The Rejection

"What about Adrian's parents? Are they really dead? Or are they like you? Roaming around with their physical bodies lying asleep?"

She wanted to know it for Adrian! Was there a way to bring back his parents and let him meet them? In that case, could Adrian find a little solace?

An awkward glint appeared in Omar's eyes.

"They are really dead. Adrian's mother was weak and being with a dragon impacted her negatively, sucking her life force. So, when…anyway, they could not improve their aptitude and died, resting eternally." Omar softly spoke.

Arella noticed that there was something that the elder did not want to share with her. She did not mean to pry.

But the ancestor's words had confused her. Being with a dragon impacted her negatively, sucking her life force? Then, her body must have become weak. But their blessing could provide strength to her weak body, right?

"What about the blessing? Did you try it on them? Could it not have saved them from their demise?" Arella spoke fervently.

A guilty expression glinted in Omar's eyes and his body quivered once again.

Straightening up, Omar looked at Arella. She knew that this was a different ancestor. Because though he had a faint lingering power around, it did not feel so oppressive as before. And his eyes were as calm as a still sea as if nothing could faze him.

"They were not worth our blessing. It would have been wasted on them." Omar spoke decisively.

Arella's eyes widened at his callous response! What did this elder mean by being wasted? A creepy thought made its way to her mind.

"Does it mean that you did not even try helping them?" Arella asked as her body trembled a little.

"Like I said, it was not worth our efforts," Omar spoke certainly.

Waves of shock traveled through Arella. So, did it mean that they left Adrian all alone when he needed them the most? They let his parents die just like that? And why can not she find a trace of regret in his words? Does this elder not regret it at all?

A mask of clarity appeared in her eyes. What if Adrian already knew them? What if he knew that they never helped? Was it because of this he never allowed them to intervene in his life?

Moreover, could these elders even be trusted? No. They had just appeared in front of her for the first time. They never came to visit when Adrian was around. Is their visit a part of their well thought out plan? Could it be intentional?

They callously rejected Adrian's parents for not being worthy. So, how could a mere tamer like her have their blessings?

"I appreciate your willingness to share your blessing with me. But, I am afraid, that I too, am not worthy of it. So, please, I request you to not appear in front of me again. And in case, you have something to share, please do so in the presence of my husband." Arella had made up her mind.

No, she did not want their blessings. Omar could see ghosts and spirits, but could he differentiate between malevolent and benevolent spirits? He was just a naïve child? He could be coaxed with a few offerings!

How could she, a grown up, trust any entity? That too somebody she could not even see with her own eyes? Just because they are from the Scott family does not show that they mean well!

She should be wary of them! She should speak with Adrian first! She had to speak to Adrian before accepting anything from these so called ancestors! She did not find them trustworthy. So, that is why, she was determined to reject their blessing.

Though it looked tempting, how could something so tempting be easy to receive? There must be something wrong with it! She cannot blindly believe whatever they tell her! She should not trust their words so easily!

Unknown to her, a pleasing smile appeared on Omar's otherwise stoic face. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

A loud noise distracted Arella from her chain of thoughts and before Arella could understand anything, darkness covered her senses and she fell unconscious on the sofa.

"She is good. Worthy of carrying the name of the Scott family! How pleasing! Alert, practical, and know how to judge a situation calmly. Not like that impulsive father of Adrian's!" Omar silently expressed his thoughts. And then, his body trembled.

"Hmm. We cannot follow her wishes. Adrian would never allow her to have any contact with us. He still thinks that we could have saved his parents. I still remember that night when his mother died. He was so young but full of fighting spirit. But sadly, we could not do anything. His mother, I am afraid, did not have it in her to reach greatness." Omar's body shook once again.

"Yes, she did not. And because of her, even Adrian's father rejected the glory destined to be his. His parents were suicidal. Nobody could have saved them. But he still believes that it was because of our lack of involvement that they died. Since then, he has treated us as his enemies. He has got his father's stubbornness. If only, he or his father could listen to us." Omar's short body shivered again.

"Oh dear! Please forgive us! We want to respect your wishes but we do not have any other options. We are running out of time. The next eclipse is around the corner. You need to grow stronger as soon as possible. You are a good seedling and we are afraid that if not guided well in time, you will be lost." Omar's body quavered again and then straightened up soon.

"It is strange that you possess such a strong beast but such a weak body. Thankfully, we found out in time. Otherwise, you would have lived your life in obscurity." Omar stoically mentioned.

Then he extended his right hand and rested it on the head of the unconscious Arella.

"By the power vested in my soul, I, Elias Scott, the Fire Dragon, willingly bless Arella Scott with a stronger body." Omar expressionlessly spoke and then, through his little hand, a golden light shot out and surrounded Arella's unconscious figure.

Once the glow died down, his little body fluttered gently. Straightening up, his hand remained on Arella's head as he opened his mouth and uttered solemnly.

"By the power vested in my soul, I, Rubius Scott, the Minokawa, willingly bless Arella Scott with stronger senses." A blue light emerged from Omar's small hand and it wrapped Arella in its entirety. Once it evaporated, Omar's body shivered again.

"By the power vested in my soul, I, Amelia Scott, the Nine Headed Serpent, willingly bless Arella Scott with sharper thinking abilities." Omar cheerfully spoke and a green light appeared from his extended hand, covering Arella's body.

Once the green light disappeared, Omar walked to the kitchen.

There, in the middle of the kitchen, stood the cook, as still as a statue. Omar snapped his fingers and the still body started breathing as if, someone had breathed life into a statue. Thanks to Amelia's stonification, she could proceed without any uninvited intervention or hindrance from the cook.

With their work done, the cook was back to normal. The three ancestors made sure that the cook was doing okay without any repercussions. Once content, Omar then walked back into the living room. He calmly sat on the sofa, and then his body tiredly fell on the soft sofa sleeping soundly.

"Oh! The poor baby must be exhausted because of our continuous transitions! He has helped us a lot today! We must treat him well, reciprocating the kindness!" A cheery voice of Amelia could be heard in the living room. After speaking she looked at the stoic figure of Elias and hinted something.

Sighing lightly, Elias gave in to Amelia's demands. He breathed a pure blue fire in the air. Once the blue flames died down an amulet appeared in his transparent hands. He gave it to Amelia who happily wrapped it around Omar's neck.

"This will stop the spirits and ghosts from entering his body without his will," Rubius spoke after observing the amulet.

"Yes, my husband is the best!" Amelia elatedly held Elias' hand.

Rubius looked at them and sighed softly. Truthfully, he was past envying them. There were times when he could not blame Adrian's father for rejecting his ascension. A life without a partner was long.

What if he had met his destined half before? Would he give up on his ascension for her too? To this day, he does not know.

The three roaming spirits were satisfied with today's outcome. They made sure that Arella and Omar were sleeping comfortably.

As they waited, the cook's hurried steps could be heard in the silent room. She came to the living room, only to find both Arella and Omar fast asleep. She found a blanket and covered them gently letting them rest.

Noticing this, the three spirits, namely, Elias Scott, Amelia Scott, and Rubius Scott, floated out of the house, back to their lovely forest.

In their cores, they knew, that they would have to wake up soon. The eclipse was around the corner. They have lived in the forest for longer than they had intended. It was time to go back home.