Omar’s Arrival

The next day, when Arella woke up, she felt a void within. The longing for Adrian amplified in the empty house. Earlier, Anne and Devon were here to distract her from the emptiness, but now, the silence was eating her out from the inside.

Keeping the thoughts of terribly missing Adrian at bay, she woke up and began her morning ritual. Checking Adrian's side on the bed, looking out of the window in search of his busy figure, being hit by reality and then becoming disappointed. All of this had become a part of her routine by now.

Disheartened, when she descended the stairs and made her way to the breakfast table, a black thing leapt straight into her arms, catching her off guard. Bewildered, she looked down, only to find two yellow pupils eerily staring at her.

This gaze should have sent chills down her spine, but instead, when the realization hit her, she bloomed into a smile. Because in her arms was the cat beast, Omar!

Taking her smiling face in, the stark black cat lazily nuzzled its head in her arms and found a cozy spot and sight comfortably.

The cook came out of the kitchen and found such a heartwarming union. A smile appeared on her face. Cheerily, she set the breakfast table for both the host and the adorable guest.

Noticing that the cook was almost ready with the preparations, the lazy black cat swiftly jumped out of the cozy arms and went to the living room. It was roaming with confidence, treating it as its own home.

Arella let it be. She massaged her numbs arms and then sat down to have her breakfast. As soon as she began, the chair next to her was pulled by short hands. Arella tilted her head curiously, only to find a little Omar struggling with the heavy chair. He was wearing a black cloak. Did he go out of her sight to change clothes? So cute!

Coughing slightly, the cook helped him out and let him properly get seated on the chair. When he sat on the chair, it was only his head that reached the table! A warm and fuzzy feeling erupted inside, both the cook and Arella after looking at such an adorable, quiet, and cute scene.

Unable to help herself, Arella stretched her hands and hugged the child.

"Did you miss me? Is that why you came to see me?" Arella gently pulled the child out of the chair and let him sit on the table. With his feet dangling in the air, he looked at the beaming girl and shyly nodded.

The cook, too, did not remain idle. She cleverly served him a plate full of delicious snacks and stuffed it in his hands.

"Thank you, Aunt," Enjoying the snacks, he showed a toothy smile.

"So polite, huh?" Arella amusingly asked. She found it hard to associate this clean, quiet, and adorable child with that black lethargic, and impolite cat.

"Hmm. They said that sister and aunt are good and I should treat them well." The child softly responded while taking a mouthful of the snacks.

Witnessing the satisfied child heartily munching on the snacks, Arella, picked a few from the plate and ate it with relish. One should know that the cook was very disciplined when it came to the meals.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner had nothing but nutritious meals. And not to forget that bowl of soup! At the breakfast table, it was extremely rare to have snacks. The snacks were strictly reserved for the supper.

"Madam, please do not forget to finish your soup." The cook noticed that the soup was untouched. So she calmly reminded her.

Damn! Think of the devil! Arella downheartedly left the snacks and took the bowl of the tasteless soup. Why did Adrian have to send so much of the soup? Distracting herself, she looked at the obedient child happily eating the snacks.

"They asked you to be good to us? Who? Your parents?" Arella curiously asked.

"No." The child softly spoke.

"Huh? Then who else?" Arella queried while trying to finish the soup as soon as possible.

"The Scott family elders."

Omar's quiet voice loudly reverberated in Arella's ears. Her eyes widened, and a coughing stroke consumed her senses. The cook quickly passed her a glass of water and then retreated to the kitchen once Arella's breathing was stabilized.

Listening to the voice, Omar finally raised his buried head from the plate. He noticed that due to the intense coughing, Arella's cheeks were painted with a slight redness, and her eyes had become a little misty. Inwardly he thought, 'sister really looks pretty. No wonder they like her so much!'

Overcoming the coughing fit and shock that Omar's words gave her, Arella looked up.

"The Scott family elders? Where did they meet you?" Arella queried. She knew that Omar could see ghosts and spirits. So, if he mentioned the Scott family's ancestors, that meant he must have met their spirits recently.

"They came to me a few days ago." The nonchalant child was not aware of the pressure his casual words had put on his pretty sister.

"And…and what did they say?" Arella inquired curiously. So far, she has always been good to Adrian. And she did not do anything to anger them.

And she could not think of anything that could have been a reason for their dissatisfaction. Then why did they want to meet her? Could it be for a formal meeting of the elders ceremony? Were they here to give her the blessings? Arella was filled with fear, doubts, and thoughts.

"They wanted to help you train." Omar childishly looked at her fearful expression and obediently responded.

"They wanted to come earlier, but two days ago, they said that you had some friends over. So, we could only visit today." He seriously spoke.

"Train? Are…are they here with you?" Arella's core was vibrating at an alarming rate.

"Yes, they are sitting with us on the breakfast table." Omar looked into the opposite chair, indicating that they were sitting with them at the moment.

Arella's shock doubled. With trembling eyes, she looked at the empty chairs in front of her. Then, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself down first! A few breaths later, she opened her eyes which now had a shred of clarity.

She knew she had not done anything wrong till now. She had not offended any elder. There was no way to be fearful of them. If they meant any harm. They would not have accompanied Omar so quietly.

She stood up from her chair, bowed politely in front of the empty chairs, and then, spoke calmly.

"Greeting Ancestors. Hope you are doing well. Your daughter in law is honored to have you here. If I have offended you in any way, please let it go. Adrian is in the military area. If you need anything, please let me know. And the gates of this place are always open for you."

Once done, she bowed again.

"They said, no need to be so formal. You should sit and continue having your meal." Omar said lightly.

Arella sat down again, burying her face in the bowl of the soup. So, this bratty child was being so obedient because he knew from the start that elders were here!

"Oh! Madam said that she likes the little changes who have made to this place. She was bored of seeing the same decorations after visiting so many times. According to her, this place needed a little touch up." Omar murmured once again.

"Thank you." Arella awkwardly thanked Omar.

"How many elders are there?" Arella pursed her lips and whispered lightly. Omar had just claimed that the Madam liked it. So, how many elders had visited them today?

"Three. Two beasts and one tamer." Omar unhurriedly responded.


"Oh!" Arella sighed. Three elders! Two beasts and one tamer. And all from the Scott family. They might be dragons! It's better to lay low! Arella was thinking about her next course of action when suddenly a thought flashed in her head!

She quickly tilted her head towards Omar and quietly asked him.

"Should I prepare some offerings for them? Like incensed meals or something? Is there something they like?" 

"No. No. They do not consume meals when they are in the spirit form. They can eat whatever they want once they get up," Omar carelessly sprouted.

"On…once they get up?" Fear crept up her core, and a cold sweat broke out of her head. What was Omar talking about? Could Scott family's ancestors have the ability to rise from the dead? Crawling out of their graves?

"Yes." Omar nodded.

"Fro…from the grave?" Arella uneasily uttered.

"Huh?" A mark of confusion appeared in Omar's innocent eyes.

"Aren't they dead?" Arella hesitantly inquired.

 Listening to her question, Omar stared at her strangely.

Unknown to her, three pairs of eyes were also staring at her, with mirth dancing in their eyes.

Omar sighed softly and then spoke in a mature and serious tone as if reprimanding her.

"Sister, not all those who roam are ghosts. And not all ghosts are dead."

Sister is pretty, but she is not very smart.