Jinx (2)

"And for your kind information, today is one of my hard earned days off," Adrian smirked. Pure happiness dripped from his face.

Arella too, became happy to hear that, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

They teased each other a little bit before heading to the dining room. It was time to have lunch. Due to their rendezvous and late nights, Adrian had stocked their bedroom with dry fruits, nutritional syrups, and biscuits. So, even if they missed breakfast, they were not starving.

They ate their lunch in peace and went back to their cozy room. On the balcony, basking in the Sun, they sat next to each other and busied themselves with their own tasks.

He read a book while she chatted with Anne. She wanted to ask if they had found a good house to settle down or not. But what Anne told her stopped her in the tracks. She shot an inquisitive stare at the man engrossed in the book.

Catching her eyes, he lowered the book and asked what the matter was.

"Anne said that you have helped them settle down in the barracks?" She asked with a hint of curiosity. As far as she knew, she never said anything about Devon and Anne's situation to him. And he too, never spoke on his own accord. Then why?

"Hmm, I only said that they were my acquaintances. Nothing much." He picked up the book again and started reading it.

Arella pondered over his words. His one sentence has made Anne and Devon's life easier. According to Anne, they not only got a good house but were also not bullied like their companions. Nobody dared to make fun of them. And even Devon had it easier in his troop. As per her, they owed him big time. 

Thinking of Adrian's consideration, warmth flooded her body. Devon and Anne were the only people who had been with her for a long time. They were like the part of her extended family now. So, finding that Adrian had been pulling some strings for them, made Arella feel sweet.

She walked and sat down in his arms. Wounding her arms around his neck, she gave a quick kiss and then stopped moving, letting him read his precious book.

After a few minutes, he sighed and lowered the book, keeping it aside. He held her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"You are distracting me." He muttered under his breath.

"Should I move away?" She did not want to, but if that is what he wanted then she would.


Arella's lips twitched at his crisp denial.

"I am trying really hard to distract myself from thinking about you. But you are making it harder for me." He kissed her neck as he shared his predicament.

When she sat down, she realized that his member was still erect. To her, it had become normal by now. Seems like he was always ready for her.

"Then why not take advantage of me?" Her hands mischievously stoked his firm abs.

He stopped her hands for their exploration and said deeply, "No Arella. Let's make a deal. Let's restrict it to two times a day, okay? The frequency at which we are going is not good for your health." He stated calmly.

Though he knew that his body was always in need of her and she always catered to him, such a thing was not a long term solution. It was better to exercise some restraint.

She sat straight and looked at his lowered head. She quickly uplifted his face.

"Have you not noticed? I am much stronger than before. I am not a doll. I will not break down." She spoke slowly with determination.

He could feel her sincerity. Her eyes radiated with trust and confidence. Was her eyes always this bright? Lately, her eyes have become brighter and brighter, like jewels blindingly shining in the dark night.

"Maybe it is because of the stir of my Beast, or the blessing of the ancestors, but I feel stronger now. Enough to cater to your urges without feeling weak or drained. So do not worry, okay?" She patiently explained.

"Maybe, but it is better to be cautious. Doing it twice a day should be enough." He alertly ignored her real meaning.

"Are you sure, two times would be enough?" She blatantly stared at his face with a burning passion. The member below her was twitching fervently as if finding a warm cave to bury itself in.

"Thrice." He sexily spoke before kissing her intensely. He was looking for respite in her mouth. She catered to him without complaining.

After a moment of passion, his senses calmed down a little, but his member remained steadfastly straight.

She looked at him with a query, but he only requested her to ignore it for now. He should not exploit her. Nights were enough. He was certain that if he took her now, then it would be midnight by the time they were done.

It is better to let it remain that way and exercise some constraints.

"You wanted to tell me something. What was that about?" He still remembered it. There was something she wanted to tell him a few days ago. Listening to her now would be a great excuse to distract him from any other thoughts.

"Ah, about that," Arella was reminded of her resolution of tackling one problem at a time. Hmm, his beauty was indeed a distraction. For a few days, she had forgotten about everything else. And he claimed that she was distracting him!

She seriously mulled over her issues. There were basically three, first checking the truth behind the things Stella had said in the healing center. Second, Nicholas' words, and third, her resolution of becoming powerful.

Now that she had become stronger and her Beast had somehow stirred, it was better to put the third point to the last priority. She finally decided to first share Stella's words with him.

So she did. She reminded him of the day of her accident. She also shared that according to Stella's words, maybe she was not the real daughter of William's family. Logically thinking, only Arthur, the stepmother, and Stella should be privy to the information.

During the monologue, she noticed that he had gone absolutely silent. He was eerily quiet since she began her narration. She looked at his eyes and was taken aback. 

Why were his eyes redder? She touched his hands to provide some comfort, but to her astonishment, his fingers were clenched as a fist.

He hit the nearby table, making a loud bang. He gritted his teeth as he said, "How dare she? How dare she call you a jinx? I will let her know who the real jinx is!"