Scott Family’s Ancestors

"Huh?" Omar's words were beyond Arella's scope of comprehension. Did he mean to say, that the elders were not dead and what sat in front of her were not ghosts?

Omar's body quivered a little at this moment startling Arella. She instinctively reached out to hold him, but as soon as she met his gaze, she stilled.

Omar straightened up on his own. He jumped down from the table and looked up at Arella with a profound gaze and noble bearing. His hands reached his back, crossed, posed as a tyrant, and he stood straight as a pole.

Such an imposing manner, on a cute child should have looked laughable, but Arella could not laugh at all because she felt a faint power lingering around the small stature of Omar's body.

"Greetings, daughter in law. We witnessed that you desired to train your senses. Though your friends had good intentions, what unfolded in front of us revealed that they were incapable of lending a helping hand to you." Omar's childish but strong voice reverberated in the area.

"Since we find that you indeed have a possibility of a breakthrough, we have decided to share a blessing. Consider this as our meeting gift." Omar spoke seriously and raised his right hand in the air, as if trying to touch Arella's head.

But Omar was short and Arella was too dazed to have realized his true intentions. So, she stood still, staring at his raised hand.

Noticing that the girl did not move, Omar lowered his extended hand and brought it at his back once again.

"Are there any questions?" Omar sprouted seriously and loudly as if addressing an army.

The booming voice brought the dazed girl to her senses. Before she could express her queries, Omar's body trembled once again. This time, learning from the past, Arella did not help him. And just as she had expected, Omar's body straightened up on its own.

When he looked at her, a blooming smile appeared on his face and he cheerfully walked in her direction, happily holding her hands.

"Oh! It's so great to meet you dear! I am your Grand Aunt! Adrian sure is lucky to have you! You know, at first, I thought I would never be blessed to have a daughter in law! Oh! That's because you know how Adrian is!" Omar continued in a cheery voice.

"No tamer could reach his eyes! So you should know how surprised I was when he brought you here! And what a beautiful surprise indeed! Oh! And if you have any questions, direct them to me!" Then, Omar stopped and leaned in toward Arella.

"You know, these folks with me do not know how to talk to a commoner. They have been in the army for too long! So, simply ask me whatever is troubling you dear!" Omar whispered lightly.

Arella knew that ghosts and spirits could occupy Omar's body. So she knew that these should be the ancestors taking turns talking to her through his body.

Listening to the cheery voice, she relaxed a little. Honestly, the person before had a terrifying temper and a strong sense of presence, making her a little afraid. 

Arella at this time, had a lot of queries. Which ancestors were they? Had Adrian met them? Why did they never appear before? Why help her train? And what blessing were they talking about? But first things first. So Arella shot her first question towards the amicable person occupying Omar's body.

"Are you dead?" This was the only question that was bugging her at the moment! She wanted to know what Omar meant by his previous words. For other inquiries, she could ask them later!

 "Oh! No, no, no dear! What a marvelous misunderstanding you have there! We are not dead. We are just asleep. Frankly, I do not blame you for not knowing. Not many people, on this planet have the knowledge and aptitude for reaching our level." Omar spoke in a joyful manner. His eyes sparkled as he showed his toothy grin.

"Just asleep?" Instead of reaching clarity, the ancestor's answer had made things more hazy for her. What did Omar mean by just asleep?

"That is, for us, the body is but a limitation. Our soul has enough spiritual energy to separate it from the body, thus breaking free of its limitations. So, we prefer to stay in our soul form. Our bodies are still asleep deep in the forest while we roam in our spirit form." The ancestor in Omar's body gently and patiently explained the things and then took her to the living room while speaking.

Arella followed Omar. He sat down on the sofa. Thankfully, it was not high for a little child like him. So, he sat comfortably. Arella too, sat next to him.

'So, our senses are being limited by the organs. Nicholas was right.' Arella mumbled under her breath.

"What dear?" The polite ancestor heard her voice and asked curiously.

"Umm, why are you here to help me train? And what about Adrian? Have you met him?" Arella diverted by asking another question.

"Adrian, tsk, tsk! That person is so stubborn! He does not believe in depending on others! Always focusing on getting things done by himself! He just will not allow us to help him at all! He makes me so helpless!" Omar crossed his hands in front of his chest and pouted to show his dissatisfaction with Adrian.

Despite the strangeness, Arella found it a little amusing.

"And, he does not have the will to break through! But you, my dear! You have potential! Even the other two folks became satisfied with you when they saw it!" Omar happily looked at her with proud and shiny eyes.

It made Arella a little uncomfortable though.

"The will? Adrian does not have it but I do?" Arella hesitantly inquired.

"Hmm. Adrian, how should I put it? He never wanted to become powerful. He had a strong beast who forced him to become better. Adrian himself never had any intention. He lived for the sake of living. He never showed any interest in anything after the death of his parents. So we only looked at him from a distance." Omar had a dejected expression on his face as if, he was truly saddened.

Arella had an impulse to pat his back, but as soon as she raised her hand, the expression on Omar's face changed. He looked at her with wild joy!

"Oh! But you are so different! You really want to improve! You have a will and what's pleasing is, that you indeed have a beast that can become stronger! But your body is too weak! It does not have the means to support your beast at all!" Omar's words came as a shock to Arella because even Nicholas had said the same thing to her before! That her body was weak!

"So, that is why we are here, to bless you! Oh! For ages, we have not had any new Scott members on our team! But you do have a chance!" Omar excitedly held Arella's hand as he spoke elatedly.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Arella retracted her hand from Omar's clutches. This was a lot to process! She needed a minute to handle the inflow of the information! So, Adrian never wanted to improve?

His parent's death must have left him in shambles! And he had nobody to depend on! Arella's core ached for Adrian. For a moment, she wanted to go and find Adrian and hold him in her embrace! All those years after his parent's death, how did he live? 

Then, there is this impossible attention to her weak body. Why was everybody so adamantly claiming that her body was weak? She did not feel that weak at all! She had the stamina and could walk for hours! What else did they expect from her body?

And did they say that nobody from the Scott family has joined them for ages? Does that mean that Adrian's parents have died too? Don't they have the power to let their bodies sleep and roam in spirit form?

Also, what was about this blessing that they spoke of?

Arella's mind had started hurting by the mind boggling queries that roamed in her head and haunted her core! She wanted to know everything! And as soon as possible to calm down her wandering thoughts!

"What is a blessing?" She curiously asked.

"Oh! It's a fraction of our energy! We, at our level, can breathe our spiritual energy into living clansmen. But it can only be given to those who have the beast to handle it. Fortunately, you do!" Omar toothily broke out the good news to her.

"But, I cannot feel my beast!" Arella faintly whispered.

"Just because you cannot feel it, does not mean it doesn't exist. It's inside you, waiting for an opportunity to wake up. But your body cannot support it. That is why we are here!" Omar quickly as he looked at Arella with sparkling eyes.

Okay. So, their blessing is the spiritual energy that can make her body stronger. One thing got cleared. 

So, she moved on to the next thing that was haunting her the most.