decisively spoke.

"I have to join the military tomorrow. I can directly go and report to the duties, while Anne can take care of the lodgings. Today, we are free. Let us begin." Devon sided with Anne and unilaterally decided on the next course of action.

"First things first. We need to test your tamer powers. I am a C ranked beast, so your powers will not work on me. Try it on Anne. We need more space. Let us head to the grasslands." As soon as Devon spoke, Anne blindly followed him out.

Arella mechanically walked behind them in a daze, thinking, when did she agree?

In the grasslands, they sat on the chairs. When Arella woke up from her daze, both Anne and Devon were expectantly looking at her!

Bewildered, Arella asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

Anne rolled her eyes while Devon sighed lightly.

"Do what you did to me in the forest." Devon's words sounded extremely ambiguous.

Anne turned her head and stared at him as if her eyes could throw daggers! If eyes could kill, then Devon would have been severely injured by now.

"Do not transfer any spiritual energy, and do not over drain yourself. Only channel enough power as if you are trying to heal her." Devon coughed and quickly added to drown the ambiguous words.

Arella held Anne's hand. Physical contact was necessary to heal. Just like that day, Arella tried to channel her powers in the palm of her hand. Both Devon and Anne maintained a pin drop silence. Anne could feel Arella's temperature rising, but that was that. Other than the change in temperature, she felt nothing.

After concentrating for a quarter of an hour, Arella opened her eyes. She did not have to ask, she knew that nothing had happened. She looked a little dejected.

Meanwhile, the cook arrived with some snacks and fresh drinks. After setting the table, she left. She had no intention of prying.

'Do not worry, it is just the beginning. We have the entire day." Anne supportingly comforted her.

Hour after hour, they tried. Arella was gradually losing hope. She herself could not feel her powers! Let alone someone else! While concentrating, she could feel a wave of heat traveling from her body to the center of her palm, but it was not strong enough. Too feeble. And the moment it reaches the center of her palm, it disappears.

This continued for another hour. The sun was upon their heads. And soon, it would be time for lunch. But they did not want to give up just like that. Anne knew that Arella was trying her best, but if she met setback after setback, she was sure to give up!

The first day of their training could not leave a negative imprint on her! Anne would not allow that! She knew that Arella was making progress. Although at a snail beast pace, surely she was moving! Anne could not feel her powers, but she could feel the change in temperature. Arella's hands were becoming warmer and warmer by every passing hour.

They needed to push Arella a little further. All of a sudden, a flash of understanding crossed her mind. Yes, indeed! Why did she not think of it at first?

All Arella needed was a stimulation! A strong one at that! Back then, during the attack of the Hound, in the forest, the situation was urgent. Devon was struggling with his life and death. That must have stimulated Arella and her powers!

Today, she needed another stimulation. A push. An urgency to try her best. What could that be? Anne's thoughts churned at a faster rate. She had to do something and do it fast. She could see disappointment dripping from Arella's face!

Anne's mind started looking around for something. Anything, that could help! As Anne took in the soundings, a bold thought crossed her mind.

She moved at a lightning fast speed, and before anybody could react, she picked up the knife from the table and cut a deep gash on her hand! Blood splattered on the entire table.

Arella watched all of this with wide eyes! What just happened?

Devon was quicker. He stood up and instantaneously checked up on her wound. The wound was too deep. Why did she have to be so ruthless? Complaint and distress appeared in his eyes.

Anne saw the silent complaint, but she had no other way out. The wound had to be deep. Otherwise, it would have been healed by her intrinsic tamer powers. She knew that she had acted recklessly. That is why she lowered her head and hid in his comforting arms. The pain was stronger than she had expected. She was already on the verge of shedding some tears.

Arella saw Anne hiding her face in Devon's arms. From her side, she could witness that Anne was biting her lips to stop herself from crying out loud. She shifted her eyes and noticed the distress in Devon's eyes.

All of this happened in a flash, within a mere fraction of a few seconds.

Arella hurriedly called out for the gardener cum healer.

"No Arella. You heal me." Anne looked at Arella and spoke with difficulty.